Not everyone in the world has ever experienced constipation. Many people live with stool problems.

    Constipation is a disorder of defecation.  A bowel movement once or twice a day is 'normal'.  Constipation can cause a decrease in stool volume.  Second, the stool does not pass for several days.  It may also have to strain to pass stool.  Constipated people always feel as if their stomach (rectum) is full.  The accumulation of waste products in the body for many days can cause some kind of discomfort.  Chronic constipation can cause many disorders.

    It may cause constipation and abdominal pain. When the stool becomes hard, it becomes difficult to pass. This causes stomachache. May cause vomiting. I'm not hungry. The last part of the digestive system, the rectum and large intestine, becomes more and more rigid. No more stool is passed because the bowel movement is blocked. This can cause muscle spasms, sprains, and pain.

    Constipation is not a life-threatening disease. So, even if you get smaller in size, if you don't have stool all the time, don't be afraid. Also, if you haven't had a bowel movement for several days, don't expect it to become difficult. After all, if food remains in your intestines for several days, the water in it will be completely absorbed, making your stool harder and smaller in size. No need to. Garbage does not accumulate without coming out. Don't worry if you don't go to the bathroom as usual for a few days. However, this applies only to those who have constant problems with bowel movements. If this happens to someone who does not go to the bathroom every day and goes to the bathroom, they should realize that there is something wrong with their health and see a doctor.

Reasons for constipation

1.Insufficient dietary fiber and increased food intake

2. Restrain the urge to urinate naturally. When waste moves from the colon to the rectum and rubs against its membranes, the brain signals the urge to go to the bathroom. Anyway, if you keep suppressing this feeling, it will eventually disappear. When the colon becomes sluggish, the movement of the colon muscles is greatly reduced. It causes chronic constipation

3. Physical labor, lack of exercise, especially for the elderly.

4. Antacids and laxatives can also be a cause. Aluminum hydroxide, sedatives, and anxiolytics often cause constipation. 

5. Insufficient blood flow to the colon impedes muscle movement and waste disposal, resulting in constipation.

6. Dehydration. Another reason is not drinking enough water. When the body becomes dehydrated, it absorbs all the water from waste products.

7. Effects on the rectum

8. Milk allergy

9. Inability to "control" abdominal and anal muscles. This is called defecation disorder.

10. Stress and depression can cause severe constipation. The stomach is affected by mood disorders. Constipation also occurs when serotonin levels in the brain are low.

11. The following diseases can cause constipation. These diseases slow the passage of waste through the colon, rectum, and anus. Parkinson's disease, hypothyroidism, elevated blood calcium levels, diabetes, neurological and spinal cord disorders.

 12. Improper diet and lifestyle.

Symptoms of constipation

     Stomachache. Brittleness can occur. I'm not hungry. Difficulty having a bowel movement can damage the blood vessels in the anus and cause hemorrhoids. A serious cause of constipation is hemorrhoids. Diverticulosis occurs. The walls of the colon are affected by hard, stony stools. As a result, a “balloon”-like “bag” forms in the large intestine, causing swelling and blockage. this is diverticulosis

Ayurvedic therapeutic approach

According to Ayurveda, if he does not have a bowel movement at least once a day, i.e. within 24 hours, this is called constipation.
It is digested within 16-24 hours of eating, leaving behind waste products. Waste products are “pushed” into the colon and rectum, where they are discharged. In Ayurveda this waste product is called ama. According to natural remedies, constipation is the root cause of all ailments.
In Ayurveda, the natural impulse is called "Vega". Ayurveda describes the consequences of obstructed bowel movements as follows: Pain in the calf of the lower leg.
Dehydration, colds, and headaches are common.
Gas accumulates in the stomach, rises to the epigastrium and presses on the "diaphragm". I have chest pain.
Constipation, blurred vision, loss of appetite, abdominal pain.

Method of treatment

1.Soak the figs (dried) in water overnight and eat them in the morning.

2. Eating papaya before or after meals can prevent constipation.

3. In the morning, drink salted water with lemon juice.

 4. Wake up 1 hour before you wake up in the morning, drink 1-2 glasses of warm salt water and go to bed. Facilitate passage of stool.

5. Drinking carrot juice with spinach juice and lemon juice will help relieve constipation.

Remedy through food

1. Eat wheat bread. Rice should be reduced.

2. Plenty of green and yellow vegetables and vegetables with a lot of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is a good natural remedy for constipation.

3. Drink plenty of water.

4. Avoid processed foods.

 5. Cotton and cotton are good for vada prakriti. Oil lubricates the colon and aids bowel movements.

6. Minimize food/- bottled drinks, jams, bread, ice cream, pickles, waffles, cheese, samosas. 

7. Additives: Whole grains, brown rice raisins, figs, pomegranates, apples, bananas, etc.

8. Cumin, pepper, turmeric, tanya, fenugreek – Include these in your diet. 

9. Chew well in your mouth for better digestion

10. Don't skip breakfast.

Treatment with herbs 

Ayurveda prescribes about 600 herbs for the wide range of constipation remedies available in Ayurveda. Instead of treating yourself, consult your doctor.

Here are some herbs.

1. Bilbum (Aegle marmelos) fruit is generally useful for constipation. The best of them is the viva fruit. Good laxative. Ripe fruits are better than berries. wash the intestines Should be used for 2-3 months. 60 grams of fruit per day is enough.It can be taken before meals.

2. Cassia fistula Cassia fistula is a laxative that relieves constipation. No side effects. 3. Castor oil (Ricinus Communis) is a medicinal oil that has been used in our homes since ancient times.It is safe.

4. Mustard (Terminala Chebula) A low-potency mild laxative. Serve with rock salt or cinnamon and cloves (a little).





  1. உபயோகமான பதிவு.
    படித்து பயன் பெறவும்

  2. Now days constipation is a common problem for seniors. These suggestions are very good to try out.
