Can you consume Rice and Sugar when you are diabetic ?


Can you consume Rice and Sugar when you are diabetic ?

What is Diabetes?

    Diabetes is not a disease. Diabetes is a human made action or judgment that is misguided or wrong in food habits. As long as you are young the food consumed is digested without any difficulty. When you age your organs will have difficulty digesting food.

Steps of the digestive system

Food passes through 

  • Mouth
  • Esophagus
  • Stomach
  • Small Intestine
  • Colon ( Large Intestine)
  • Rectum

    If your body doesn't break down most of the food you eat into sugar (glucose), your blood sugar goes up,  your pancreas cannot release the required insulin. With diabetes, your body doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use it as well. When there isn’t enough insulin or cells stop responding to insulin, too much blood sugar stays in your bloodstream. Over time, that can cause serious health problems, such as heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease. Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. There isn’t a cure yet for diabetes, but losing weight, eating healthy food, and being active can really help. 

Other things you can do to help:

  • Take medicine as prescribed.
  • Get diabetes self-management education and support.
  • Make and keep health care appointments.

Does diabetes injure the kidneys

    Your kidneys cannot clean your blood properly if you have diabetes. Your body will retain more water and salt than it should, which can result in weight gain and ankle swelling. You may have protein in your urine. Also, waste materials will build up in your blood. Diabetes also may cause damage to nerves and also urinary tract infection. 

Diabetes self-management.

    All the food taken during young age ie till 35 years to 40 years are digested well. But at the age of 40 every organ in the digestive system is either weak or inefficient.  This should be understood and take food accordingly. The remedy for diabetic is not Allopathic medicines. Every allopathic medicine has multiple side effects. Hence we should find a suitable measure to get relief from diabetic. One of the main ingredients that shoots up sugar in blood is carbohydrates.  But every food contains carbohydrates. Out of which Rice has more percentage . We cannot and should not eliminate carbohydrates and should limit the intake and enhance consumption of other protein and minerals.

There are five easy methods to get rid of diabetic.

  • Do not skip breakfast
  • Minimize carbohydrates intake considerably.
  • Exercise regularly
  • Limit your food intake and eat food only when you feel hungry 
  • Avoid constipation.

My Personal Experience: 

    I want to share my personal experience, which I have succeeded after a decade. 

  • My day starts with taking a thyroid pill and then drinking 4 glasses (250 ml) of warm water. 
  • Walk about 1000 steps within my house. It will take 15 to 20 min which in turn will help me clear my stomach thereby one of the important goal for the day is achieved.
  • I take a cup of coffee with little sugar ( if you are coffee/tea lover do not ignore)
  • Breakfast is an important meal of the day, which I will not avoid. My breakfast is one boiled egg and 1 dosa or 2 idli or 2 slices of wheat bread (do not exceed the limit) I know the quantity is insufficient but I limit it to minimum.
  • After an hour or two I eat some fresh fruits like 1/2 apple,½ guava and two slices of papaya. Guava is an excellent fruit for constipation. I used to add two gooseberries in between.  
  • For lunch, I eat a few slices of cucumber as an appetizer. I prefer two varieties of vegetables, less than 200 grams each, either boiled or cooked. I also take some rice, about 100grams, so that I get some carbs for energy. Ensure quantity of rice is not exceeded. Finally I take a glass of buttermilk, it contains calcium to the extent of 250mg, which is very essential for my metabolism.
  • After about 90 minutes, I will feel hungry, which is a good sign, during which I munch a few peanuts. Then around early evening I eat 2 biscuits, either Marie gold or Digestive biscuits with a cup of green tea.
  • Then in the evening between 18:00 to 18:30 hours, I take a handful of nuts like almond, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, figs and dates which has good healthy fat. If I feel like taking some energy drinks I take a cup of sugar free boost or Horlicks. 
  • For dinner, I take cooked millets like fox tail millet, barnyard millet, sorghum millet, little millet etc.
  • Before hitting bed I take a cup of milk.

Do not ignore medicine till you are comfortable with your above food system. To ensure success, check your blood sugar in the lab before food and after food. It is a surprise to me my  sugar reading was 120/160 prior to this trial. After one month my blood sugar was 83/102. 


    By following the above disciplined food I could achieve taking the required vitamins and minerals. Easy digestion and blood sugar is well within the limit. Over a period of time I hope I can stop taking medications and still control my glucose levels.

Losing Weight Will Reduce Knee Pain

Losing Weight Will Reduce Knee Pain

Losing Weight Will Reduce Knee Pain


Maybe the result of 

  1. Injury (fracture of the kneecap or other bones)
  2. Ruptured ligament or torn cartilage
  3. Arthritis 
  4. Gout
  5. Infections
  6. Bayer cyst
  7. Dislocation of the kneecap
  8. Iliotibial band syndrome
  9. Overweight 
  10. Age
  11. Sports (Basketball, Football, etc.)


  • Swelling and stiffness
  • Redness and warmth to the touch
  • Weakness or Instability
  • Popping or crunching noises
  • Inability to fully straighten
  • Inability to fully straighten the knee.


    The knee is the largest joint in your body. The knee bears a great deal of stress such as lifting & kneeling and from high-impact activities such as jogging  Aerobics, and Running. The knee is formed by the following parts.

    • Tibia:- Larger bone of the lower leg
    • Femur:-Thigh bones or upper leg bone
    • Patella:-Knee cap.


    The knee joint is made of bone cartilage, ligaments, and fluid muscles and tendons to help the knee joint. If anyone is damaged the knee pain develops. Excess weight puts added stress on joints particularly knees causing pain and worsening Arthritis damage. Being just 10 pounds reducing weight decreases the force on your knees by 30 to 40% with every step you take. 


  • Osteoarthritis: Wear and tear of cartilage
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Cartilage may be destroyed and swelling developed.
  • Ligament injuries: Direct impact on ligament due to accident. Or Sports activities.
  • Tendon injuries: inflammation to a tear, overuse in sports or, from a fall.
  • Cartilage injuries and disorder overuse: injury muscle weakness or misalignment of the knee
  • Broken knee cap: The small round bone that it’s over the front of our knee joint breaks due to a fall or direct blow to the knee

The average weight of Adults is furnished below for reference. We should try to maintain.

Height(feet) Female (kg) Male (kg)

4'6"   28.5/34.9 28.5/34.9

4'7"   30.8/37.6 30.8/38.1

4'8" 32.6/39.9 33.5/40.8

4'9" 34.9/42.6 35.8/43.9

4'10" 36.4/44.9 38.5/46.7

4’11" 39.0/47.6 40.8/49.9

5'0" 40.8/49.9 43.1/53

5'1" 43.1/52.6 45.8/55.8

5’2" 44.9/54.9 48.1/58.9

5’3" 47.2/57.6 50.8/61.6

5'4" 49/59.9 53/64.8

5'5" 51.2/62.6 55.3/68

5'6" 53/64.8 58/70.7

5'7" 55.3/67.6 60.3/73.9

5’8" 57.1/69.8 63/76.6

5’9" 59.4/72.6 65.3/79.8

5’10" 61.2/74.8 67.6/83

5'11" 63.5/77.5 70.3/85.7

6’.00" 65.3/79.8 72.6/88.9

6'.1" 67.6/82.5 75.3/91.6

6’2" 69.4/84.8 77.5/94.8

6’3" 71.6/87.5 79.8/98

6'4" 73.5/89.8 82.5/100.6

6'5" 75.7/92.5 84.8/103.8


      There may be multiple causes for knee pain, except losing weight, rest all remedies depend on physicians.  To recover from knee pain, reduction of weight is an easy and cheapest means to follow.

      Set a realistic goal to lose weight, If you are overweight, start out to lower your weight by 5%. Once you reach your goal, set another goal of losing another 5%. Setting goals is especially important when you have the challenge of knee pain. Since you may be limited in the physical activity. 


    Weight loss plans differ from one individual to another. Few people count calories before taking food. Others lose weight by eliminating a few high-calorie foods from their diet. Many successful losers try several approaches before they find the one that suits them. Choosing the most comfortable is the key to making healthy changes. You can live with staying motivated to lose weight.

    It is important to appreciate yourself along the way and treat yourself with something special when you achieve your goals. By the way, you also monitor your pain level in your knees. Chances are you will begin to feel less pain over time.

    Avoid restaurant food. Restaurant food is loaded with fat, salt, and calories. If you go out for lunch or dinner divide oversized portions into half before you start the food. Prefer a diet that reduces the risk, which helps to slow the progression of metabolic syndrome. 

    Eating fresh fruits that are high in nutrients.  Fresh fruits and vegetables, which provide antioxidants and other nutrients. fiber-rich food i.e.,  whole foods and plant-based food, healthy oils like Olive oil, etc are recommended. 


    Avoid added sugar, fat, salt, and highly processed, contain saturated and trans fats that may raise cholesterol levels.


    Cutting calorie consumption is half of the weight loss equation. The other half is expanding calories through physical activity. Swimming, Water aerobics, Walking, Light resistance exercises, and Yoga are recommended which may not put a strain on joints.