Overcome Low Blood Pressure Quickly With Home Remedy

Overcome Low Blood Pressure Quickly With Home Remedy


When the blood's power exerted on your arteries is abnormally weak, that's what's often known as low blood pressure. The medical term for this is hypotension. You need to be familiar with both the systolic and diastolic readings of blood pressure. The greater of the two readings, systolic pressure, indicates the arterial blood pressure just after the heart pumps blood into the blood vessels. Blood pressure in the arteries during diastole, or the time when the heart is at rest, is called diastolic pressure.

Is low blood pressure serious?

A permanently low blood pressure that doesn't cause symptoms is usually not a big deal. However, complications can arise if your blood pressure goes too low and your brain does not receive enough blood. In extreme cases, this may cause fainting, vertigo, and lightheadedness.

Symptoms of low blood pressure

  1. Irregular heartbeat and fainting, Steadiness issues, Loss of sharp visual detail, Deterioration, hostility, or alterations in conduct, Weakness or lack of energy, Headache, Disorientation, Cold, Fair complexion
  2. Your body may not receive enough oxygen to perform its regular tasks if your blood pressure drops dangerously low. Your heart and brain may not work as well, and you may have trouble breathing as a result. Shock, in which the body's systems shut down, or loss of consciousness are also possibilities.

When should I consult a Doctor?

  • Any of the above-mentioned symptoms could be yours.
  • Your doctor has determined that your blood pressure is dangerously low, and you've started having symptoms like fainting more frequently.
  • Whether you're taking medication that requires a prescription or not, you're experiencing side effects.

Different kinds of hypotension

  • Postural hypotension: Low blood pressure that occurs suddenly
  • Some disorders can also cause postural hypotension. Among them are: Issues with the nerves including autonomic neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy
  • Neurally mediated hypotension: After standing for an extended period. 
  • Postprandial hypotension: An hour or two following eating, some people experience a decrease in blood pressure. 
  • Multiple system atrophy is a symptom of orthostatic hypotension.  while lying down. 
  • Activation of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates vital signs like respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure, is involved.
  • Heart conditions, Problem drinking, Diseases related to nutrition, Lightening up, Feelings of chilly skin
  • Breathing rapidly, Rapid heart rate, Confusion

Reason for low blood pressure

  • During pregnancy.
  • The use of some OTC drugs
  • Conditions affecting the heart's valves, heart rhythms, and heart failure Heat stroke, heat fatigue, and vascular enlargement or narrowing
  • A condition affecting the liver
  • Lengthy stays in bed
  • A lack of iron, folate, or vitamin B12 is the leading cause of anemia.

What happens, When Blood Pressure Drops Too Low? 

Low blood pressure 90/60

  • Dangerously low blood pressure is a life-threatening
  • Vascular haemorrhage
  • Very low core temperature
  • A high core temperature
  • Diseases of the heart muscle leading to heart failure
  • Severe blood infection, or sepsis
  • Excessive loss of fluids due to diarrhea, vomiting, or high temperature
  • A response to alcoholic beverages or medications
  • An erratic heartbeat is a symptom of anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction.

How do I know if I have hypotension?

  • Having low blood pressure isn't necessarily a cause for concern. Your doctor can identify the problem and find out what's causing your low blood pressure if you notice any symptoms. Afterward, you will be able to receive the appropriate care.
  • The doctor will conduct a physical examination in addition to reviewing your symptoms, age, and medical history.
  • Following a brief period of lying down, immediately upon standing, and again within a few minutes of silently standing, they may take your vitals multiple times to ensure they are within normal ranges.
  • In addition, your doctor may order an electrophysiology (EP) test, an echocardiography (an ultrasound that shows the heart), or an electrocardiogram (ECG). Additionally, your doctor may order blood tests to check for anemia or glucose issues.
  • To diagnose certain forms of postural hypotension, a "tilt table" assessment may be necessary. It measures how your body responds to variations in posture. While restrained, you lie on a tabletop that is lifted to an upright posture for a duration of up to one hour. We take note of your symptoms, heart rate, blood pressure, and other vitals. A medication may be prescribed to you to assist your doctor in diagnosing the issue.

How low blood pressure be treated?

  • A change in food and way of life can help many people with persistently low blood pressure. Some people can't control their symptoms without medicine.
  • Some ways to avoid or treat low blood pressure are as follows:
  • Maintain a regular wake-up routine that includes simple tasks like stretching in bed. 
  • Wear stockings with compression. Conversely, they are called support stockings.
  • Cut back on booze and skip the coffee before bed. Because of this, dehydration may occur.
  • Stay hydrated and consume more salt.
  • Make a medicine change. You may be advised or given a dosage adjustment by your doctor if they think your present medication is causing low blood pressure.
  • Take care of the fundamental issues. Low blood pressure can also be caused by more serious health problems. An expert referral may be in your doctor's future if they have any suspicions about this.
  • Medication. In most cases, implementing these changes can help cure low blood pressure. Prescriptions for medication are uncommon. In most cases, it will be to reduce arterial widening or increase blood volume.

Medications that treat hypotension


  • It's possible to elevate blood pressure and alleviate symptoms with alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists.
  • Taking steroids can stop your body from losing salt.
  • Steroids have the potential to enhance fluid retention and blood pressure.
  • To raise blood pressure, vasopressors shrink blood arteries. Some people find relief from their symptoms by taking vasopressor medications, which work by increasing blood flow to the brain.
  • When taken before bed, antidiuretic hormone can help keep your blood pressure in check and cut down on nighttime urination.
  • Taking anti-Parkinson medication may alleviate symptoms and raise your standing blood pressure.
  • The hormone erythropoietin raises your body's red blood cell count. Having an increased number of red blood cells in your blood could raise your blood pressure when you're standing. Anemia and nervous system issues are two more conditions that this medication may alleviate.
  • When dealing with bacterial infections, antibiotics could be necessary.

Home Treatment for Low Blood Pressure 

There are generally easy and practical things that people can do at home to control hypotension or low blood pressure.
Because dehydration can worsen low blood pressure, it is critical to stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day.
Eating smaller, more frequent meals can help stabilize blood pressure and prevent post-meal declines.
When getting out of a seated or lying-down position, compression stockings can help those who are prone to orthostatic hypotension. 
Aerobic activities, including walking and cycling, can enhance circulation and gradually raise blood pressure if done regularly and gently.

An Ayurvedic Approach to Hypotension

  1. Low BP When it comes to hypotension, Ayurvedic treatment takes a more holistic approach to reestablish internal harmony. It frequently incorporates ashwagandha and licorice, two herbal medicines thought to aid in blood pressure regulation. Warming foods and spices, such as ginger and black pepper, are emphasized in the diet to improve circulation.
  2. Blood circulation and energy equilibrium are both enhanced by yoga and pranayama, which are breathing exercises. Modifying one's lifestyle to include things like sticking to a regular schedule, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress through meditation can help with blood pressure management. Ayurveda provides a holistic method for achieving natural blood pressure balance and improving general health.

Complications of Low Blood Pressure 

  • Falls. If your blood pressure is too low, you may feel dizzy and faint. 
  • The heart may attempt to compensate for low blood pressure by pumping too quickly or too forcefully, which can lead to cardiac issues or even a stroke. Heart failure, stroke, and deep vein thrombosis are all possible outcomes.
  • Shock. You can fall into shock if your blood supply to your organs is severely restricted due to low blood pressure.
  • Pregnant women with low blood pressure are more likely to have falls. However, until your blood pressure drops to the point where you experience shock, there is no proof that it is dangerous to your unborn child on its own.


Only by making a few adjustments to our usual routine can we identify low blood pressure. Many tests allow doctors to make a diagnosis. Do not use over-the-counter medications because their effects vary from person to person. Low BP When it comes to hypotension, Ayurvedic treatment takes a more holistic approach, with the goal of reestablishing internal harmony. 

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