When To Walk



 The best  time for walking may depend on each individuals availibility and prefernce


    45 minutes brisk walk in the morning can help you to reduce your appetite during the day and prevent you from adding those unwanted extra money. walking in the morning making sure you get the right y amount of rest each night, clear your mind negative thoughts and improve productivity through out day.There is a lower level of air pollution early in the morning.I prefer walking inthe morning.As we raise during Brahama mugurthem i.e.between 04:30 and 05:30 AM scientifically it is agreed that the mind and sole will be free.Temparature will be less and pollution free admosphere. Prefer a place with lot of vegetation like park are garden,you can enjoy morning dues with full of oxigen.

    Safety is a concern , when days are shorter , it may be too dark to walk.Body temprature is at its lowest making morning a time of naturally lower energy and blood flow . warm up well before doing workout as may be cold stiff muscles.

    LUNCH TIME: It is great time to socialize with walking likeminded partner and take time away from sitting at your desk.Body tempraure is higher during afernoon better calories burning. A brisk walk improves blood flow to the brain so you are sharper in the afternoon. Walk provides stress relief from work. During after noon walking help  regulate the amount of food you feel like eating for lunch and help you avoid break time snaking.

    Lungs function is worse in the afternoon in people with COPD, Changing into exercise cloth  if, lunch break unpredictable, may not full workout. Not every one can enjoy break at lunch time.

    LATE AFTER NOON. Researchers shows lung funtion is best from 04:00 to 05:00 PM may help to reach more intensity.Late afternoon exercise can regulate the amount of food you feel like eating during dinner.For most people body temprature peaks after 07:00pm will  make it difficult to get sleep.You can walk stress relief after a day at work.

    EVENING: Walk in the evening, burn more calories than in the morning, which can aid you with your weight loss goal. According to research ,exercise in the evening can be an effective way to control your blood sugar level. Evening walking can help to curb night snacking,muscles are warm and flexible. Perceived exertion is low. you may be able toworkout  harder or faster.

    Dark time of the year it may NOT be safe to walk outside.

    A full day worth of new crisis and distraction can keep you from getting a consistent workout. You need to allow one to three hours to wind down after intense walking to be able to fall asleep.

Consult physicians prior to decide to walk

Please refer to some of my other blogs about Walking

Walk Correctly

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