How to make walking less boring.

How to make walking less boring.

    Anything that you do repeatedly, can be boring. However, people who really have less knowledge about the benefits of walking may have the excuse of being bored. You can make walking very interesting.

Why you should walk. 

    It has many health benefits.  Research shows that walking 7000 steps a day increases your chances of living a long life by 50-70% and walking just 2000 steps longer than you have now will reduce your risk of heart disease by 8%.

How to make walking Fun.

    Walking is an exercise that is easy to follow.  But day by day the image is considered to be boring. But how to make walking desirable by your effort. Your walking will be much better if you follow some tips. 

  1. Choose different routes whenever you can, and explore different parts of the neighborhood- be a tourist in your own city and explore the place on foot!
  2. Change your daily routine slightly and take a different path.  Get to know many different facts you may not know.
  3. Take pictures: Photograph interesting events that surprise you while walking with your mobile phone like sunrise or birds flying etc. and enjoy sharing with others. 
  4. Record your favorite songs and enjoy.  A friend of mine in the park is playing songs on Alexa and makes that song so loud that everyone can enjoy it.  We don't feel fatigue.
  5. Join some friends to avoid a walking battle. If you walk with them you will not know the call. 
  6. Walk in  different timings. Try to change your walking time frequently. If you are walking at 0800 AM, get up before sunrise and walk or postpone after 0900AM. It's amazing to see how pleasant the morning is.
  7. Use a Pedometer. Guess how many steps it takes to walk a certain distance. Track your steps and provide rewards for accomplishment.
  8. Pick a color while you leave your home and find that color wherever it appears.
  9. Trace what is new on your way, new on that day.
  10. Pray, Meditate and work on Gratitude. Walking can be a solitary activity ,it can be the least distracting time of the day to pray, meditate, or work on Gratitude. Your mind focuses on spiritual and positive things, your walking becomes more than exercise.

How to get started

    It's  important to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any walking program. You should be careful if you are taking medications or any medical condition, more specifically feeling dizzy, faint or short breath while walking. Consult your doctor if you develop any pain in your upper body. Understand your body and walk safely to prevent injuries. Walking buddy who can double as your accountability partner to help you stay motivated.
    Your walking speed gradually  decreases as your age increases. According to research walking speed decreases slightly each year as you age. This averages out to a difference of 1.2 minutes slower for every kilometer (.62 mile) at age 60 than at age 20.

Here’s a table that shows average walking speeds as we age:

  Age.  Meters/second    Miles/hour

20 to 29     1.34 to 1.36.     3.0 to 3.04

30 to 39     1.34 to 1.43.     3.0 to 3.2

40 to 49     1.39 to 1.43.     3.11 to 3.2

50 to 59     1.31 to 1.43.     2.93 to 3.2

60 to 69     1.24 to 1.34.     2.77 to 3.0

70 to 79     1.13 to 1.26.     2.53 to 2.82

80 to 89     .94 to .97      2.10 to 2.17

Walking is an ideal form of exercise for all ages and easy to do and can be done anywhere.

Average walking speed by sex

    On average, men walk faster than women, with the speeds between the sexes being most similar when people are in their 20s. Both men and women have a walking speed that stays fairly consistent until reaching their 60s, which is when it starts to decline considerably.
    This difference could be because many older adults don’t get the recommended amount of weekly physical activity. In general, women are less likely than men to get the recommended amount of weekly physical activity.

This table shows the difference in walking speed by sex and age:

Age.          Sex     Meters/second  Miles/hour

20 to 29     Male.             1.36.               3.04 
                    Female   1.34.               3.0
30 to 39     Male.             1.43.               3.2
                    Female   1.34.               3.0
40 to 49     Male           1.43          3.2
                    Female   1.39          3.11
50 to 59     Male           1.43          3.2
                    Female   1.31.               2.93
60 to 69     Male           1.34.            3.0
                    Female   1.24          2.77
70 to 79     Male           1.26          2.82
                    Female   1.13          2.53
80 to 89     Male.             0.97          2.17
                    Female   0.94          2.10

What is a brisk pace?

    Trusted sources say that Walking at a brisk pace of 100 steps per minute or 3 to 3.5 miles per hour, means you’ll be walking faster than you would normally. A brisk pace is relative since it refers to your level of exertion, which depends on your fitness level. In order for it to be considered a brisk pace, you need to raise your heart and breathing rate. You may feel slightly out of breath or sweaty when walking briskly.
    You can use an app or a speedometer to measure your speed. Or you can measure your heart rate using a pulse monitor, fitness band, or calculator Trusted Source. Brisk walking, makes you breathe harder and faster, and supports healthy blood flow.
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise each week.
    The faster you walk, the better. You can work on speeding up your walking pace by working on your technique. This includes improving your posture, stride, and arm motion. Wear comfortable athletic shoes and clothing that allows for optimum movement.


What is Sciatica

Pain resulting from irritation of the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in the body begins from nerve roots in the spinal cord and runs through the buttock area down one or both legs from the lower back to the lower limb. It's usually caused when a herniated disc or bone spur in the spine presses on the nerve.

Indication of sciatica

Pain that extends from your bottom (lumbar) spine to your butt and down the back of your leg is an indication of sciatica. You observe the discomfort virtually anywhere through the nerve pathway, but it's most likely to follow a path from your low back to your butt and the back of your thigh and calf.

The pain can differ widely, from a mild ache to a sharp, burning sensation or acute pain. Occasionally it can feel like a jolt or electric shock. It can be unpleasant when you cough or sneeze, and extended sitting can irk symptoms. Usually, only one side of your body is affected.

Some people also have numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness in the affected leg or foot. You might have pain in one part of your leg and numbness in another part.

Several spinal disorders can cause sciatic nerve compression. The most common are:

  • Bulging or herniated disc

  • Lumbar spinal stenosis

  • Spondylolisthesis

  • Trauma that can result in spinal cord injuries

  • Piriformis Syndrome

  • Spinal tumor

90% of sciatica is the result of a herniated disc in the lumbar spine.

Risk Factors for Sciatica

The presence of certain risk factors may increase the likelihood of developing sciatica. A few examples include:


Mental health issues, such as depression

Tall height in older age groups (50 to 60 years)

Obesity and excess weight

Genetic susceptibility

Vitamin B 12 deficiency

Physical deconditioning from a sedentary, inactive lifestyle

Certain types of occupation (such as truck drivers, carpenters, or machine operators)

Poor work ergonomics

Loss of bladder or bowel control 

These factors collaborate with an individual’s age and general health may play a role in causing sciatica to develop.


First, your healthcare provider may be asked to walk on your toes or heels, rise from a squatting position, and while lying on your back, lift your legs one at a time. Pain that results from sciatica will usually worsen during these activities.

How to prevent sciatica. 

Prevention is better than cure.

Walking, swimming, Pilates, and yoga. In particular, do core exercises to reduce the chances of developing a herniated disk.

Learn and practice proper lifting techniques.

Maintain good posture when sitting.

Do not smoke.

Learn stretches to Relieve sciatica

  1. Sitting spinal stretch

  2. Reclining pigeon stretch

  3. Back flexion stretch

  4. Hamstring stretch

  5. Sciatica Stretch

  6. Knee to the opposite shoulder.

Yoga for Sciatica 

  • Balasana

  • Ardha Chandrasana

  • Bhujangasana

  • Salabhasana

  • Pawanmuktasana

  • Supta Kapotasana

  • Setup Bandha Sarvangasana

  • Ardha Matsyendrasana

  • Viparita Karani


Doctors might prescribe muscle relaxers, pain relievers, oral steroids, or anticonvulsants. Corticosteroid medications are injected into an area called the epidural space which is the canal that surrounds your spinal cord. Because of side effects, these are given on a limited basis. Surgery may be needed for severe pain. 


Walking during sciatica is one of the first therapeutic exercises.

Regular walking with multiple short walks every day.

Gentle stretching. 

Short walks and gentle stretching followed by ice.

The pace should be conversational.

Good posture is a must during sitting and standing

Avoid sitting on soft chairs and couches.

Apply heat or cold packs alternately to your lower back.

Is Walking Good for Arthritis

Is Walking Good for Arthritis

Arthritis is caused by inflammation of the joints causing swelling and tenderness of one or more joints, making it difficult to move or stay active.

There are several types of Arthritis. 

  1. Ankylosing spondylitis

            It affects the spines. Involves redness, heat swelling and pain in the spine or in the 

            Joint when the bottom of the spine joints the pelvic bone.

  1. Gout.

            It is caused by crystals that build up in the joints. It affect the big toe

  1. Juvenile Arthritis. 

It is caused by inflammation of the joints of children.

  1. Osteoarthritis

usually comes with age between 50 and 60 and most often affects the fingers, knees and hips. There are different types of Arthritis, other organs such as eyes, heart or skin can also be affected.

  1. Psoriatic Arthritis. 

It affects people who have psoriasis. It affects skin joints. 

  1. Reactive Arthritis 

Pain or swelling in a joint that is caused by an infection in body.

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis. 

Body's own defense system doesn't work properly. 

Causes of Arthritis. 

    Most common arthritis are Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis and Juvenile arthritis have been identified due to Genes.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the immune system attack the joints, beginning with lining of joints

  • People with Osteoarthritis may have inherited cartilage weakness. This causes cartilage in the herd, slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they form a joint to break down.       

Symptoms of Arthritis 

  • Pain, Redness, Heat and swelling in your joint

  • Trouble moving around

  • Fever

  • Weight loss

  • Breathing problem 

  • Rash or itches.

Prevention is better than cure.        

  • Avoiding tobacco products

  • Doing low-impact-non weight bearing exercises 

  • Maintaining a healthy body weight

  • Reducing your risk of joint injuries

   Lower impact non weight bearing exercises and healthy body weight is possible with walking. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise you can do when you have arthritis. You may be surprised to learn that regular walking, stretching, and other movements can actually help relieve your arthritis pain and improve your overall mobility. Walking is a fantastic option for many patients with knee arthritis because it is a low-impact activity that does not put undue stress on the joints. Furthermore, walking can increase the knee's range of motion and keep it from becoming overly stiff.

    Research shows aerobic exercise can help ease pain and stiffness from arthritis. The American Journal of Preventive Medicine said that walking helps reduce your risk of disability. Researchers at Northwestern University analyzed  that just one hour a week of brisk walking — or less than 10 minutes a day — allowed older adults to maintain their ability to perform daily tasks. Another study suggests that people with osteoarthritis knee pain benefit most when they walk 6,000 or more steps per day.

    Another bonus for people with arthritis: Regular brisk walking can boost your mood and help you sleep better, both of which can be challenges when you live with chronic pain and fatigue from arthritis.

Tips Before You Start a Walking Program with Arthritis

Start slowly

    You start with five minutes a day the first week, and then increase your time or distance a few minutes the next week. Build up to 150 minutes per week which works out to 30 minutes a day, five days a week of moderate intensity aerobic exercise, adjust your routine as needed

Move gently

    Move your joints gently at first to warm up. You might begin with range-of-motion exercises for five to 10 minutes before you move on to aerobic exercise. And when you do start walking, focus on landing softly with each stride.

Why Walking Is Good Exercise for Your Joints

    It’s a low-impact exercise, for one — that means there is less stress on weight-bearing joints, like your hips, knees, and feet. Walking also helps:

Keep cartilage healthy

    Walking increases blood flow to cartilage and  helps cartilage to acquire the nutrients it needs to cushion and protect the ends of bones in your joints.

Strengthen muscles

    Strong muscles can handle more weight and they can support and protect your joints.

Manage your weight

    More weight  puts more pressure and stress on weight-bearing joints, and can make inflammatory arthritis worse. Joint pain may vary from day to day, you should  modify your walking distance and time based on how you are feeling that day.

Stop if anything hurts

    Do not over strain your joints. If joints start to ache  — sit on a bench for a minute or two and engage in some easy breath, then walk again, advises Low. If the pain is sharp and stabbing, or you feel any new joint pain, it’s time to stop. Talk to your doctor about what pain is normal and when it’s a sign of something more serious.

Stretch every day

    If you have a flare of RA or an increase in OA pain, you should still stay active. Some simple stretching may diminish some of the pain.

The bottom line.

    Arthritis cannot be cured but can be controlled. Consistent walking is suggested. Medical diagnosis and treatments are very expensive which I can tell from my experience to get the needed support and treatment for my spouse . Diet can play a major role in arthritis severity and symptoms. Fatty Fish, Garlic, Ginger, Broccoli, Walnuts, Berries, Spinach, Grapes, Olive oil, Tart cherry are few.


Why lose Weight


Why Lose Weight: 

    It isn't easy to lose weight within a year that you have put on in 10 years, says Abhishek, who has recently shared his exceptional weight loss journey through his Twitter account "On Abhishek Jain". "Getting fit requires dedication and discipline and more than anything, it requires patience.... If you’re someone who wants quick results, then stop exactly at this point and continue with your daily chores because that's not gonna happen," he says

    We are eating in a fast-paced, checked-out, disembodied manner. When we are eating rapidly  our portion of food in record-breaking time, we are usually focused on something besides the experience of eating. Talking to others, reading, working, surfing social media on our phones, etc., represents an experience that is outside of the body.
    Eat food only when you feel hungry. Appetite represents the physiological desire for food and hunger represents a biological need for food as a fuel for the body. Appetite can be  influenced such as smell, sight and surroundings. The amount of weight a person loses and the speed at which they lose varies from person to person and can involve various factors. However, generally, males tend to lose weight differently from females.
    Eating balanced food is recommended. Do not eat full stomach. High protein foods and low carbohydrate foods can help a person feel fuller for longer and reduce overeating. However to know the balanced food there are many health based Apps available. Requirements of vitamins and minerals differ from person to person. Omnivorous food is protein rich compared to vegan food. Protein rich food does not suit all. Consuming vegan based food consistently for a few months may lead to weight loss. The researchers noted that a Mediterranean diet is as effective as a low carbohydrate diet in maintaining weight loss and boosting overall health. A large proportion of plant-based foods, such as:

  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts and seeds

Eat following foods in moderation:

  • Dairy
  • Seafood
  • Poultry

Types of Exercise

Exercise helps promote and maintain weight loss

  • Weightlifting
  • Walking, Running, Jogging, swimming etc.,
  • Exercises that require a person to use their own body weight
  • High intensity interval training (HIIT) : High intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts involve alternating between short, intense spurts of exercise and low intensity exercise. It is an alternative to moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT). It  may be the better option for people looking to maintain a Getting enough sleep

A 2021 meta-analysis investigated the effect of resistance training on body composition in healthy adults. It found that resistance training alone led to a reduction in the following:

  • Body fat percentage
  • Visceral fat, which is fat that surrounds the internal organs

Things to remember for Weight Loss:

1.    Insufficient sleep may stimulate the hormones that affect hunger, encourage overeating, and affect overall weight loss. The Sleep Foundation says that getting quality sleep is an important part of a weight loss plan.

  • Staying well hydrated. Drink plenty of water but not while eating.
  • Getting enough fiber.
  • Eating a variety of foods
  • Moderate weight and improve overall health.

2. Other weight loss tips for males

  • Trying intermittent fasting
  • Tracking your diet and exercise
  • Eating mindfully

3. Sitting down to eat, preferably at a table: Pay attention to the food and enjoy the experience.

  • Avoiding distractions while eating: Do not turn on the TV, or a laptop or phone.
  • Eating slowly: Take time to chew and savor the food. This technique helps with weight loss, as it gives a person’s brain enough time to recognize the signals that they are full, which can help to prevent overeating.
  • Making considered food choices: Choose foods that are full of nourishing nutrients and those that will satisfy for hours rather than minutes.
  • High Protein rich food.
  • Good choices for a high-protein breakfast include eggs, oats, nut and seed butters, quinoa porridge, sardines, and chia seed pudding.

4. Cutting back on sugar and refined carbohydrates

  • The Western diet is increasingly high in added sugars, and this has definite link to obesity
  • Where possible, people should swap processed and sugary foods for more healthful.    options. Good food swaps include:
  • Whole-grain rice, bread, and pasta instead of the white versions
  • Fruit, nuts, and seeds instead of high-sugar snacks
  • Herb teas and fruit-infused water instead of high-sugar sodas
  • Smoothies with water or milk instead of fruit juice

5. Eating plenty of fiber

  • Whole-grain breakfast cereals, whole-wheat pasta, whole-grain bread, oats, barley, and rye
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Peas, beans, and pulses
  • Nuts and seeds

6. Balancing gut bacteria

  • Every individual has different varieties and amounts of bacteria in their gut. Some types.        can increase the amount of energy that the person harvests from food, leading to fat.  deposition and weight gain.
  • Some foods can increase the number of good bacteria in the gut, including:
  • A wide variety of plants: Increasing the number of fruits, vegetables, and grains in the diet 
  • Fermented foods: These enhance the function of good bacteria while inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria. 
  • Prebiotic foods: These stimulate the growth and activity of some of the good bacteria that aid weight control, especially chicory root, artichoke, onion, garlic, asparagus, leeks, banana, and avocado. It is also in grains, such as oats and barley.

7. Getting a good night’s sleep

8. Managing your stress levels

9. Some methods of managing stress include:

  • yoga, meditation, or tai chi
  • breathing and relaxation techniques
  • spending some time outdoors, for example walking or gardening

Why lose weight ?

  1. Appearance:
  2. Confidence and body image.
  3. Overall health: Maintaining an appropriate weight can help to boost overall health and prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes.
  4. Specific conditions: Symptoms of sleep apnea or type 2 diabetes, for example, may improve or go away when a person loses excess weight.
  5. Fitness: A weight-loss program that involves exercise can leave a person feeling fitter, with more energy and stamina.
  6. Sports competitions: In some sports, such as boxing, an individual may seek to control their weight to stay in their existing weight category.
  7. Fertility: Fertility treatment appears to be more effective
  8. In women with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) if they lose weight, it helps with their treatment.

Tips to lost Weight : 

  • Write out your goal and keep it posted somewhere as a reminder dey when you want to give up. 
  • Track your food, what you are eating .
  • Use free apps like “ my fitness pal, Heathifyme etc”  to know the amount of calories you eat. 

Walking - Reduce Weight

 Walking-Reduce weight

Why are people overweight?

    If you consistently burn all of the calories that you consume in the course of a day, you will maintain your weight. If you consume more energy (calories) than you expend, you will gain weight. Genes contribute to the causes of obesity in many ways, by affecting appetite, satiety (the sense of fullness),

Thrifty Genes:

  • During  crops failed or other contingencies, our ancestors  lived with stored body fat  and those who couldn't, perished.

  • Fetal Programming:

    • If mothers smoked during pregnancy, their child/children are more likely to become overweight.
    • Babies born to mothers who had diabetes. 
    • Babies who are breast-fed for more than three months are less likely to have obesity as adolescents 
  • Childhood habits of drinking sugary sodas and eating high-calorie, processed foods develop a taste for these products and continue eating them as adults, which tends to promote weight gain. 

  • Kids who watch television and play video games, being inactive may be programming themselves for a sedentary future.

  • Today's "obesogenic" environment encourages us to eat more and exercise less. 

  • There's growing evidence that broader aspects of the way we live — such as how much we sleep, our stress levels, and other psychological factors, can affect weight as well.

The food factor as one of the causes of obesity

  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),  Experts say increased availability, bigger portions, and more high-calorie foods tempted people to eat more calories.

  • Spending far more on foods eaten out of the home.

  • Fast-food sizes have ballooned, a trend that has spilled over into many other foods, from cookies and popcorn to sandwiches and steaks.

  • Research shows that people will often eat what's in front of them, even if they're already full. 

  • We're also eating more high-calorie foods which are much more readily available than lower-calorie choices like salads and whole fruits. Many low-fat foods are very high in calories because they contain large amounts of sugar to Improve their taste and palatability. 

The Exercise Equation

    The government's current recommendations for exercise call for an hour of moderate to vigorous exercise a day. Children don't exercise as much in school, often because of cutbacks in physical education classes. We work long hours, we have trouble finding the time to go to the gym, play a sport, or exercise in other ways. The widespread use of vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, leaf blowers, and a host of other appliances takes nearly all the physical effort out of daily chores and can contribute as one of the causes of obesity.


    Watching about four hours of television per day, a habit that's been linked to overweight or obesity in a number of studies. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, revealed that people with overweight and obesity spend more time watching television and playing video games than people of normal weight. Watching television more than two hours a day also raises the risk of being overweight in children, even in those as young as three years old.  Studies show that eating food in front of the TV stimulates people to eat more calories, and particularly more calories from fat. 

Stress and Related Issues

    Stress Is a common threat intertwining these factors. Work long hours and take shorter or less frequent vacations. In many families, both parents work, which makes it harder to find time for families to shop, prepare, and eat healthy foods together. Reports of child abductions and random violent acts increase stress levels. reluctant to allow children to ride their bikes to the park to play. Time pressures often lead people to eat on the run and to sacrifice sleep, both of which can contribute to weight gain.

    Close connections between the brain's pacemaker and the appetite control center in the hypothalamus suggest that hunger and satiety are affected by temporal cues. Irregular eating patterns may disrupt the effectiveness of these cues in a way that promotes obesity. Similarly, research shows that the less you sleep, the more likely you are to gain weight. Studies have demonstrated that some people eat more when affected by depression, anxiety, or other emotional disorders. So keep walking, but make sure you also eat a healthy diet. BURN  more calories than CONSUMED


1. Picking up the pace

     Walking briskly will burn extra calories to help with weight loss.

2. Wearing a weighted vest

    People who can safely wear a weighted vest will likely see improvements in the number of calories they burn.

3. Walking uphill

    To help increase calorie burn, a person should walk uphill regularly.

4. Focusing on form and posture

    When it comes to walking, it is important to maintain form and posture.

A person should walk so that they are looking ahead at all times as this helps increase the speed, as well as lengthen their stride. While walking, a person should also focus on tightening their abdominal muscles and glutes. People can do this during the entire walk or for short intervals. This technique can help a person build strength and keep them injury free so that they can continue their walking program.

5. Incorporating resistance training intervals

    Can try adding in resistance training during their walk.

Some exercises to try include:

  • squats
  • pushups
  • burpees, or squat thrusts
  • lunges

6. Short exercise intervals can help increase a person’s heart rate and build muscle. They can also help make the walking routine more interesting.

7. Doing three shorter walks a day

Some people may find it easier to maintain their daily exercise by doing shorter walks throughout the day instead of taking a much longer walk once a day. Experts believe that taking a walk after each meal also brings benefits.

8. Aiming for more steps each day

People can increase the number of steps they take each day by changing some of their daily movement patterns. Tips for doing this include:

  • taking the stairs instead of the elevator
  • parking further away from the door at shops, work, or school
  • walking to lunch, work, school, or other activities if possible
  • taking walking breaks at work instead of sitting in a break room

How Long to Walk Each Day for Weight Loss:

    You can walk more on some days and less on others, but the total time for the week should be at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours).