How to make walking less boring.

How to make walking less boring.

    Anything that you do repeatedly, can be boring. However, people who really have less knowledge about the benefits of walking may have the excuse of being bored. You can make walking very interesting.

Why you should walk. 

    It has many health benefits.  Research shows that walking 7000 steps a day increases your chances of living a long life by 50-70% and walking just 2000 steps longer than you have now will reduce your risk of heart disease by 8%.

How to make walking Fun.

    Walking is an exercise that is easy to follow.  But day by day the image is considered to be boring. But how to make walking desirable by your effort. Your walking will be much better if you follow some tips. 

  1. Choose different routes whenever you can, and explore different parts of the neighborhood- be a tourist in your own city and explore the place on foot!
  2. Change your daily routine slightly and take a different path.  Get to know many different facts you may not know.
  3. Take pictures: Photograph interesting events that surprise you while walking with your mobile phone like sunrise or birds flying etc. and enjoy sharing with others. 
  4. Record your favorite songs and enjoy.  A friend of mine in the park is playing songs on Alexa and makes that song so loud that everyone can enjoy it.  We don't feel fatigue.
  5. Join some friends to avoid a walking battle. If you walk with them you will not know the call. 
  6. Walk in  different timings. Try to change your walking time frequently. If you are walking at 0800 AM, get up before sunrise and walk or postpone after 0900AM. It's amazing to see how pleasant the morning is.
  7. Use a Pedometer. Guess how many steps it takes to walk a certain distance. Track your steps and provide rewards for accomplishment.
  8. Pick a color while you leave your home and find that color wherever it appears.
  9. Trace what is new on your way, new on that day.
  10. Pray, Meditate and work on Gratitude. Walking can be a solitary activity ,it can be the least distracting time of the day to pray, meditate, or work on Gratitude. Your mind focuses on spiritual and positive things, your walking becomes more than exercise.

How to get started

    It's  important to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any walking program. You should be careful if you are taking medications or any medical condition, more specifically feeling dizzy, faint or short breath while walking. Consult your doctor if you develop any pain in your upper body. Understand your body and walk safely to prevent injuries. Walking buddy who can double as your accountability partner to help you stay motivated.
    Your walking speed gradually  decreases as your age increases. According to research walking speed decreases slightly each year as you age. This averages out to a difference of 1.2 minutes slower for every kilometer (.62 mile) at age 60 than at age 20.

Here’s a table that shows average walking speeds as we age:

  Age.  Meters/second    Miles/hour

20 to 29     1.34 to 1.36.     3.0 to 3.04

30 to 39     1.34 to 1.43.     3.0 to 3.2

40 to 49     1.39 to 1.43.     3.11 to 3.2

50 to 59     1.31 to 1.43.     2.93 to 3.2

60 to 69     1.24 to 1.34.     2.77 to 3.0

70 to 79     1.13 to 1.26.     2.53 to 2.82

80 to 89     .94 to .97      2.10 to 2.17

Walking is an ideal form of exercise for all ages and easy to do and can be done anywhere.

Average walking speed by sex

    On average, men walk faster than women, with the speeds between the sexes being most similar when people are in their 20s. Both men and women have a walking speed that stays fairly consistent until reaching their 60s, which is when it starts to decline considerably.
    This difference could be because many older adults don’t get the recommended amount of weekly physical activity. In general, women are less likely than men to get the recommended amount of weekly physical activity.

This table shows the difference in walking speed by sex and age:

Age.          Sex     Meters/second  Miles/hour

20 to 29     Male.             1.36.               3.04 
                    Female   1.34.               3.0
30 to 39     Male.             1.43.               3.2
                    Female   1.34.               3.0
40 to 49     Male           1.43          3.2
                    Female   1.39          3.11
50 to 59     Male           1.43          3.2
                    Female   1.31.               2.93
60 to 69     Male           1.34.            3.0
                    Female   1.24          2.77
70 to 79     Male           1.26          2.82
                    Female   1.13          2.53
80 to 89     Male.             0.97          2.17
                    Female   0.94          2.10

What is a brisk pace?

    Trusted sources say that Walking at a brisk pace of 100 steps per minute or 3 to 3.5 miles per hour, means you’ll be walking faster than you would normally. A brisk pace is relative since it refers to your level of exertion, which depends on your fitness level. In order for it to be considered a brisk pace, you need to raise your heart and breathing rate. You may feel slightly out of breath or sweaty when walking briskly.
    You can use an app or a speedometer to measure your speed. Or you can measure your heart rate using a pulse monitor, fitness band, or calculator Trusted Source. Brisk walking, makes you breathe harder and faster, and supports healthy blood flow.
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise each week.
    The faster you walk, the better. You can work on speeding up your walking pace by working on your technique. This includes improving your posture, stride, and arm motion. Wear comfortable athletic shoes and clothing that allows for optimum movement.

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