Infinity Walking


What is infinity walking?

Infinity means vastness, unending.

    The infinity walk method also called figure "eight walking" is in fact a figure pattern a person must walk on, while keeping his/her eyes on an object or person and his/her head turned at a 90 degree angle ( It is possible after some practice). It has been used by US physical and occupational therapists in the rehabilitation of persons with brain injuries. It has been used developing multisensory integration in occupational therapy, including some clients with learning disabilities. 

    It is said that "Walking 8 shape" was invented by Tamil yogis about 5000 years ago. An alternative to a general outdoor walk which also serves as an Astrological remedy for Saturn is an ancient practice invented by Tamil Siddhis (yogis) from India called the “8 walk” or “Infinity walk”. As the planet, Saturn is a Vayu planet it can cause one to feel restless. By walking in a certain direction you are able to control that restlessness. So the 8 walk is a perfect remedy.


    Psychologist in New York “Deborah Sunbeck”, in the year 1980 conducted research and derived that ,It strives to improve the sensorimotor functioning of those who practice it. She also said that Infinity walk is used by clinicians in occupational therapy, physical therapy, developmental optometry and vision therapy, speech therapy and Neuro rehabilitation. Educators in some of the countries have brought  an infinite walk to their schools.

    Walking is a common recommendation by any health care professional with busy daily schedules, many of us have an excuse. It may be a justification from our point of view, but the body still needs a daily exercise routine to maintain proper health.

How to Walk 8 shape and its “Track” measurement

  • 8 walking track measurement
  • 8 shapes are formed by joining 2 circles.
  • Approximately 6 or 8 feet diameter each in “South- North” direction.
  • You can create this 8 Shape, preferably in an open space like garden, balcony, terrace, Car parking etc. At the least, you can do it in your living areas/ hall by placing 2 chairs at a gap of 3 feet and start walking in 8 shapes between the chairs.
  • Practice this in the morning or evening, on an empty stomach. Preferable time is 5 to 6 AM/PM. (Not in the pinching  sunlight) and that too after 50 min of having food.  
  • Start walking from south to north clockwise for 15 min and then anticlockwise for 15 min. Total 30 min(minimum 10+10 minutes) is good enough for a daily routine, but you can increase the timing based on your comfort.
  • Walk on a bare foot (without shoes) and concentrate on the 8 shape while walking. You can do breathing or OM Mantra chanting while doing the walk. As you inhale more than 5 kg of oxygen, a substantial  quantity of oxygen is supplied to every  organ..

Benefits of 8 Walking.

    As you walk from the South – North direction, i.e. towards and against the earth’s magnetic field, the body gets energized  and activates  chakras and all internal organs for normal functioning. Due to the 8 shaped walking style, all your body parts like legs, ankles, knees, abdomen, hip, hands, shoulders, neck, head etc. moves in a twist and turn pattern. So it gives a very good physical movement to all parts of the  body when compared to regular walking. As you walk on barefoot, there will be pressure created at different points in your foot due to the contact with ground and  thereby activating all internal organs. Within few weeks  you see relief from any chronic disease (foot has the reflex acupressure points that are linked to the internal organ)

    Concentrate on the 8 shape while walking, avoid chatting with friends or use a mobile and that will ensure proper breathing. With regular practice you will notice  relief from  Headache, Digestive Problems, Thyroid, Obesity, Knee pains, Rheumatoid Arthritis, weight gain/ loss and constipation and many more. This walking helps in balancing blood pressure. It  also reduces sugar level in the blood and reverses your diabetes and its complication within a year of regular 8 walking. Helps you to calm down your mind and relieve stress .Refresh your body for daylong work. It’s easy and very convenient for aged people who can’t go out for regular walking.

    At its best, Infinity Walk is a self-motivating, progressively more challenging integrator of purposeful movement with sensing and perceiving; attention and sustained concentration; rhythm and timing; and, verbal, cognitive, relational, and reasoning skills. Consistent walking will fetch you an earlier positive result.

    Infinity Walk can be introduced as a playful game to children as early as age three. When it is, a child's readiness for kindergarten by age five is benefited. The enormous benefit of Infinity walking was felt important by the western countries and almost all educational institutions implemented the infinity walking. They included this in their curriculum as one of the subject. Infinity walk practice can be assisted by the use of children strollers, wheelchairs and therapeutic riding horses. For those needing some walking assistance the new infinity walk about handrail system offers adjustable height and width single or double assistive railing for practice of infinity walking. The new US patent protected railing system also allows older seniors to benefit from natural daily ambulation, and the infinity walk method with support close by throughout the figure 8 track.


  1. Very useful information thankyou when it gives very good physical movements to all parts of the body.

  2. Very Insightful info for people who do not have much space for walking indoors.
