Whole Person Care-The Best Innovative Health Care.


Whole Person Care-The Best Innovative Health Care.

What is Whole Person Care?

    Whole person care (WPC) is a method of caring for a person as an individual, rather than treating them as a patient or a member of a group. It is a way of providing people with the support they need to live a healthy and fulfilling life. The human body has several organs. Every organ has to be maintained with care. Our body needs organ-wise periodic attention. Nature has given an integrated system that every ailment is precautioned with advance intimation through symptoms. Generally, people ignore the symptoms and when it is unbearable strain or pain will focus on treatment. 

    There are many different types of WPC, including home health care, personal care, and community services. These services can help people with disabilities, seniors, and people with chronic illnesses live in their own homes or in the community, with the support they need. WPC is a way to provide people with the care they need, while also helping to ensure that they remain independent and engaged in their own lives. It is a way to help people live their best lives, free from the restrictions and limitations that can come from illness or disability.

    A patient visiting a health care provider's center,  whether it is a clinic or a medical center, is affected by more than an ailment. Since the human body is multidimensional, it requires whole-person care to achieve wellness. It is very essential to treat not only the ailment but also, the physical health, mental health, behavioral health, social health, and spiritual health as these are equally affected on account of the ailment. Whole-person care is developed as a high-tech comeback and is gradually integrated into mainstream healthcare systems all over the globe.

    Whole person care is applying the patient-centered method with advanced health care resources to ascertain the physical, mental, social, and behavioral health to improve care coordination, well-being, and health outcomes, duly considering patient treatment choices.

What is Patient-Centered Care?

    If a patient wants treatment, treat the patient with dignity and empathy to make decisions about their health and course of treatment. Patient-centered care, makes patients understand test results,diagnosis,  and the potential end result of different treatments. Health professionals make  patients involved in every step of treatment including decisions on which treatments to use and which medicines to take.

    This system is the application of integrative medicines through which health is promoted by nurturing the balance between mind, body, and spirit through evidence-based conventional and free treatment and services. Integrative medicine is not to fight disease but to resolve dysfunction before it develops as a disease. After much clinical research, integrative complementary health approaches have been inducted into mainstream health care.

    Whole-person care uses the maximum range of specialists as well as next-generation data, Sharing between specialists to ensure case management and results.

    Whole person care practitioner struggles to improve a patient's wellness by observing, discussing, and addressing all dimensions of patient health.  They have to combine a traditional assessment of the eleven major human organ systems with duly observing the patient's four-dimensional health i.e., Mind Spirit, Social Health, and Environment.

 Personal experience where Whole Person Care would have been useful:

    I was struggling with excruciating abdominal pain. I went to a General medical practitioner near my home. He prescribed some medication after noticing my pain symptoms  and also suggested an abdominal scan. The scan was done at the scan center where he specified in his prescription. The next day again I went to his clinic with the scanned report and after reviewing the report, he referred me to a Urology specialist. He studied the scan and was unable to determine the cause of the abdominal pain. He advised me to go for a CT scan. I went to the scan center which he recommended, The next day I saw the urologist with the scan report. He must have been diagnosed with some disorder. Prescribed medications to be followed for a month. A week went by, and the abdominal pain did not improve. so I called again. He prescribed another medication and referred me to a Gastroenterologist. Even the Gastroenterologist could not diagnose my disease and prescribed me some other medicine.
    Here Whole person care should have played an important role. If the General practitioner provided a sharing facility with specialists in his clinic I would have been diagnosed with a four-dimensional health system,  which would have relieved my strain mentally and physically.

How to Implement Whole Person Care.

    Whole-person care demands much arrangement and teamwork. Ensure the available resources in your circle. Familiarize yourself with the organizations present in your area, including homeless shelters, food banks, and workforce progress agencies. Ensure using the best management platform existing to communicate with these agencies and share relevant data. Case governance is critical. While you coordinate with other agencies with data and information slowly induce other agencies to work out the plan for individuals.

Existing concern.

    The industry's adaptation from fee-based to holistic care yet faces a blow. Struggle to data sharing is one of the biggest hurdles to the WPC program Providers and health insurers should follow some logic in sharing data, but there is a willful reluctance as the industry carries on with its transition on the issue of reimbursement. Existing teamwork mindset to be revamped Ensuring the privacy of data is protected with a firewall.


    It is learned that "Integrative medicine " was invented by a German doctor and the practice of this model has seen a lot of advancements. It is also understood that integrative medicine was in practice from Mesopotamia, ancient Greece, and Rome and also Traditional Chinese medicine.  According to a recent study, the American Hospital Association found that 42% of hospitals are practicing whole-person care but if you are looking for a way to provide WPC to your loved ones, or to help someone in need, contact a reputable WPC provider in your area. They can help.


1 comment:

  1. It is nice to know such care exists and I think it is going to take a long time to be integrated in the existing medical system in India. This is a very good introduction for senior citizens like me.
