Patience is the key to success.

Walking is a fentastic activity to help boost weight loss and feel better. It is free low impact and youcan do it anywhere.Regular walking means your body your body burns more calories,which can help to boost your weight loss and have a positive effect on health and fitness  compared to dieting alone.

Other benefit of walking: Helps to strenghten your bones and muscles, increase aerobic fitness , lower your blood pressure. It does not only benefit of weight lossbut it is free. It does not need any special equipment .Its is environmentally friendly.It can be done almost anywhere.

How much should you walk to lose weight:

When you want to lose weight  brisk walking of 30 to 90 minutes and total time of 150minutes for the week. You should walk in the moderate intensity exercise zone to 60 to 70 percent of your heart rate. If you are new to walking get started with shorter periods of walking and steadily build up your walking time. Try not to skip one day in a row. Consistency is good for burning calories and improving your metabolism.

According to medical research the average person needs to  burn 3500calories to lose one pound by decreasing  the amount of calories you eat or increasing your physical activity to burn that many calories or a combination of the two. A  person burns more calories walking at a brisk pace compared to walking more slowely.  Wearing a weight vest while walking encourage a person's body to work harder during walk.

Wearing  a weighted vest that weighed more than his weight would burn morethan 10% calories. A person should speak to his doctor before sting a weighted vest.  TO help increse calories burn, a person should walk uphill regularly. While walking focus on tightening their abdominal muscle and glutes.  People can do this during entire walk or for short intervals.

 How you can walk off belly fat.
Walking is an effect way to get in shape and burn fat. Walking can help to reduce overall fat.(ncluding belly fat) which is one of the most dangerous types of fat,is also one of the easiest to lose. The key is staying consistent and walking in the right heart rate zone to maximise calorie and fat burns.

Targeting bely fat.
Burning more calories than you're consuming is the primary object weightloss  is the first sign of losing belly fat, for which you should have a healthy, well balanced diet and steping up your step count consisitently.For some, belly fat might be lost area of the body to notice the result. There are some methods for losing fat and trimming waisline

Fat burning zone.
To maximise your weight loss, walk in the correct heart rate zone i.e. 60 to 70% of maximum heart rate and try to burn 7-12 calories per minute. Duration of walking in the key factor to reduce belly fat. Intensity is low to moderate, you have to make sure your workouts are long enough (atleast 45minutes to an hour) there by fat is burned instead of corbohydrates.  As the workout duration increases, sugar and stored carbs are burned first, when there are depleted body become more efficient.

Always you workouts in a fasted state in the morning, your body touse your fat as an energy source for your work out. Increase the duration of walking morethan an hour you get more fit and feel the waist line results you are seeking. If weight loss is your primary concern increase the intensity 1 to 2 times per week can give you an extra boost . Not morethan two sessions per week is recommended since higher intensity exercises places more stress on joints and require more recovery between sessions to avoid injury

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