Adopt a vegan lifestyle as Veganuary to Encourage healthy life

Adopt a Vegan Lifestyle as Veganuary to Encourage Healthy Life

A UK NGO runs the yearly challenge known as Veganuary. By enticing people to adopt a vegan lifestyle for the entire month of January, it raises awareness of and provides information on veganism. Every year since the event started in 2014, more people have taken part. 400,000 individuals joined up for the 2020 campaign.

How to Prepare and Participate

Although it will already be a little bit into January. it's never too late to participate or start making preparations for the following year. Visit to formally sign up. Absolutely free! The information, recipes, and more that are available to registered users are all free. Every registration counts because the statistics demonstrate to decision-makers and leaders that there is a widespread willingness to embrace (or at least try) a vegan diet.

Adopt A Plant Based Response

During our 2022 campaign, Veganuary encouraged and supported more than 620,000 people to try being vegan. Over 220 nations and territories registered participation, including over 65,000 from India. Through our engagement with national and international media, we will continue to collaborate with businesses to increase the availability of vegan cuisine in stores and restaurants. Of course, we'll help you on your vegan journey by providing you with more Indian material and useful guidance.


Involvement in Veganuary has grown in popularity, with an increase in participants each year:

  • 12,800 individuals in 2015
  • 23,000 individuals in 2016
  • 50,000 individuals in 2017
  • 168,000 individuals in 2018
  • 250,000 persons in 2019
  • 400,000 people by 2020
  • 2021: 582,538 individuals
  • 2022: 629,000 individuals

There are numerous justifications for why people decide to take part in Veganuary. Some people choose to become vegans for moral or ethical reasons, while others do so for environmental or health benefits. Whatever the motivation, leading a vegan lifestyle has many wonderful advantages!

Losing weight is one of the many advantages of becoming vegan. A vegan diet is high in fibre, which can help you feel fuller for longer, and naturally lower in calories and fat than a meat-based diet. Vegan diets are also a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can enhance your general health.

Substitute to Animal Food. 

Get to know these ingredients for a "Veganuary" that doesn't skimp on flavour.
VE Eggs, by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Evidently, giving up omelettes and boiled eggs is a need for veganism. However, eggs are also utilised in a variety of different recipes, particularly the sweet foods that you might find difficult to give up.

You may make delectable chocolate cakes by substituting eggs with cornstarch or aquafaba
The thick water is made from boiled garbanzo beans.
 Avocado, which benefits from its smooth texture and generally neutral flavour,
 Another fruit purée that works well for pastries and baking.

Dairy goods

Rice milk, coconut milk, almond milk, etc. Plant-based milk is often lower in calories and can be easily incorporated into sweet or savoury recipes, even though the taste isn't quite the same as cow's milk. For instance, you may prepare pancakes mixed with soy or oat milk.

Coconut cream, silken tofu, and soy yoghurt all have a texture and flavour that are comparable to those of regular cream.

Veganuary was blamed for a decline in UK pub sales in January 2019.

According to Von Mossner. The campaign's "strict emphasis on food rather than on other parts of the vegan lifestyle and philosophy" is another potential area for criticism.  He also emphasizes the "fun" and generally upbeat tone of the advertising materials, which feature cute and "often named animals" with phrases like "Save tiny Eric—Try Vegan this January" rather than pictures of animal brutality.

According to Tobias Leenaert, one reason the campaign is so well-liked may be that its promoters chose to emphasize "testing" veganism rather than "becoming vegan," 

As there is a huge cash receipt of animal products is to be compensated prior to converting people to Veganuary.

Farmers' sales of livestock, dairy, and poultry account for over half of U.S. agricultural cash receipts. Since 2015, cash receipts from animal products have exceeded $160 billion per year.

Therefore, the outcomes of animal tests and the medications developed as a result are beneficial to domestic, farm, and wild animals. In addition to many more, examples include anaesthetics, antibiotics, vaccinations, and painkillers. A vaccine that was initially created using monkey cells has almost completely eradicated polio.

The following are the global crisis that requires urgent attention worldwide, rather than Veganuary.

Natural resources are finite, and the following negative effects may result from their negligent or excessive consumption:

  • Deforestation/Desertification
  • species extinction
  • compelled migration
  • Land erosion
  • Oil dwindling
  • decrease in ozone
  • Greenhouse gas production rises
  • extreme dynamism
  • hydrogenation of water
  • Natural threat/natural catastrophe
  • Mineral and metal extinction

Numerous crises that cross are putting hundreds of millions of youngsters in danger of losing their health and their future prospects. Years of advancement are being undone, and in every country, insecurity, unrest, and uncertainty are growing.

The world cannot ignore these five child-related concerns in 2022.

1) Hunger

In 43 countries around the world, 45 million people are currently in danger of famine.
Children in food-insecure regions of Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East are unsure of where they will get their next meal.

Millions of people are on the verge of starvation and urgently need food if they are to survive. The conditions that cause hunger, which include conflict, COVID-19, and climate change, are substantially impeding efforts to end it by 2030.

In addition to the risk of starvation, nearly 45 million children worldwide suffer from severe malnutrition, and the hunger issue is escalating quickly. Lack of proper nourishment hurts children's long-term physical and mental health.

2) Population displacement

Since 1945, there have never been as many active conflicts as there are today.
Massive population displacement is being caused by civil and internal conflicts, insurgencies, and political upheaval in nations including Yemen, South Sudan, Ethiopia, DR Congo, Afghanistan, Venezuela, and Myanmar.

More than 82 million people are now living in refugee and displacement camps around the world or outside of their homes, which is causing host communities to become tense, forcing families to take risky journeys, and exposing the weak, especially women and children, to trafficking gangs and exploitation.

Food rations are being reduced, even for refugees, as the world struggles to cope with the numbers, to feed those who will perish without assistance.

3. Change in Climate

As the earth heats, extreme weather is becoming more frequent.
The world faces tipping points and unpredictable outcomes since the most recent international climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, failed to produce promises to reduce global temperatures below 1.5C.

Repeated droughts in East and Southern Africa, and Afghanistan, flash floods in Asia and Latin America, and strong wind and fire storms that even those wealthy nations can't control are destroying people's homes and livelihoods and reinforcing poverty-related cycles.

Both rural and urban populations are being affected by rising sea levels, shifting weather patterns, and the possibility of new disease outbreaks, which heightens tensions when water supplies are depleted, food costs soar, and residents flee their homes in search of safety elsewhere.

Children who must drop out of school to find employment, suffer from hunger, or flee their homes due to climate change are at the centre of this.

4. Abuse of kids

Girls and boys face enormous obstacles that seriously jeopardise their goals and desires for a better life in the face of many calamities.

They and their families are being forced by conflict, hunger, displacement, and poverty to make awful choices to survive. 

Child marriage rates have risen by the most in 25 years as a result of the pandemic. According to World Vision's own research, children who go to bed hungry are 60% more likely to get married than their counterparts who do not. 

While 160 million children worldwide are now working, the first increase in twenty years, children are particularly vulnerable to trafficking, drug gangs, and sexual exploitation in regions like Latin America.

5. COVID-19

The global disparities in vaccine access have been made clear by the spread of the Omicron variant.
Even while wealthy nations provide their populations with a third booster vaccine, the absolute poorest countries have only received a minuscule portion of the worldwide supply.

These disparities show that no one is safe until everyone is safe because they foster the conditions necessary for the emergence of new varieties. Hospitals and health systems are overburdened due to the more than five million deaths caused by COVID. 

The poorest people's livelihoods have been severely damaged by lockdown measures, particularly in nations with minimal social welfare.

Mental health problems

Numerous months of school lockouts have caused hundreds of millions of students to fall behind in their education. Mental health problems have become more prevalent globally as people struggle with social isolation, job losses, and the loss of friends and family members.

Additionally, no one is certain of the pandemic's end date. The epidemic, according to the WHO, the World Bank, and UNICEF, has caused an additional 100 million children to live in multidimensional poverty, creating the biggest crisis for children in the last 75 years.

For more than 70 years, World Vision has walked alongside disadvantaged children, their families, and their communities. Even if the problems may evolve over time, we are nevertheless dedicated to giving every kid the chance to live a full life.


 Veganuary is a very good start, but at the same time utmost importance to be given to other crises which the entire world is facing. 

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