Not everyone in the world has ever experienced constipation. Many people live with stool problems.

    Constipation is a disorder of defecation.  A bowel movement once or twice a day is 'normal'.  Constipation can cause a decrease in stool volume.  Second, the stool does not pass for several days.  It may also have to strain to pass stool.  Constipated people always feel as if their stomach (rectum) is full.  The accumulation of waste products in the body for many days can cause some kind of discomfort.  Chronic constipation can cause many disorders.

    It may cause constipation and abdominal pain. When the stool becomes hard, it becomes difficult to pass. This causes stomachache. May cause vomiting. I'm not hungry. The last part of the digestive system, the rectum and large intestine, becomes more and more rigid. No more stool is passed because the bowel movement is blocked. This can cause muscle spasms, sprains, and pain.

    Constipation is not a life-threatening disease. So, even if you get smaller in size, if you don't have stool all the time, don't be afraid. Also, if you haven't had a bowel movement for several days, don't expect it to become difficult. After all, if food remains in your intestines for several days, the water in it will be completely absorbed, making your stool harder and smaller in size. No need to. Garbage does not accumulate without coming out. Don't worry if you don't go to the bathroom as usual for a few days. However, this applies only to those who have constant problems with bowel movements. If this happens to someone who does not go to the bathroom every day and goes to the bathroom, they should realize that there is something wrong with their health and see a doctor.

Reasons for constipation

1.Insufficient dietary fiber and increased food intake

2. Restrain the urge to urinate naturally. When waste moves from the colon to the rectum and rubs against its membranes, the brain signals the urge to go to the bathroom. Anyway, if you keep suppressing this feeling, it will eventually disappear. When the colon becomes sluggish, the movement of the colon muscles is greatly reduced. It causes chronic constipation

3. Physical labor, lack of exercise, especially for the elderly.

4. Antacids and laxatives can also be a cause. Aluminum hydroxide, sedatives, and anxiolytics often cause constipation. 

5. Insufficient blood flow to the colon impedes muscle movement and waste disposal, resulting in constipation.

6. Dehydration. Another reason is not drinking enough water. When the body becomes dehydrated, it absorbs all the water from waste products.

7. Effects on the rectum

8. Milk allergy

9. Inability to "control" abdominal and anal muscles. This is called defecation disorder.

10. Stress and depression can cause severe constipation. The stomach is affected by mood disorders. Constipation also occurs when serotonin levels in the brain are low.

11. The following diseases can cause constipation. These diseases slow the passage of waste through the colon, rectum, and anus. Parkinson's disease, hypothyroidism, elevated blood calcium levels, diabetes, neurological and spinal cord disorders.

 12. Improper diet and lifestyle.

Symptoms of constipation

     Stomachache. Brittleness can occur. I'm not hungry. Difficulty having a bowel movement can damage the blood vessels in the anus and cause hemorrhoids. A serious cause of constipation is hemorrhoids. Diverticulosis occurs. The walls of the colon are affected by hard, stony stools. As a result, a “balloon”-like “bag” forms in the large intestine, causing swelling and blockage. this is diverticulosis

Ayurvedic therapeutic approach

According to Ayurveda, if he does not have a bowel movement at least once a day, i.e. within 24 hours, this is called constipation.
It is digested within 16-24 hours of eating, leaving behind waste products. Waste products are “pushed” into the colon and rectum, where they are discharged. In Ayurveda this waste product is called ama. According to natural remedies, constipation is the root cause of all ailments.
In Ayurveda, the natural impulse is called "Vega". Ayurveda describes the consequences of obstructed bowel movements as follows: Pain in the calf of the lower leg.
Dehydration, colds, and headaches are common.
Gas accumulates in the stomach, rises to the epigastrium and presses on the "diaphragm". I have chest pain.
Constipation, blurred vision, loss of appetite, abdominal pain.

Method of treatment

1.Soak the figs (dried) in water overnight and eat them in the morning.

2. Eating papaya before or after meals can prevent constipation.

3. In the morning, drink salted water with lemon juice.

 4. Wake up 1 hour before you wake up in the morning, drink 1-2 glasses of warm salt water and go to bed. Facilitate passage of stool.

5. Drinking carrot juice with spinach juice and lemon juice will help relieve constipation.

Remedy through food

1. Eat wheat bread. Rice should be reduced.

2. Plenty of green and yellow vegetables and vegetables with a lot of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is a good natural remedy for constipation.

3. Drink plenty of water.

4. Avoid processed foods.

 5. Cotton and cotton are good for vada prakriti. Oil lubricates the colon and aids bowel movements.

6. Minimize food/- bottled drinks, jams, bread, ice cream, pickles, waffles, cheese, samosas. 

7. Additives: Whole grains, brown rice raisins, figs, pomegranates, apples, bananas, etc.

8. Cumin, pepper, turmeric, tanya, fenugreek – Include these in your diet. 

9. Chew well in your mouth for better digestion

10. Don't skip breakfast.

Treatment with herbs 

Ayurveda prescribes about 600 herbs for the wide range of constipation remedies available in Ayurveda. Instead of treating yourself, consult your doctor.

Here are some herbs.

1. Bilbum (Aegle marmelos) fruit is generally useful for constipation. The best of them is the viva fruit. Good laxative. Ripe fruits are better than berries. wash the intestines Should be used for 2-3 months. 60 grams of fruit per day is enough.It can be taken before meals.

2. Cassia fistula Cassia fistula is a laxative that relieves constipation. No side effects. 3. Castor oil (Ricinus Communis) is a medicinal oil that has been used in our homes since ancient times.It is safe.

4. Mustard (Terminala Chebula) A low-potency mild laxative. Serve with rock salt or cinnamon and cloves (a little).




OLIPOP soda is useful for Digestion and Gut Health


OlIPOP Soda is useful for Digestion and Gut Health

What is OLIPOP and How it Started

    OLIPOP soda and also a digestive drink from Oakland, California. It's  likely to advance in other countries as well. Ben Goodwin  and David Lester based in Oakland, C A want to launch a healthy drink. The earlier attempt with healthy drink Obi ,a probiotic soda,  back in 2013 was  launched and was not successful. OLI POP  is the brainchild of Ben and David and was launched  in the year  2018.  OLI POP is a sparkling digestive tonic for all ages that contain 8-9g of fiber and less than 3g of sugar per 12 oz can.  t has tempting lemon and ginger, romantic orange pop and the classic flavors of cola and root beer evoke unparalleled tastes to stimulate drinking.

OLIPOP Flavors

These OLIPOPs are available in below flavors.

  • Cream soda - Better than dessert
  • Doctor Goodwin - Boldly refreshing collision flavors
  • Orange cream - Favorite summertime treat. reimagined
  • Tropical Punch - like a vacation for your taste buds
  • Classic Root Beer - A modern take on the classic cream soda
  • Straw beer Vanilla - A naturally sweet & refreshing treat
  • Vintage Cola-Old - fashioned taste meets new-fashioned ingredients
  • Orange squeeze - Good Ole citrus goodness with a hint of nostalgia
  • Ginger Lemon - A kick of ginger and a long of lemon juice
  • Cherry Vanilla - Like cherry pie in a can

Its's Ingredients: 

The OLIPOP is produced with the below ingredients

Cassava Root:

    Cassava produced in South America is a starchy tuber. It is a type of probiotic fiber will support gut health feeding food for the beneficial bacteria that survive in our microbiome

Chicory Root:

    It is one of the best sources of inulin, a kind of prebiotic fiber that helps microbiome health.

Jerusalem Artichoke:

    This knobby tuber is the root of a kind of sunflower and its best is its inulin, and its fiber supports microbiome health.

Nopal Cactus:

    It consist soothing soluble fibers pectin and mucilage along with antioxidants, vitamin and minerals

Calendula Flower:

    Calendula petals consist of antioxidants and have been used as an herbal remedy for a wide variety of ailments due to their healing effects. 

Kudzu Root

    It is used in Chinese herbal medicine as a remedy for certain stomach upset.

Marshmallow Root:

    This root is for soothing multiple ailments and was used to prepare Marshmallows. Many of its roots alleviating abilities is due to its mucilage, a dense, glutinous materials composed of Protein and polysaccharides.

Slippery Elm Bark:

    Slippery Elm is a family of elm trees native to North America . The inner bark of this tree consists of mucilage - a viscous and gelatinous material found in plants that is used to soothe irritation and inflammation in numerous ways.     

    OLI POP was sweetened with aspartame and acesulfame - potassium, also with artificial flavors, colors and preservatives  to give classic fizz and flavor. It is also packed with prebiotics, plant fiber and botanicals to support digestive health. Since soda with high in fiber is good for gut health.

Why Is It Called OLI POP?

    They decided to name a drink with a fun and delicious tonic that will always want to stock in the user  fridge. That name should have brand identity, a cutting edge solution for  digestive health and also user friendly to human microbiome. Ben was always enthusiastic about oligosaccharides, a type of microbiome-supporting prebiotic and wanted to use it for OLIPOP, So the name commenced with OLI. Back in 1812, soda was bottled with corks, when it was drawn, a POP sound used to arise, hence David would like to expressly name it POP, so the name OLIPOP. 

Things to know about OLIPOP soda

    OLI POP  has low sugar, low calorie, It doesn't taste like vinegar. It is also caffeine free.

    It has a sweet taste, but doesn't consist artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn syrup. It contains natural stevia leaf extract and cassava root syrup, providing an amazing taste with natural ingredients. It doesn't taste like soda; it tastes even better.

    Prebiotic fibers in OLIPOP  help to maintain healthy bowel movements and support a healthy microbiome.  

    OLIPOP uses stevia in place of sugar or HFCS. The typical can of root beer adds 39 grams of sugar, has 39grams carbohydrates (no fiber), and whopping 153 empty calories but One container OLIPOP consists approximately 16 grams of carbohydrates, of which three grams being from added sugars. you can delete 9 grams of carbs from the total carbs to derive the net carbs (it is seen, there are  only7 grams of net carbs per can). The artificial citric acid in these soda brands are man-made, it doesn't offer orange fruits benefits 

How oral probiotics is tremendous benefit for dental health

How Oral Probiotics is Tremendous Benefit for Dental health

    Probiotics may have gained popularity in recent years – but believe it or not, probiotics have been around since the early 19th and 20th centuries in some fashion or another.  During those times, biologists discovered the use of bacteria and yeast in the fermentation process and linked them to positive health effects.

    In 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (which allowed dietary supplements to be regulated differently than prescribed medications) was implemented by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  This implies additional stringent standards, including probiotics.  As a result, probiotics could be sold over the counter, which allowed consumers to purchase them more easily.

What is Oral probiotics?

    Yeast and bacteria are live microorganisms, which are probiatics , that helps in digestive system.  They are beneficial because they restore and stabilize the intestinal flora (or microbiome), which boost the health.  While bacterial or yeast giantism may be a bother, not all bacteria are bad for humans.  Your gut (especially the intestines and digestive tract) has sufficient bacterias that are vital to keep you healthy and cleaning the food you eat.  In fact, microbes like bacteria exceed human cells in your body 10 to one.

    Probiotics are, in nature, the vital bacteria in our gut microbiota, says Jenna-Ann Del Borrello, a registered dietitian in New York City.  It is available in many fermented foods, such as kimchi, some cheeses, and yogurt, and in pills or in powder form.

    Probiotics often try to imitate or duplicate the natural usefull bacteria in the human gut.  Probiotics hold numerous contrasting bacterial species or strains, the two most common bacterial strains traced in probiotics are: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

    For those request to cure irritable bowel syndrome and acute dermatitis, habitually used probiotic strains conventionally include Lactobacillus sp., Bifidobacterium sp., Streptococcus thermophilus, and Saccharomyces boulardii.

    Gnerally, the most accepted and best-assessed strains of probiotics include: Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Saccharomyces.  It should be noted that most probiotic products and supplements consist multiple strains of live bacteria.

    Probiotic products consist of nourishing or essential probiotics (such as fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut) or included probiotics such as Activia yogurt.  Probiotics can be obtained across the counter or by way of prescription, as pills or capsules.

    Probiotics are different from prebiotics, which are a kind of dietary fiber that consume bacteria in the gut.

Benefits of probiotics

    The most important benefit of Probiotics is, It helps the G.I.  It is helpful to treat health conditions since they assist to stabilize the good and bad bacteria in the gut. 

    Probiotics can group of specific vitamins , including vitamins B and K.

   Generate short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which helps to regulate T-cells.  T-cells nourish the immune system and function as anti-inflammatory agents.

     Enhance the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

     Minimise oral candidiasis and yeast infections by stimulating healthy pH balances.


    Tackle the obesity and encourage weight loss (although more research is required in this field).

   Manage a variety of diarrhea and G.I.  infections, such as infectious diarrhea, Clostridium difficile, and psychosis.

    Help to handle the skin problems such as atopic dermatitis (eczema).

    Co-operation may need to help loose stools and constipation, though they may not surge the number of bowel movements.

There are very limited reasearch, and there is more speculation about the effectiveness of probiotics .  For example, systematic analysis reveal that no benefit of probiotics for colds and urinary tract infections.  Because probiotics are produced in many different strains, and it is to be ensured whether all variants of a particular strain will give the same benefits.

    Two different lactobacillus will not give same result or effect .  Because of complicated test it is difficult to test all possible strains of bacteria and their usefuleness in supporting the digestive system. 

The best probiotic

    It is hard to predict which is the best probiotic is, because the effects of probiotics differs from person to person.  Everyone possess unique gut flora, so the probiotic that works within you depends on the microbiota in your gut.  There are nearly 500 species of bacteria available in our large intestine

    Despite both probiotic supplements and probiotic foods have health benefits, probiotic foods are the most effective carriers of probiotics.  However, more research and clinical trials are required to establish which strains are most effective and why.

 Eight Probiotic Foods

     A probiotic diet is a naturally occurring food.  These are very naturally probiotic-rich foods.Some food contain added probiotics and some are naturally probiotic rich food.


Yogurt is a most popular fermented milk probiatic product.  It usually contains bacterial cultures of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.  Another regular bacteria available in most dairy products is bifidobacteria. Few research recommends that there are additional health benefits by eating yogurt with fruit, which has high in prebiotics.


    Kefir, a fermented milk drink, emerged in Eastern Europe.  Antifungal and antibacterial stuff from probiotics, kefir possibly have anticancer properties.  Kefir is substantially safe for people who are lactose intolerant.


     Sauerkraut is a fermented food made out of cabbage, with roots dating back to the 4th century.  Probiotics found in cabbage are anti-inflammatory, but eat small quantity, large amounts of sauerkraut can lead to diarrhea.


    Kombucha is a fermented tea product that emerged in northern China.  Kombucha is high in acetic acid and lactic acid bacteria and it is found to have antimicrobial properties.  However, research are in progress to fully understand the effects of kombucha on human microbiology.


    Kimchi is a famous fermented cabbage and radish dish being prepared in Korea.  Kimchi consists many beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus bacteria.  One study esablished that kimchi is useful for colon health as it reduces toxic enzyme activity.

Fermented soybean products

     Different type of fermented soybean products, including tempeh, natto and miso, are rich in beneficial probiotics.  As an additional bonus, some research recommend that the lignans and isoflavones compounds in soybeans may useful prevent cancer.

Traditional buttermilk

   Habitual whey consists probiotics.  But this is different from cultured whey, which is found in most stores and does not posses probiotics.  Habitual whey contains Lactococcus lactis, which has exclusive properties that are very good for newborns.  One research found that whey be of use to reduce the severity of necrotizing enterocolitis (an disease of the intestine) in rabbits.


Some pickles consists probiotics, but not with vinegar.  There are variety of live probiotics and recipes to make your own.  Pickles help enhance the intake of antioxidants.

Take a probiotic every day?

    Since probiotics are practically sold as prescriptions instead of drugs, the FDA need not have to regulate health claims.  However, research assures that daily use of probiotics is safe.

   Usually there may not side effects to using a probiotic, people may experience occasional bloating/gas or differences in bowel movements during their first start taking a probiotic, Del Borrello says.  It goes away after some time.

    Full effectiveness can be achieved by using the correct amount of probiotics. .  Probiotic dosages are furnished in colony forming units or CFUs.  Children are advised to take in 5-10 billion CFUs per day, while adults are advised to take in 10-20 billion CFUs per day.

    When you begin probiotics, you may develop loose stools for the initial days.  Since probiotics are live bacteria, confirm the date on the supplement.

Who should not take probiotics?

     Ascertain from the healthcare professional when adding supplements to your diet.  It is foremost important for people with cancer and immune disorders to obtain assurance from their health care provider before taking probiotics.  Generally, most people can safely take probiotics.

Health Education to children will give tremendous benefits to society

Health Education to children Will Give Tremendous Benefits To society 

    People are learning about health through health education. This profession includes teaching on  environmental health, physical health, social health, emotional health, intellectual health, and spiritual health as well as sexual and reproductive health. 

    The classroom is not required for this health education. Children must be exposed to education beginning in early life. The first institution is the family, and a mother is the best type of teacher for a child. She ought to start early childhood education. Every mother desires for her children to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually sound.

    Children can develop good behaviors during the middle years of childhood. Your child's current eating and exercise routines could have an impact on how healthy he is as an adult. When parents are involved, health education programs are most effective.

       If you teach your kids how to maintain a healthy balance between their body and mind, the quality of life for the whole family will be significantly improved. Our children learn the most from the examples we set for them, more than anything else. Because of this, it's critical that we model healthy behaviors for our children by engaging in regular healthy behavior ourselves.

       The standard of living for the entire family will be much enhanced if you teach your children how to maintain a healthy balance between their body and mind. More than anything else, our children learn the most from the examples we set for them. As a result, it's imperative that we set a good example for our kids by maintaining a healthy lifestyle ourselves.

       The most crucial thing is to always seek assistance and learn as you go. In addition to consulting a specialist, we can find a wealth of helpful information online.


       Children who are taught to lead healthy lifestyles will grow up to respect their bodies, abstain from substance abuse and overindulgence, and live in harmony with the environment.

       Additionally, by leading by example, those kids will encourage others to adopt the virtues that their parents ingrained in them.

       Infant education's success is largely dependent on parents realizing that no two kids are alike, thus we must accept their differences, virtues, skills, and shortcomings.

      We will be able to gauge their level of proficiency in this way and avoid pressuring them to perform tasks they find difficult or impossible. As a result, we try to avoid making people dislike specific activities.

Tips to educate children to live a healthy lifestyle

      Keep in mind that when we talk about teaching kids how to live a healthy lifestyle, we're not just talking about their food habits, but also about how they interact with their family, the kinds of things they do, and how they safeguard their emotions.

      To put it another way, we're discussing our bodily, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

     From an early age, parents and instructors provide information to the children about health education and the nature and function of healthcare institutions and services. Parents take their children to medical and health care facilities if they face any kind of health issues or illnesses. Sometimes, the kids experience anxiety.

     However, people are able to get over their fear when doctors are encouraging and speak to them in a kind way. In order to help their children comprehend the nature and function of healthcare services and facilities, parents have a crucial role to play. Teachers also enlighten the students in schools about the resources and services available for health care. They advise visiting these institutions if you have any health issues or illnesses, and you should carefully heed the advice of your doctor and other healthcare professionals. Therefore, it can be said that the youngsters have found this goal of health education to be valuable.


    Try to encourage children to eat healthy foods from an early age. Keep in mind that they are just eating the food you give them. Include veggies, tortillas, and cereals when you first begin the complementary diet, among other things.

    Here are some suggestions to assist you in directing your kids' education toward a better and healthier lifestyle and in emphasizing the need of maintaining both physical and mental health:

      Make enough for both you and your infant so that you can share a pleasant and nutritious meal.


    Encourage children to exercise since this will educate them to respect and care for their environment so that future generations can also enjoy it.

    Talk to them about the significance of protecting the environment and all living things when you're out in the open. Make a routine stroll around the park into a wonderful learning experience. Early sports training is encouraged for our kids. It can be necessary to try out numerous different activities until you find one they enjoy.

    Finding a hobby or pastime that fosters character development in addition to physical fitness is crucial. It's crucial to not put any demands on your kids that you wouldn't put on yourself.

Connect with nature

    Always encourage your kids to get outside and enjoy the natural world. They'll adore a picnic in the afternoon or a brunch in the park.

Encourage the Healthy Use of Digital Devices

    Nowadays, a large number of kids have access to digital devices. Even though computers, tablets, and cell phones are excellent communication tools, spending too much time on them can be harmful. Talk to your kids about the risks of excessive screen usage as part of their health education. Then, set sensible boundaries for digital device use at home to help stop your children from becoming overly dependent on technology.

Stress the Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep

    The quality of a child's sleep may also affect how they feel overall. It has been shown to benefit mental, emotional, and physical health. Actually, sleep deprivation has been linked to a variety of health issues, including obesity. Setting a regular bedtime for your children will enhance their moods the following morning and enhance their health.

Sexual behavior

    Every year, thousands of adolescent girls become pregnant. Teenagers account for one out of every four new cases of sexually transmitted disease or infection (STD or STI). Even if it is awkward, talk to your children about the risks and responsibilities of sexual activity. This includes information on how to avoid pregnancy and disease. Do not rely on schools to teach sexual education. You can help your children understand sex through the lens of love and respect. Health education teach them the meaning of consent. They must understand the significance of both parties' consent. 

Can we help:

    When younger children inquire about sex, respond positively.

    To help prevent harm, discuss sex with older children ahead of time. They must be aware of the dangers of sexual activity before engaging in it. Even if you don't believe your children are sexually active, it's important to talk about it.

    Be open and honest with your children about your family's sex values, opinions, and expectations. You might want to seek advice from your family doctor on how to talk to your children. They can share information and facts with you.

    Consider the sexual messages your children receive at school and in the media. Discuss these messages with your children to help them understand what is real. Encourage them to be open and ask questions.

    Maintain an open mind. If your children are not afraid of your reactions, they are more likely to talk to you. Let them know they can come to you if they are feeling pressured or concerned about sex issues.


    The amount of time we spend with our children is important, but what we do with them is far more important. When we spend time with them, we must remember our mission to educate them as well as the fact that we primarily teach them by example. Based health education teaches young people practical health facts while also reinforcing the attitudes, convictions, and skills required to adopt and maintain healthy habits for the rest of their lives.


Balanced Diet And Its Amazing Benefit


Balanced Diet And Its Amazing Benefit.

    Poor nutrition could be a principal cause of a host of diet-related diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancers, hypertension,covid19, and more. Making smart food choices is a very important part of a healthy diet. Understanding the various food groups and how much everyone should makeup, can facilitate your healthy balanced diet eating pattern over time.

    A balanced diet could be a diet that contains different varieties of foods in certain quantities and proportions so the necessity for calories, proteins, minerals, vitamins and alternative nutrients is adequate and a tiny provision is reserved for added nutrients to endure the short length of leanness.

    Diet gives your body the nutrients as it has to function correctly and efficiently. To urge nutrition, different kinds of vitamins and minerals should be used. These different minerals and vitamins vary from person to person. What's healthy for one person might not be suitable for another. It depends on their age, sex and physical activity level. Gluten intolerance might not be suitable to few.

The healthy body needs following balanced diet for good health.

  • Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
  • Carbohydrates including starches and fiber
  • Protein
  • Healthy fats.
All the vitamins and minerals don't seem to be available in one food alone. It should be combined during a required ratio that every body needs.

A balanced diet is obtained from

  • Fruits: Fresh or frozen fruits (whole fruits) not juice 
  • Vegetables: Leafy greens, red or Orange vegetables, starchy vegetables, beans and peas
  • Grains: Whole grains which contain more fiber and protein than refined grains, Quinoa, Oats, brown rice, barley and buckwheat
  • Dairy: Ricotta or pot cheese, low-fat milk, yogurt and soy milk.
  • Protein foods: Lean beef and pork, chicken and turkey, fish, beans, peas and legumes.
    • People who are lactose intolerant can prefer low-lactose or lactose free products.

Food to avoid or limit for a healthy diet

  • Highly processed foods like Refined grains
  • Added sugar and salt
  • Red and processed meat
  • Alcohol
  • Trans fat.

A balanced diet can help an individual to lose weight by

  • Increasing their protein intake
  • Avoiding excessive carbohydrate or processed food
  • Getting essential nutrients, including minerals, vitamins and fiber
  • Preventing binge eating.
    People inquisitive about losing weight should begin or enhance more physical activities and enhance their meanness. The absence of a balanced diet is the main reason behind covid epidemic. Minimum requirements of vitamins and minerals. On average , an adult will need somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000 to 2500 calories per day to keep up the weight.

How to eat a balanced diet for good health

  • Regularly keep reminding yourself, what is a balanced diet.
  • Aim for a range of food in your plate to fulfill all the essentials.
  • There is no limit for non starchy vegetables
  • Drink plenty of water, a minimum of 12 glasses every day
  • Learn to organize your own easy, healthy lunch and do so more days than not
  • Snacks should be healthy not Jung
  • Look for low calories alternatives to the less healthful foods you enjoy.
  • Chew the food well with saliva before you swallow.

The following is the minimum requirement of vitamins and minerals.

    A person’s body cannot produce everything that it requires to function. There are six essential nutrients that individuals must consume through dietary sources to take care of optimal health.
    Essential nutrients are crucial in supporting a person’s reproduction, healthiness, and growth. These essential nutrients are divided into two categories: micronutrients and macronutrients.
    Micronutrients are nutrients that an individual needs in small doses. Micronutrients carry with it vitamins and minerals. Although the body only needs small amounts of them, a deficiency can cause health problems.
    Macronutrients are nutrients that everyone needs in larger amounts. Macronutrients include water, protein, carbohydrates, and fats. The six essential nutrients are vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, water, and carbohydrates.


Vitamins are micronutrients that offer a range of health benefits, including:
  • Helping prevent or delay certain cancers, like glandular carcinoma
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Strengthening teeth and bones
  • Aiding calcium absorption
  • Maintaining healthy skin
  • Helping the body metabolize proteins and carbs
  • Supporting healthy blood
  • Aiding brain and nervous system functioning
There are 13 essential vitamins that nutritionists divide into two groups: fat soluble and water soluble.

Fat soluble vitamins are: 
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
Water soluble vitamins are:
  • Vitamin B-1 (thiamine)
  • Vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin)
  • Vitamin B-6
  • Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B-5 (pantothenic acid)
  • Vitamin B-3 (niacin)
  • Vitamin B-9 (folate, folic acid)
  • Vitamin B-7 (biotin)
  • Vitamin C 

    Typically, a person who eats a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins can get all the vitamins they have in their food. However, those eat less fruit and vegetables, and people with digestive conditions might have to require a vitamin supplement to cut back or avoid a deficiency.


    Protein is a macronutrient that each cell within the body must function properly.
  • Ensuring the growth and development of muscles, bones, hair, and skin
  • Forming antibodies, hormones, and other essential substances
  • Serving as a fuel source for cells and tissues when needed
  • Ensuring the growth and development of muscles, bones, hair, and skin
  • Forming antibodies, hormones, and other essential substances
  • Serving as a fuel source for cells and tissues when needed
A person can consume proteins through their diet. The following foods are good sources of protein: 
  • Red meats (limit their use and choose lean cuts)
  • Poultry, including chicken and turkey
  • Fish and other seafood
  • Beans and legumes
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Soy
  • Nuts
  • Some grains, including quinoa
Although meats and fish tend to contain the very best levels of protein, vegans and vegetarians can get enough protein from various plant products. Learn how much protein every individual needs day after day.


    People often associate high fat foods with bad health. However, everyone needs certain fats to help maintain optimal health. Fats provide the body with energy and help it do a variety of functions. However, it's essential to consume healthful fats, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and limit or avoid saturated and trans fats.

Healthful fats help with following functions:
  • Cell growth
  • Blood clotting
  • Building new cells
  • Reducing the danger of heart condition and Type2 diabetes
  • Muscle movement
  • Balance blood sugar
  • Brain functioning
  • Mineral and vitamin absorption
  • Hormone production
  • Immune function
    According to recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans Trusted Source, a person should consume 20–35% of their calories from healthful fats. An individual can find healthful fats in several foods, including:
  • Nuts
  • Fish, like salmon and tuna
  • Vegetable oils
  • Seeds


Carbohydrates are essential to the body. They're sugars or starches that provide energy for all the cells and tissues Trusted Source within the body. There are two different types of carbohydrates: simple and complex People should limit their intake of simple carbohydrates, such as white bread, pasta, and rice. However, the body needs complex carbohydrates to support the following:
  • The immune system
  • Brain function
  • The nervous system
  • Energy to perform tasks
  • Digestive function 
The Dietary Guidelines recommend an individual consumes 45–65% of their daily calories from complex carbohydrates. The following foods contain complex carbohydrates: 
  • Quinoa
  • Brown rice
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grain pasta, bread, and other baked food
  • Oatmeal
  • Fruits
  • Barley People should avoid overly processed products that contain bleached, white flour, and foods with added sugar.


    Water is perhaps the foremost important essential nutrient that an individual needs. A person can only survive a few days without consuming water. Even slight dehydration can cause headaches and impaired physical and mental functioning. Also, a person can get extra water by consuming fruits that contain a large amount of water. People should avoid getting their water intake from sugary drinks. Sugary drinks include sweetened teas, coffees, soda, lemonade, and fruit juices. Find out how much water to drink to avoid dehydration


A person consumes all six types of essential nutrients to make sure the simplest possible health. These nutrients support vital functions, including growth, the immune system, the central nervous system and preventing disease. The human body is made up of mostly water, and each cell requires water to function. Water helps with several functions, including:
  • Flushing toxins out
  • Shock absorption
  • Transporting nutrients
  • Preventing constipation
  • Lubrication
  • Hydration 
 The best source for water is to drink natural, unsweetened water from the faucet or bottled sources. For people who don't just like the taste of plain water, they'll add a squeeze of lemon or other citrus fruits.

Healthy Diet That Will Make You To Control Diabetes Faster


Healthy Diet That Will Make You To Control Diabetes Faster

The Healthy Diet That Can Control Type 2 Diabetes.

      If you live with type 2 diabetes, eating a balanced diet can help you manage your blood sugar levels and weight.

    Foods can save you from trouble created by diabetes, like heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure. It must supply vitamins,minerals and energy, and aid you stay  full and content.

    Type 2 diabetes does not happen all of a sudden. Your unhealthy food habits over a period of time,  leads to diabetes.  Tools like carb counting and the glycemic index can help you choose what to eat and how. That, in turn, will help keep your blood sugar level in a healthy range.

Diabetes Diet

    There is no specific food available for diabetes. Food is the chief origin of nutrition that your body can depend on. If you have diabetes, then the concern doubles automatically. It becomes very critical for some people with diabetes to choose what is best for them. But, a wise decision can prevent a person from diabetes, or if you are already a prey of it, a good choice of diabetes diet can reverse the effect of diabetes. 

    You must be very cautious about monitoring your blood sugar levels regularly, and you can try to check them after every meal. 

Foods to avoid type 2 diabetes

    Limiting your consumption of foods high in saturated fat,trans fat,and added sugar can help support better blood sugar management and prevent health complications related to diabetes.

  • High fat meat (fatty cuts of pork,beef,lamb,poultry skin,dark meat chicken)
  • Full fat dairy (whole milk,butter,cheese,cream)
  • Sweets (candy,cookies,baked goods,ice cream,desserts)
  • Sugar sweetened beverages (juice,soda,sweet tea,sports drink)
  • Sweeteners (table sugar,brown sugar,honey,maple syrup,molasses)
  • Processed foods (chips,microwave, popcorn,processed meat,convenience meals)
  • Trans fats (vegetable shortening,fried foods,dairy free coffee creamers,partially hydrogenated oil)

A Healthy Diabetes Diet means

    While planning your healthy diet, you must follow some simple steps.Make a list of all the food items that should contain your likes and dislikes. It does not mean that you will have to eat uninterested food all your life. You can surf for the nutritional content in certain food items and add them to your diet plan.

    You will lose your morale at the beginning itself if you try hardcore dieting.  Start slowly so that it can last long. Add some suitable veggies to your diet and make it a healthy one. Also, do a lot of research before adding any veggies or fruits to your diet, as some may accelerate the blood sugar levels.

Carb Counting for Type 2 Diabetes.

    If you have diabetes, carbohydrate counting is one approach.  you must know that you do not have to cut on carbs entirely in your diet. In carb counting you add up the number of grams of carbohydrates that you eat during each meal. With careful tracking, you can learn how many grams of carbohydrates you need to eat. 

Many foods contain carbohydrates. Diabetes diet majorly focuses on

  • Fruits, vegetables, and other things like nuts, legumes, and many more.
  • Wheat ,rice,and other grains and grain based foods
  • Dried beans,lentils and other legumes
  • Fruit and fruit juice
  • Milk and yogurt
  • Processed snack foods,desserts and sweetened beverages.  

It is a matter of choice of the type of carbohydrate you prepare for your diet. Starchy carbohydrates may have an adverse effect on your diabetes diet, whereas whole-grain carbohydrates are well-versed with nutritional components.

Balanced Diet

A healthy,balanced diet will usually include 

  1. Vitamins,minerals and antioxidants
  2. Carbohydrates,including starches and fiber
  3. Protein
  4. Healthy fats

A  balanced diet gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly. To get the nutrition you need,most of your daily calories should come from:

  1. Fruits such as (lemon, Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, kiwis, grapefruit, Avavcado, watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges)
  2.  Fresh vegetables (spinach,kale, green beans, broccoli, collard greens, swiss chard)
  3. Whole grains (including the hull)
  4. Legumes
  5. Nuts
  6. Lean protein

    A diabetes diet should contain 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fats. Food items that contain carbohydrates are monitored according to their Glycemic Index. 

Watch your weight

    Regular Weight watching is always a good move for a person with diabetes. You can scrutinize the fat content in your body that improves your weight to grow or slow down and get down on specific food items for the same.

Eliminate Packaged Foods

Packaged foods are not always made with diabetes-friendly methods. You can eliminate the packaged food. Don't be guided with the labels printed over the cover.   

Gluten-Free  Diabetes Diet

    Gluten is a protein that you can easily find in wheat, rye, and barley. You can easily cut down gluten from your diet by eradicating a few food items. Going gluten-free will help you improve your digestion as well as in losing weight. 

Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent fasting is when you decide not to eat at certain pre-decided intervals of time. You can also facilitate your diet plan with intermittent fasting. But, you must know that your diet plans should not contain fasting for long durations. It may cause adverse fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and ultimately worsen diabetes. Taking occasional breaks can help you lose weight and fight off the disease effectively. 

Following the above mentioed steps , you can quickly prevent your diabetes from worsening and even reverse it over time. Moreover, people should always consider a nutritionist to avoid the word to come. 

Can You Correct Sugar Content In The Diabetes Diet?

A person must correct the sugar content in the diet.

  • Cut on various juices, sodas, and soft drinks. 
  • Do not replace the sugar content in food 
  • A person with diabetes should always say no to packaged food. 
  • Cut down the sugar content by one-third or one-fourth. You can always add some alternative food items like cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.
  • CURTAIL dessert that you were taking earlier.
  • You can always try to find some alternatives to the food 
  • Take control of the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes as it can trigger blood pressure and worsen diabetes. 


    These are a few methods into which a person can simply cut down sugar content from his diabetes diet. However, your dietitian can also tell you better about the techniques that you can use to lower the sugar content at the bottom. 

Healthy Diet For Attractive Skin And Ways To Improve It


Healthy Diet For Attractive Skin and Ways To Improve It:

    Skin is the largest organ in our body and it is responsible for protecting us from the outside world. It is also our largest organ in terms of surface area.  The skin is constantly renewing itself and sheds its skin cells, which is why it is important to make a healthy diet for skin. The following are some tips on how to make a healthy diet for skin:

    Everyone wants to have beautiful, healthy skin, thus they all have elaborate skin care regimens to achieve this goal. We are unaware of the significant influence our daily decisions have on our skin, though. We deprive it of essential nutrients, whether on purpose or accidentally, which causes dull skin, early aging, dullness, and skin allergies.

    A lot of what we eat and drink affects how healthy our skin is. Our skin always reflects the food we consume. Consequently, it is crucial that we incorporate nutritious food into our way of life. A nutritious diet can benefit the body's overall physical health as well as the condition of the skin. It also helps to promote digestive health.

    The quality of our skin is greatly influenced by what we eat and drink. The foods we eat are always reflected in our skin. Thus, it is essential that we adopt a healthy diet into our way of life. Both the state of the skin and the body's general physical health can benefit from a balanced diet. Additionally, it supports digestive

Anatomy of the skin.

    Anatomy of the skin can be best understood with the skin biopsy procedure, which details every element of the skin, since every element of the skin contributes to how it works on a daily basis. Each element is a valuable source of data that may be gathered and evaluated via a skin biopsy. The basic parts of skin are listed here, along with a brief explanation of how they work. 


    In the skin, hair has a protective role. Hair provides a protective covering that regenerates often on the majority of body parts. Hair acts as a filter in some areas (such as the nose and ears), a moisture and heat retention system in others (such as the armpits and genital area), and a balance-regulating mechanism in the middle ear. Each hair follicle in the skin's hairy regions is connected to the muscle known as the arrector pili 

Stratum Corneum:

    The dead skin layer that is evident when you look at your skin is called the stratum corneum. It serves as a firm barrier between the outside environment and the fragile cells inside, protecting the living cells beneath. The stratum corneum is helpful for diagnosis since it can become thinner than usual in some disorders.


    The stratum corneum is followed by the epidermis, which is the skin's outermost layer. Its purpose is to keep the body safe. It generates cells that will eventually develop into cells of the stratum corneum. It has sensory nerves, notably temperature-sensitive fibers with a tiny diameter. These sensory nerves are useful for assessing a skin biopsy.

 Sensory Nerves:

    The nerves that innervate the epidermis are known as sensory nerves. When evaluating a skin biopsy that has been immunostained, these nerves are the focus. Heat, discomfort, and other unpleasant sensations are sensed and transmitted by the sensory nerves in the epidermis. These nerves can cause numbness, pins-and-needles, discomfort, tingling, or burning sensations when they are not working properly. The evaluation takes into account the nerve's total number, contiguity, diameter, branching, swelling, and general state of health.


     After the epidermis, there is the dermis. All of the other sub-epidermal structures listed below are found in the dermis. The loose, ribbon-like cells that make up the dermis serve to contain fluids and hold dermal structures in place.The Arrector Pili Muscle is a very small muscle that connects to dermal tissue on one end and the base of a hair follicle on the other.

Arrector Pili Muscle :-

 The arrector pili muscles contract all at once when the body is chilly to produce heat, making the hair "stand up straight" on the skin. Since the arrector pili muscle is well-innervated with autonomic neurons that regulate when the muscle contracts, it can provide information when analyzing a skin biopsy. Additionally, these autonomic nerves can be seen after immunostaining the skin biopsy.

Sebaceous Glands:

    Because they create an oleic substance that coats and shields the hair shaft from becoming brittle, sebaceous glands are directly related to hair follicles.

Sweat Glands:

    These glands exude moisture (sweat) through microscopic channels to the skin's surface (stratum corneum). By making the skin's surface moist, the moisture acts as a cooling agent. The skin's temperature is then lowered when the moisture evaporates.

 Basket Cells:

    The basket cells that encircle the hair follicle's base act as pressure receptors. When evaluating the general health and condition of the nerves, they provide useful information.

Blood Vessels:

    These organs deliver essential nutrients and oxygen-rich blood to the skin's layers' cells while also removing waste materials. In the dermal and subdermal layers, nerve bundle clusters are frequently seen near to blood vessels.

The following vegetables are healthy diet for skin


    Packed with vitamins and minerals like zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C, broccoli is a superfood and a very healthy diet for skin. Broccoli also contains lutein, a pigment that works to protect the skin from oxidative damage and is similar to beta-carotene. Sulforaphane, another significant substance found in broccoli, guards against cancer, sun damage, preserves collagen levels, activates your body's defense mechanisms, and neutralizes free radicals


     Avocado's beneficial fat keeps your skin hydrated and nourished. Additionally, it shields the skin from damaging UV rays, delaying the onset of wrinkles and aging. While the antioxidant properties of avocado's vitamin E protect your skin from oxidative damage, vitamin C guards against dryness and flaky skin. Additionally, it contains biotin, which promotes skin moisture.

Fatty fish:

  Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for maintaining skin hydration and minimizing inflammation.Salmon, herring, and other fatty fish like mackerel are particularly high in omega-3 fatty acids. They also include zinc, proteins, and vitamin E, which protect the skin and aid in cell renewal. Eggs, beans, and other legumes are high in protein and excellent for the skin.

      All of the main carotenoids, which help to prevent wrinkles and shield the skin from sun damage, are abundant in tomatoes. Lycopene, beta-carotene, and lutein are examples of carotenoids that support healthy skin. Additionally, mixing meals like tomatoes that contain carotenoids with lipids like cheese or olive oil improves the absorption of carotenoids.

Dark chocolate: 

    A type of antioxidant called cocoa flavanols is recognized for hydrating the skin and improving blood flow. By reducing scaling and roughness of the skin, consuming roughly 28 grams of cocoa once or twice a week has several advantages. Additionally, cocoa helps to prevent sunburn on the skin and minimizes wrinkles. However, bear in mind that for best health advantages, pick dark chocolate that has at least 70% cocoa and very little added sugar.

Soy and kale: 

    According to research, regular soy eating for eight to twelve weeks improved skin suppleness and reduced wrinkles. This is due to the isoflavones in soy's ability to shield the skin from UV rays and dryness while also boosting its collagen levels. On the other hand, kale is high in potassium, which aids in maintaining the firmness and hydration of the skin. Additionally, it includes vitamin K, an antioxidant that promotes blood clotting and repairs scars, spider veins, and under-eye shadows.

Green tea:

    We've already discussed the advantages of antioxidants for preserving good skin. Both catechins and the polyphenol antioxidants known as polyphenols are present in green tea. These antioxidants enhance the skin's suppleness, moisture content, complexion, and thickness while helping to protect it from UV damage, aging, and roughness.


    Oranges, pomegranates, and blueberries are some of the foods that have the highest antioxidant content and are best for your skin. You can eat blueberries straight up or combine them with smoothies, salads, breakfast, and snacks for a savory treat. Pomegranates reduce cholesterol while enhancing blood circulation, collagen synthesis, and immunity. On the other hand, oranges have vitamin C and prevent aging.

Sweet potatoes:

    Your body turns the beta-carotene found in spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots, and other foods into vitamin A. In addition to acting as a natural sunscreen, beta-carotene (and related carotenoids) also protects against wrinkles, sunburn, dry skin, and cell death.


    Whether Greek yogurt or plain yogurt, is a fantastic source of protein that helps to tighten skin and enhance skin tone. Yogurt applied topically aids in repairing dry, sensitive, or irritated skin.

There are many different ways to follow a healthy diet for skin. 

Here are some tips:

  1. Eat a variety of healthy foods This includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Try to include a variety of colors, flavors, and textures to your diet.
  2. Avoid processed foods :These foods can contain unhealthy ingredients, such as refined sugar, additives, and processed oils.
  3. Drink plenty of water. : This is important for staying hydrated and avoiding dehydration.
  4. Avoid eating too much sugar : Sugar is a common source of calories and unhealthy sugars can cause skin problems, such as acne.
  5. Eat moderate amounts of protein : Protein is important for building and maintaining muscle mass and can help to keep skin healthy.


  1. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  2. A healthy diet can improve skin texture and tone. Eating a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can improve the appearance of dry, rough, or thin skin.
  3. A healthy diet can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes. 

    In addition to these, drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day to flush out toxins, eating a lot of veggies, turmeric, oysters, olive oil, walnuts, fresh green juice, coconut oil, sunflower seeds, and wine are all essential for having beautiful skin. Exercise and sun exposure are major sources of vitamin D. 

   Be cautious and avoid dangerous foods like junk food and processed sugar in addition to incorporating skin-friendly foods in your diet. If your skin issues are serious, you can even think about replacing sugar in your diet entirely with honey, maple syrup, or natural sugars. 

    Please refer to my other blog where I have talked about the diet and nutrition required for a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition and Health