Osteoporosis: Disease Destroy Bones

Osteoporosis:  Disease Destroy Bones


Known as “porous bone,” osteoporosis thins the bone foundation so much that even a simple fall or knock against a car door or piece of furniture can cause a fracture. Broken bones can occur anywhere on your body, but wrist, hip, and spine fractures are most prevalent.

Strong bones are a good objective at any age. After 50, one in two women and one in five men break their bones, making a fracture-proof frame more important. Fortunately, there are many things you can do at home and with your doctor to prevent painful fractures that can restrict your independence and potentially increase your risk of medical issues.


An area's calcium and mineral content is called bone density. Calcium-coated protein strands form strong bones. Due to age, lack of activity, and poor calcium and vitamin D intake, this support system thins. Reduced bone density increases fracture risk. 

Women's sex hormone: Oestrogen. The ovaries and adrenal glands produce oestrogen, a group of chemicals that govern the menstrual cycle and impact the brain and blood vessels. Oestrogen replacement treatment treats menopause hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and bone weakening. 

Causes and Risks

Deborah Sellmeyer, M.D., medical director of Johns Hopkins Metabolic Bone Centre, says we rarely feel bone activity. Throughout our lives, specialized cells update the microscopic structure of collagen (a protein) and minerals, including calcium, that keep bones sturdy. Daily, old bone is broken down and replaced.

Risk after 25 years

Until age 25, this effort creates more bone than it takes away, increasing bone density. Bone density stays steady from 25 to 50 due to equal bone production and degradation. After 50, bone resorption outpaces production and accelerates, especially during menopause.

Because female bones are smaller and less thick than male bones, they are more likely to develop osteoporosis and osteopenia. After menopause, bone-building oestrogen levels drop, increasing risk. Men are equally at risk. A family history of osteoporosis-related fractures increases both sexes' risk.

Medical Disorder

Specific medical disorders or medications can directly or indirectly weaken bones. Overactive thyroid or parathyroid glands, chronic lung illness, cancer, endometriosis, vitamin D insufficiency, and prednisone are examples.

Other risks include these conditions and practices:

  • Inadequate calcium, vitamin D, potassium, or protein intake
  • Inactivity
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Long-term usage of glucocorticoids (such as prednisone for asthma or arthritis), some antiseizure medicines, and aluminum-containing antacids
  • Dietary abnormalities that lower weight
  • Low oestrogen or testosterone levels

Target these calcium levels:

1,000 mg daily for women under 50 and men under 70.

For women over 50 and men over 70, the daily recommended calcium intake is 1,200 mg. Dialysis patients with kidney failure should consult their doctor about calcium intake, according to Sellmeyer.


No time is too early to consider bone mineral density. Prevent osteoporosis with these steps.

It is important to reach your daily calcium goal as it helps to reduce the risk of fractures, Calcium-rich foods contain protein and magnesium, meeting all your calcium needs. Supplements help people who struggle to get enough calcium from meals.

Get calcium from diet or supplements.

  • Foods high in calcium:
  • 300 mg per cup of low-fat milk or yogurt
  • Kale (100 milligrams per cup boiled)
  • calcium-firming tofu (253 mg per half cup)
  • beans (81 mg per half cup white, 40 mg per pinto, 23 mg per black)
  • morning cereals and orange juice with 1,000 mg of calcium per serving
  • Food labels display calcium as a percentage of 1,000 mg, so if the label says “45%,” A serving contains 450 mg of calcium.

Add D

Vitamin D aids calcium absorption and bone formation. Sellmeyer says the current recommended is 600 IU of vitamin D per day through 70 and 800 IU after 70. You may need additional vitamin D to get good blood levels. It is hard to get all that from meals every day, therefore you may need a vitamin D Supplement.

Include protein and potassium.  Most adults do not get 4,700 mg daily. Get enough protein. “Bone is interlocked protein strands with minerals and calcium attached, so protein is important for strong bones,” adds Sellmeyer. Protein aids bone repair in several trials.

Lift weights regularly. Walking, dancing, aerobics, weightlifting: Sellmeyer adds “Any activity that puts your bones to work stimulates the remodeling that keeps bone strong.” “Walk instead of paying for a gym membership. Start with 15–20 minutes daily. If you are feeble, work with a physical therapist to move appropriately and avoid injuries.

Reduce caffeine and alcohol. Overdrinking reduces bone density.

Quit smoking. Tobacco use causes considerable bone loss in women and men, slower fracture recovery, and more problems. Quitting may lower the risk.

Female Journey: Bone Up—Osteoporosis


Osteoporosis is a silent disease that weakens your skeleton. Scheduling a bone scan when advised is crucial. All women 65 and older and younger women at increased fracture risk should get bone density examinations. For men over 70 or at high risk for bone weakening, their doctor may recommend osteoporosis screening.

If you have osteoporosis risk factors or warning signs, ask your doctor about an early scan:

  • Post-50 bone fracture
  • Unexpected backache
  • Reduction in height or stooping
  • Medicine that thins bones
  • Abone-threatening illnesses like those above
  • Family osteoporosis or fracture history

DXA scans evaluate bone mineral density. Your bone density is compared to the typical BMD of an adult of your sex and race at peak bone mass (25–30). It is your T score.

  • A T score of -1 to +1 indicates normal bone density.
  • An osteopenia T score of -1 to -2.5 shows low bone density.
  • Low bone density is osteoporosis with a T score of -2.5 or lower.

Remember that every one-point dip below 0 (BMD on par with a 25- to 35-year-old) doubles fracture risk. Your doctor may also estimate your risk for any fracture and a hip fracture in 10 years using your BMD data. Bone density, family history, and smoking affect this fracture prognosis.


If you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, your doctor will recommend the aforementioned preventative strategies to minimize bone loss and reduce fracture risk. She may also suggest osteoporosis medication.

Medication choice depends on bone loss, medication tolerance, and doctor-patient goals. “Discuss the risks and benefits of taking a medication—and of not taking one—with your doctor,” Sellmeyer advises. “Some osteoporosis drugs have been criticized for their side effects, but not taking one could mean losing significant fracture protection. Not taking medication is risky. Consider trade-offs.”

There are five main osteoporosis medications:

  1. Calcitonin: According to studies, using a daily nostril spray called calcitonin reduces spinal fractures by 25%. However, there is no proof, as Sellmeyer says.“But it is one of the best-tolerated osteoporosis medications.” Due to concerns regarding a 1% increase in cancer risk, the FDA examined this medicine and kept it on the market while urging patients and doctors to consider the risks and benefits.
  2. Raloxifene: The once-a-day drug raloxifene decreases spine fractures by 30%. Raloxifene functions by inhibiting estrogen in certain tissues while promoting it in others.” Sellmeyer says. It can lower breast cancer risk but increase blood clot risk and hot flashes.
  3. Bisphosphonates lower hip and spinal fracture risk by 50% to 60%. You can take these medications once a day, once a month, or once a year intravenously. Oral drugs can cause heartburn while intravenous treatments can cause flu-like symptoms after the first infusion. Rare hazards include poor healing after dental work (1 in 50,000 patients) and stress fractures after long-term use (1 in 75,000 patients). Most clinicians use these drugs intermittently: five to eight years of treatment, one or more years off, then five to eight years again if fracture risk warrants it.
  4. Denosumab, an under-the-skin injection twice a year, reduces spine and hip fracture risk by 50–60%. The FDA authorized this drug in 2010. Side effects include rashes, eczema, and a little infection risk.
  5. Parathyroid hormone, injected under the skin daily, reduces spine fracture risk by 65% and other fracture risk by 53%. “This medication stimulates bone remodeling rather than just slowing bone breakdown, but use is limited to two years,” adds Sellmeyer. Skin responses at the injection site, blood and urine calcium elevations, and bone soreness are side effects. This medicine induces osteosarcoma in rats at high dosages, but not in humans.

Learn about osteoporosis symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
Living With

  1. Osteoporosis can impact your life, but the “Prevention” section has good measures to control it. More safety recommendations to help you enjoy your favorite hobbies as much as possible.
  2. Live and connect. Physical therapists can help you move safely and enjoy a physical relationship with your partner. If you need to change your sport or pastime, tell your family and find other ways to spend time together.
  3. Stay balanced. Keep your eyeglass prescription current and acquire hearing aids to prevent falls. (Diminished hearing raises fall and balance risks.) Keep floors and stairs clear of trip hazards. Discuss safe muscle-building workouts with a physical therapist or your doctor. Strong muscles reduce fall risk. Ask about posture-enhancing exercises to lower your spine fracture risk. After an osteoporotic fracture, utilize a walker or cane as prescribed by your doctor to improve your balance and activity. If you are drowsy or dizzy, ask your doctor if other medications are to blame and what to do.
  4. Discuss sentiments. Depression may result from bone loss if you can no longer do what you enjoy or have lost independence. Discuss your mood and anxiety with your doctor. Consider support groups. The National Osteoporosis Foundation lists them on nof.org.


  1. Johns Hopkins researchers are studying osteoporosis in several ways to prevent and improve its treatment. Some notable findings:
  2. Strong muscles protect weak bones. Stronger muscles were associated with higher bone mineral density in an 84-person Johns Hopkins study. That may be because strengthening muscles stress bones, increasing growth.
  3. Checking bones reduces hip fracture risk. Johns Hopkins researchers showed that osteoporosis screening reduced hip fracture risk by 36% in 3,107 patients over six years. Researchers believe screenings can detect weakening bones in time for therapy.

For Carers

  • These methods can help a loved one stay strong and fracture-free.
  • Strong diet. Make bone-friendly meals, snacks, and desserts.
  • Make the most of drugs. Remind your loved one to take osteoporosis meds.
  • Try easy yet effective fall prevention. Encourage your loved one to wear glasses and hearing aids and limit fall risk by wearing supportive shoes and keeping floors clean.
  • Celebrate fitness. Encourage your loved one to follow the doctor or physical therapist-recommended exercise routines.
  • Stay positive. Help your osteoporosis-afflicted loved one find new ways to socialize and enjoy life.

Risk factor: Anything that increases illness risk. Smoking and obesity are cancer and diabetes risk factors, respectively. 

Testosterone: A male sex hormone. Testes (testicles) produce testosterone, which maintains muscle mass, red blood cells, bone strength, reproductive health, and well-being. A reduction in this hormone causes sex drive, mood swings, and other symptoms in older men. These symptoms may be treated with testosterone replacement treatment.


Strength training, walking, hiking, jogging, climbing stairs, tennis, and dancing are weight-bearing exercises. Strong bones can result from this exercise. Avoid smoking. Smoking compromises bones.

First, eat nutrient-dense foods with plenty of calcium, vitamin D, and other vitamins and minerals. Exercise, quitting smoking, eating herbs, and tai chi may also help. Before starting anything new, consult your doctor.

Destroy Anxiety With Your Willpower

Destroy Anxiety With Your Willpower

Anxiety to everyone in their life

Destroy Anxiety With Your Willpower, 

It is not a disease, thus you must overcome it mentally. Some of the indications are
A blend of fear, worry, and discomfort. Agitation, sweating, and a high heart beating are anxiety symptoms.
Humans worry naturally.  Problems can affect daily life, but treatment can assist.
The origins of anxiety are unknown. Genes, brain chemistry, biology, stress, and environment may contribute.
Disorders of anxiety induce excessive anxiety, fear, apprehension, and worry.
The American Psychological Association defines anxiety as tension, worry, and bodily changes like elevated blood pressure.
Normal anxiety differs from medically-diagnosed anxiety disorders.
No symptoms are visible. Stressed, worried, or restless.

Anxiety disorders are defined.

Conditions characterized by persistent and, in some cases, worsening anxiety are known as anxiety disorders. The symptoms may make it difficult to carry out regular tasks and maintain personal and professional connections.

Can you describe the various forms of anxiety disorders?

  • One type of anxiety condition is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), although there are others. People stress over mundane matters. 
  • Conditions characterized by panic attacks. Extreme dread can strike out of nowhere and strike again even when there is nothing to be afraid of. 
  • Phobias. They may suffer from a fear of spiders, of flying, of crowded areas, or people (social anxiety).

There are several different anxiety disorders:

If you suffer from agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh), an anxiety condition, you may be afraid of and try to avoid going to places or engaging in activities where you might experience feelings of panic, helplessness, or embarrassment.

Problems with anxiety

  • Disorder of pervasive anxiety, or GAD.
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Picky talking 
  • Caused by excessive worry about being left alone, or separation anxiety 
  • Difficulty interacting socially; social phobia
  • Distinct apprehensions
  • Disorder of Anxiety Caused by Substance Abuse 
  • Anxiety and phobias that do not fit the precise criteria for any other anxiety disorder are referred to as "other specified anxiety disorder" or "unspecified anxiety disorder," respectively.

Who is likely to suffer from anxiety disorders?

Women are more likely to experience anxiety problems. Scientists have yet to determine a reason for this phenomenon. Hormonal changes, particularly those that occur at different times of the month for different women, could be to blame. Another possible factor is the hormone testosterone, which is more prevalent in men and has been shown to reduce anxiety. Women may also be less inclined to seek therapy for their anxiety, which may contribute to its perpetuation.

How do doctors identify anxiety disorders?

#Your doctor will need to know about your symptoms and medical history in order to make a diagnosis of an anxiety condition. A physical examination and laboratory testing may be performed to rule out other potential causes of your symptoms.
#A psychological evaluation will be conducted if no other medical issues are present. Your healthcare provider might carry it out or might refer you to a mental health professional.

If you suspect the following behaviors, consult a physician.

  • You believe that your excessive anxiety is interfering with your daily activities, personal connections, and professional success.
  • It seems like you are struggling to cope with feelings of fear, apprehension, or nervousness.
  • In addition to anxiety, you also suffer from depression, alcohol or drug abuse, or other mental health issues.
  • You have come to the conclusion that a physical health issue may be to blame for your worry.
  • If you are confronted with suicidal ideas or habits, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.

Destroy Anxiety With Your Willpower.

  • Making some adjustments to your daily routine may help alleviate some of the tension and anxiety you experience on a regular basis. 
  • The vast majority of so-called natural therapies involve treating the body well and replacing bad habits with more beneficial ones.
  • Getting a good night's rest, Meditating, Keeping yourself busy and fit, Maintaining a wholesome diet, Not drinking at all, and Caffeine abstinence, If you are a smoker, it is time to give up cigarettes.

To what extent do foods alleviate anxiety?

Anxiety is typically treated with medication and psychotherapy by doctors. However, making adjustments to one's lifestyle, like getting adequate sleep and exercising regularly, can also be beneficial. Furthermore, there is evidence that the foods you eat might have a positive effect on your brain if you suffer from anxiety on a regular basis.

1. Exercise
Studies show that physical exercise can help reduce anxiety symptoms. 
2. Meditation
Meditation can help to slow racing thoughts, making it easier to manage stress and anxiety.
3. Relaxation exercises
Some people unconsciously tense their muscles in response to anxiety. Progressive relaxation exercises can help Trusted Source alleviate this tension and reduce stress.
4. Journaling
Journaling and other forms of writing can help people to cope better with anxiety.
5. Time management strategies
Having a plan for the next necessary action can help keep this anxiety at bay. Effective time management strategies can help reduce anxiety.
6. Aromatherapy
Smelling soothing plant essential oils can help to ease stress and anxiety. suggests that lavender may be especially helpful in treating anxiety disorders.
7. Herbal teas
Many herbal teas promise to help with anxiety and ease sleep. Chamomile can alter cortisol levels, a stress hormone.
8. Herbal supplements
Like herbal teas, many herbal supplements claim to reduce anxiety 
9. Time with animals. 
pets can be beneficial to people with a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety.

Psychotherapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)Trusted Source may be particularly effective
Diet and nutrition changes: Reducing caffeine:  Drinking less alcohol: Keeping a food log
Support groups: Anxiety can be very isolating. Support groups help people with anxiety feel less alone.
Social support: People with anxiety need support from loved ones
Complementary and alternative treatments: Some people find that complementary and alternative treatments, such as massage, acupuncture, or chiropractic care, help their anxiety symptoms.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a newer anxiety treatment that uses magnets to create a weak electrical current in the brain. This current may stimulate the release of neurotransmitters that relieve anxiety or change how the brain processes anxiety. Few Doctors are not totally sure how it works.

Stress relief techniques

  • Progressive muscle relaxation, which focuses on steadily relaxing individual muscle groups
  • Deep breathing techniques, such as counting breaths or meditating
  • Writing in a journal
  • Spending time with a pet
  • Engaging in pleasurable self-care activities, such as reading a book or taking a bath
  • Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check
  •  Other Choices
  • Avoid Stimulants
  • Even if you don't have diabetes, Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Do What You Enjoy

Different Approach

  1. Shout it out. Talking to a trusted buddy can reduce anxiety.shout loudly. Release your pent-up tensions and worries.
  2. Cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnosis can cure anxiety. Your concentration and faith in the therapist are key. Consult your doctor or psychologist before trying hypnosis. He or she can recommend a qualified professional.
  3. Biofeedback detects physiological activities like heartbeat and respiration and sends you noises or lights. Biofeedback equipment lets you practice relaxation techniques like decreasing the heart rate relaxing tight muscles and obtaining immediate feedback. This added feedback should help people find and improve body-calming and anxiety-reduction approaches.

Anxiety-Reducing Foods

Here are 9 diets and drinks that have been shown to reduce anxiety based on scientific evidence.
1. Salmon
Some research suggests that eating salmon can help with anxiety.
Vitamin D and the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are included Consuming these nutrients can help improve brain function.
Eat salmon at least twice a week to reap the health benefits.
2. It is a chamomile
There is some evidence that the plant chamomile can aid with anxiety.
Anxiety-related inflammation may be reduced thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects 
3. Curcuma
Curcumin, found in the spice turmeric, has been examined for its potential to improve brain function and reduce the risk of anxiety disorders. 
With its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, saves brain cells from oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. 
4 Chocolate, Black
Some research suggests that eating dark chocolate can help reduce stress and anxiety.
Antioxidant flavonols can be found in dark chocolate in the form of epicatechin and catechin. 
5: Yoghurt
Some types of yogurt contain probiotics, or good bacteria, which have been shown to boost health in a variety of ways, including mental health ).
6 Green tea 
L-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, has been the subject of research into its potential benefits for brain function and anxiety reduction 
7, Almonds
Nutrients like vitamin E and healthy fats found in almonds are known to improve cognitive performance.
8. Blueberries
High in vitamin C and other antioxidants like flavonoids, blueberries have been shown in studies to boost brain function and reduce anxiety. 
9. Eggs
Tryptophan, a neurotransmitter that may help with anxiety symptoms, is abundant in eggs 
10, Turkey, bananas, and oats for breakfast 
11. Dairy and meat products: 
12. Seeds of the chia plant: bell peppers and citrus fruits

Foods like these can help, but they should not take the place of medicine or therapy recommended by a doctor.

Treatments for anxiety disorders?

For thousands of years, aromatherapy has helped people feel better naturally. We prioritize body, mind, and soul healing with natural plant extracts and essential oils. It attempts to improve mental and Physical health.
Psychotherapy, medicine, or both are used to treat anxiety disorders:
Cognitive behavioral therapy introduces new ways of thinking and acting. It helps you change your responses to anxiety triggers. Possible component: exposure treatment. This therapy aims to help you overcome your worries and act on your unfinished tasks.
Anxiety may benefit from acceptance and commitment therapy. Mindfulness and goal-setting reduce stress.
Treatments for anxiety disorders include antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs. Various pharmaceutical classes may affect anxiety chaos differently. You and your doctor should discuss to choose the best treatment. It may take several medications to find one that works.
Stress management and support groups may help. Anxiety


Anxiety is a complex disorder that can be effectively treated with a wide range of therapies.
In addition to medication and counseling, the foods you consume may assist in sustaining your mental health, lessen anxiety, and improve brain function. Antioxidant-rich whole meals tend to be especially useful.
However, there is no evidence to recommend using food as a primary treatment for anxiety, thus it is not a suitable substitute for any medications or therapies prescribed by a doctor.

Fornication(S*X) is the Sensational way of affecting Hepatitis B


Fornication(S*X) is the Sensational way of affecting Hepatitis B


Hepatitis B affects 296 million people, including 6 million children under 5. 
Hepatitis B kills 820,000 people annually. 
25 percent of chronic hepatitis B cases cause liver cancer. 
The hepatitis B vaccine may avert 38 million deaths in 98 low- and middle-income countries 
Hepatitis B vaccines saved $49 billion in disease costs.
$81 billion in economic and social value in 73 low- and middle-income countries between 2001 and 2020.

Hepatitis B life cycle

The virus enters the liver cell nucleus. The viral DNA becomes covalently closed circular DNA (cDNA), which serves as a template for viral replication.“Hepatitis” is formed after inflammation.
The infection is brief, Some have chronic infections that never vanish. Damage to the liver from chronic inflammation is severe. Cirrhosis and liver failure are few. Hepatitis B can destroy the liver without symptoms. Many of them are unaware.

Lifelong Health Issues from Hepatitis B

  • The most common liver cancer.
  • Immune cells attack the liver.
  • Viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections.
  • Alcohol/poison liver damage.
  • Acetaminophen overdose.
  • Liver fat.
  • Liver harm
  • Liver scarring
  • Failure of liver
  • Death

Hepatitis 'B' Developed.

  • From unprotected sex with an infected person.
  • Used needles can spread the virus through blood, saliva, semen, or vaginal fluids. 
  • Contaminated needles and syringes spread HBV quickly.
  • From mother to child during childbirth.

Hepatitis B Is Preventable

  • Safe and effective vaccines have been available since the 1980s.
  • Vaccination less than 24 hours of birth, subsequently  2 to 3 extra doses, gives lifelong protection 
  • Vaccines Save Lives and Money
  • Preventable

Ample ways to prevent Hepatitis B.

  • Wash your hands with soap and water, if any blood strain
  • Using condoms, Know your sexual partner's HBV. Do not have unprotected sex 
  • Use a polyurethane or fresh latex condom every time. 
  • Avoid unlawful drugs. Stop using illegal substances with support. 
  • If you are not able to quit, use illegal narcotics with sterile needles. 
  • Never share needles.
  • Be careful with tattoos and piercings.
  • Make sure staff use sterile needles.
  • Ask about hepatitis B vaccination before traveling.
  • Before traveling to a hepatitis B-endemic area, consult your doctor 
  • Three shots over six months are typical.

Cure for Hepatitis 'B'

  • No cure for hepatitis B.
  • Good news: it normally goes away in 4–8 weeks.
  • Over 9/10 adults with hepatitis B recover. 
  • One in 20 adults who contract hepatitis B become “carriers,” meaning they have a persistent illness.

Which stage of hepatitis begins?

  • Acute hepatitis B infection occurs in the first six months after infection. Many people have no symptoms during this phase. Most persons with liver disease do not realize they have it because the symptoms are minor.

What foods help hepatitis B?

Have a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
Try fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, plant-based proteins (such as tofu, grains, and peanuts), fish, and lean meats.
Eat less processed food, soda, fruit juices, and added sugar.

Do hepatitis B patients live long?

Most chronic hepatitis B patients live long, robust lives.
Chronic HBV may not cause symptoms for 30 years.

How Hepatitis B diagnosis:

  • Blood testing can tell your doctor if you have acute or chronic hepatitis B. A simple blood test can also determine immunity.
  • A doctor will ask about your symptoms and examine you. Your health history, family history of liver disease, and other risk factors for viral hepatitis may be asked.
  • Only blood tests can confirm hepatitis B infections.
  • Previous infection.
  • To have viral immunity.
  • If infection impairs liver function.
  • After diagnosis, your doctor may conduct liver testing. They may examine liver radiographs. Some may seek a liver biopsy for lab testing.

What is the hepatitis B test called?

  • HBSAG: Indicates chronic hepatitis B. 
  • Only the HBsAg blood test can detect chronic hepatitis B. 
  • ANTI-HBS: Determines hepatitis B protection.

Are Jaundice and Hepatitis B similar?

  • Several viruses can cause hepatitis, including the B virus. 
  • Hepatitis causes liver inflammation.
  • Usually caused by illnesses or drug side effects.
  • Bilirubin may rise due to hepatitis, causing “yellow Jaundice”

The final stage of hepatitis B

  • Chronic inflammation from hepatitis B causes fibrosis, cirrhosis, and end-stage liver disease with portal hypertension and HCC.
  • External surfaces can harbor HBV for seven days. 
  • Unsterilized tools can spread the pathogen. This includes medical devices including toothbrushes and razors that may have caused bleeding.
  • In addition to blood, HBV resides in saliva. Saliva does not spread hepatitis B like other viruses. Sharing food or utensils or being coughed or sneezed on will not spread it.

Hepatitis B reactivation?

Later in life, your immune system may decline following an acute hepatitis B infection. Because of your illness, your immune system may be weaker than before the infection.
When this happens, your body can reactivate the infection. Permanent or transient reactivated hepatitis B. Due to its prevalence in immunosuppressed persons, it might cause abrupt liver failure.

Diagnose and Test

  • Your therapy may include: - Surveillance
  • Chronic hepatitis B patients should have liver checks and tests every six months. They will check for a liver illness that is compromising its function.
  • Tests may involve blood tests.
  • Tests of imaging
  • A scan of organ stiffness


  • Consult a doctor once in six months or as recommended. Exams will involve liver testing to monitor the condition and detect problems.
  • Check with your doctor before taking any new medicine, even herbal ones. Some herbs are liver-damaging or do not interact with other drugs.
  • Manage your weight by avoiding alcohol and eating well. Alcohol and obesity harm the liver.
  • Avoid other liver infections. Obtain a hepatitis A vaccine. Check for and treat hepatitis C. Curable hepatitis C.

Diverticulosis is Lifetime Risky if not treated

Diverticulosis is Lifetime Risky if not treated


Diverticulosis is an inflammation formed inside your diverticula (the large intestine). Small pockets can form in the lining of your digestive system (your doctor will call it a rupture) of your bowel. If it is infected, you have a sharp pain in your lower left abdominal quadrant, it might be diverticulosis. which needs medical attention. The exact reason why diverticulosis develops is not known, but they are associated with not eating enough fiber.


Diverticulosis Population

Around 50 % of the population is expected to have diverticulosis at the age of 50 years. Roughly about 10 to 25 % of people with diverticulosis will develop diverticulitis, At the age of 80 years, about 65 percent of people have diverticulosis.
A study found that the incidence of diverticulitis among young obese adults is growing. An estimated cost of digestive diseases is now more than $141 billion a year in the United States. as reported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) 

Warning Signs Of Diverticulitis

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Abdominal pain, often severe(the sigmoid colon)
  • Fever, 
  • constipation, or diarrhea.
  • More frequent urination
  • Pain in the lower left abdomen may radiate to the back, legs, groin, or side. It may also cause a distended abdomen or palpable colon.
  •  Rectal bleeding may occur and diverticulitis, stress, and depression may be possible causes.

Different types of Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis begins as an acute problem
It comes on suddenly and disappears shortly with treatment. 
However, some people have recurring (repeat) episodes of diverticulitis, and some people develop chronic inflammation. 


Most of the time, diverticulitis is uncomplicated,
With proper treatment, healing of diverticulitis can occur easily. However, if the inflammation becomes severe, complications may arise. In such cases, a diverticulum (singular of diverticula) may rupture due to acute inflammation, while chronic inflammation may lead to scarring. Additionally, lower abdominal pain may sometimes spread to the pelvis or radiate to the back.

What are the discomforts that a person may experience?

  • Severe abdominal pain and fever. 
  • Pain might be sharp and penetrating, 
  • You might have a burning sensation. 
  • The pain is usually moderate to severe.
  • Pain may be constant and persist for several days

Diagnosis and Tests

  • Your healthcare provider may begin with 
  • Blood test (comprehensive metabolic panel),
  • Stool test or urine test.
  • A CT scan works well: 
  • Colonoscopy inside your colon with a lighted scope to investigate further. 

How can diverticulitis be treated?

Antibiotics to treat infection, 
It is recommended that you follow a liquid diet for a few days to allow your bowel to heal. Once you start feeling better, you can gradually reintroduce solid foods into your diet. In rare cases, in about 5 out of 100 people, symptoms persist and require treatment, including surgery.

What causes diverticulitis? 

Diverticulitis occurs due to a tear in the lining of the intestine, which becomes infected. Bacteria can easily accumulate in these tears, leading to inflammation.
In some cases, hard poop may get stuck in one of the tears, causing a diverticulum to swell and tear.
Other factors that can cause a tear include inflammation in the colon (colitis) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection.

Risk factors for diverticulitis

Age, obesity, smoking, lack of exercise, a diet high in animal fats and low in fiber, and some medications, such as steroids, opiates, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs). Genetics may also play a role.

Is diverticulitis curable? 

Diverticulitis requires lifelong management, and flare-up attacks may occur. The likelihood of recurrence depends on a person's overall health and how well preventative measures are maintained.

Is diverticulitis hereditary?

  • Diverticulitis seems to occur incidentally (by chance).
  • Genetics may play a role in the development of diverticulosis.
  • Although you aren’t born with diverticulosis, more likely to develop it in a certain part of your colon if you’re of European or Asian descent.
  • It’s also possible that genetics could influence your likelihood of developing chronic inflammation
  • More research is needed on this subject.                      


Several complications can arise from diverticulitis including:

  • Abscess: A buildup of pus in the bowel.
  •  Bowel obstruction: A blockage in the bowel.
  •  Fistula: An opening from the bowel to another organ like the bladder.
  •  Perforation: A hole in the bowel that can cause a potentially deadly infection called peritonitis.
  •  Colostomy: In some cases, this may be necessary.

Other complications

  •  Gastrointestinal bleeding: Diverticula can cause severe bleeding and lead to anemia.
  •  Intestinal obstruction: Swelling in the colon can cause temporary narrowing.
  •  Bladder inflammation: Diverticulitis close to the bladder can irritate it. An infection in the bladder can also occur if there is a fistula.
  • An abscess is a localized collection of pus that can cause serious complications if left untreated, such as peritonitis.
  • Gastrointestinal perforation: If a diverticulum becomes swollen enough to rupture (tear), intestinal bacteria could leak into your peritoneal cavity. Peritonitis can lead to sepsis.

Seven potential home remedies for diverticulitis

  • Try a liquid diet
  • Adopt a low-fiber diet.
  • Get more vitamin D.
  • Apply a heating pad.
  • Try probiotics. 
  • Get more exercise.
  • Try herbal remedies.

If conservative at-home treatment for diverticulitis fails or if you have severe, chronic, or complicated diverticulitis, you may need to be hospitalized for treatment. This could include:

IV medication: Antibiotics or antivirals through an IV line so that the medicine goes directly to your bloodstream.
Blood transfusion: If you have lost a lot of blood from a bleeding diverticulum, you may need an emergency blood transfusion to replace it.
Endoscopic procedures: Your provider may use a colonoscope or sigmoidoscope — different types of endoscopes that examine your colon — to treat minor complications.
Surgery: Some people may need surgery to treat an abscess, persistent bleeding, perforation (tear), or fistula. In rare cases of chronic diverticulitis, some people may require surgical removal of the affected bowel section, which may involve a temporary colostomy.

The stages of diverticulitis are:

There are two stages of abscess formation in the abdominal region. In Stage I, an abscess forms around the colon and is confined by the mesentery. In Stage II, the abscess spreads to the pelvic region due to local perforation and may be surrounded by the colon, mesocolon, omentum, small bowel, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, and/or pelvic peritoneum.

Can you fully recover from diverticulitis?

  • Treatment options for this condition include antibiotics, lifestyle changes, and home remedies. Treatment may be done at home or in the hospital for more severe cases.

Treatment for Hospitalized

For patients hospitalized with complicated cases of diverticulitis, carbapenems are the most effective empiric therapy due to increasing bacterial resistance to other regimens. The following are some of the potential regimens for treating the condition: Ciprofloxacin plus metronidazole and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole plus metronidazole.

Diet for Diverticulosis

  • Beans and legumes.
  • Bran, whole wheat bread, and whole grain cereals like oatmeal in your diet.".
  • Brown and wild rice.
  • Fruits such as apples, bananas, and pears.
  • Vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, corn, and squash.
  • Whole wheat pasta.

Is diverticulitis curable without surgery?

It is common for people who experience symptoms of diverticulitis to delay seeking medical care due to embarrassment or fear that they will require gastrointestinal surgery with a colostomy bag. However, it is important to know that most patients with diverticulitis can effectively manage their symptoms with antibiotics and lifestyle adjustments.

Can be cured at home.

Diverticulitis is a condition that can be treated with antibiotics, lifestyle changes, and home remedies. With the right treatment, the condition may improve and possibly go away completely. Conservative methods can be used to treat the condition at home, while more complicated cases may require hospitalization
Delaying seeking care is not recommended as it can lead to more complications. Healthcare providers suggest avoiding NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium when you have diverticulitis as they can increase the risk of bleeding.

To prevent diverticulitis from occurring or returning.

It is recommended to maintain general bowel wellness by eating more plants and fewer animal fats, drinking enough water, and getting regular exercise to keep your bowel movements healthy. Most patients with diverticulitis can manage their symptoms with antibiotics and lifestyle changes, without requiring surgery. 

Drugs to avoid 

Healthcare providers advise against taking NSAIDs during diverticulitis as they increase bleeding risk.” These include:
Aspirin (Bayer® or St. Joseph®).
Ibuprofen (Motrin® or Advil®).
Naproxen sodium (Aleve®).


People are advised not to be embarrassed or fear about Left lower abdominal pain or frequent urination.  Many of us are under the impression that frequent urination is due to Diabetes or Prostate problems.  There is yet another reason for frequent urination is Diverticulosis which is curable if we act at an appropriate time.