Intermittent Fasting will improve brain and heart health

Intermittent Fasting will improve brain and heart health

The practice of fasting for shorter periods of time on and off is known as intermittent fasting. When you engage in intermittent fasting, you deprive yourself of food once or twice every week. observing fasts on a number of different days. One day should be spent following a normal diet, and the following day should be spent either fasting completely or eating only one very modest meal (less than 500 calories).

Two types of fasting

  1. Keeping a fast known as the 5:2 diet. Every week, you should fast for two days and then return to your normal eating schedule for the remaining five days.
  2. A daily fast from midnight until eight in the morning. If you so choose, you can restrict your eating to once per eight hours. For instance, you could have dinner at 8:00 p.m. and lunch at midday, but you could miss breakfast altogether.

Describe the various advantages of intermittent fasting.

  • Alternating periods of eating and fasting is the basis of the diet approach known as "intermittent fasting." You can improve your metabolism with its assistance, lowering your risk of developing chronic diseases and shedding extra pounds.
  • Even though there are a variety of approaches to intermittent fasting, the 16/8 method is the one that has gained the greatest popularity in recent years. This necessitates a daily eating window of eight hours, followed by a fasting period of sixteen hours.

The advantages of incorporating other healthy practises into your intermittent fasting regimen.

  1. A method of dieting that is known as intermittent fasting involves restricting the amount of food that is ingested during certain times of the day. It has been established that the practise improves the management of blood sugar, is beneficial to both the heart and the brain, and reduces the chance of acquiring chronic diseases such as cancer and obesity.
  2. The most common kind of intermittent fasting comprises eating anywhere from 12 to 16 hours each day, with the majority of one's daily calorie intake coming from lean proteins and healthy fats. However, there are several other different varieties of intermittent fasting. This type of fasting is commonly combined with other weight loss methods such as cardiovascular exercise and physical activity in order to get the most comprehensive weight loss programme possible.

The benefits of fasting at different times of the day on your health

  • Loss of (some) weight
  • Insulin sensitivity and activity
  • Bring the inflammation level down.
  • Wellness of the heart
  • A healthy brain is essential for cancer prevention.
  • Anti-aging:

Keep in mind that this area of research is yet very much in its formative stages. Numerous studies were either brief, of limited duration, or conducted on animals. There are still numerous questions that require human research of a higher quality to be answered.

Give instructions on how to get started with the intermittent fasting method.

If you are new to the practise of intermittent fasting, there are a few things you should think about before starting off. To begin, intermittent fasting is not a "one-and-done" sort of workout that can be completed in a single session. In order to get the benefits, you will need to exercise patience with yourself and steadily extend the length of your fasts over time. Second, if you want to avoid getting headaches or vertigo while you're fasting, make sure you drink plenty of water. During your fasting intervals, you should be sure to eat food that is both well-balanced and healthful in order to maintain your energy levels and avoid losing weight.

There are a few things to take into consideration.

  • To begin, two major advantages of engaging in intermittent fasting are the acceleration of your metabolism and the facilitation of weight reduction.
  • Second, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the many different types of intermittent fasting as well as the numerous benefits that each one delivers.
  • In conclusion, it is essential to be patient and gradual while introducing intermittent fasting into your daily routine in order to achieve the best results.

Who Is Required To Use Caution Or Steer Clear Of It?

  • Not everyone should try intermittent fasting because it can be difficult.
  • Consult a physician before beginning any weight loss programme if you are underweight or have a history of eating issues.
  • It is possible that it could even be harmful in certain situations.

Women should use extreme caution. 

  • There is evidence to show that women may not reap the same health benefits from fasting on an intermittent basis as men do.
  • There are a number of anecdotal accounts of women whose menstrual cycles stopped for a period of time after they started implementing but then resumed their normal pattern after they went back to their previous patterns of eating.
  • They need to follow a distinct set of guidelines, such as beginning cautiously and ending quickly after they reach their goal. For example, if they have any health problems, such as amenorrhea (the absence of menstruation). Put your goal to fast just occasionally and intermittently on hold for the time being. If you are trying to get pregnant, have fertility issues, are pregnant, or are nursing a child, following this eating plan is definitely not the best decision for you.

The Potential for Harm and Adverse Effects

  1. The most prominent adverse effect is hunger.
  2. It's possible that you're feeling sleepy and out of the ordinary.
  3. Due to the fact that it may take some time for your body to adjust to the new food plan, this may only be a problem for a brief period of time.

Before beginning a fasting regimen that involves eating and not eating cycles, anyone who suffers from a medical issue should consult a doctor.

  • Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus chronic who struggle to control their blood sugar
  • The lowering of the blood pressure
  • While taking medicine.
  • Underweight.
  • Having struggled with eating disorders in the past.
  • A lady who has a previous history of amenorrhea who is planning to become pregnant.
  • Whether they are expecting a child or are already parents.
  • The practice of intermittent fasting is connected with a negligible amount of danger overall. assuming that you are typically in good health and consume a diet rich in nutrients.

  • Precaution

  • Sweets and processed carbs should be avoided at all costs.
  • Change your diet to one that is smart, plant-based, and Mediterranean in style by exchanging these items for fresh fruit, legumes, grains, and healthy meats and fats.
  • Don't eat any more snacks. Keep moving all day long. Improve the tone of your muscles
  • Consider following a clear regimen for intermittent fasting. If you want the best results, limit the times of day that you eat and try to eat earlier in the day.
  • Never consume anything, including a snack, after the sun has set.

Various Approaches

  • The practise of intermittent fasting can be carried out in a variety of different ways. Each of them has a unique number of calorie restrictions and fasting days compared to the others.
  • However, since that everyone's experience with intermittent fasting is unique, it stands to reason that various approaches will be more successful for various individuals.
  • Keeping fluids in. Throughout the day, make sure to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water as well as calorie-free beverages such as herbal teas. By doing this, you can guarantee that you are getting a proper amount of salt, potassium, and electrolytes.
  • Avoid dwelling on food as much as possible. On days when you choose not to eat, schedule a number of things that will keep your mind occupied and away from food, such as catching up on work or going to the movies.

Napping and resting.

On days when you are fasting, you should avoid exertion that is too severe; nevertheless, light exercise like yoga may be useful.. keeping track of each calorie. If the diet you choose enables you to consume some calories while you are "fasting," choose meals that are high in nutrients and have a good balance of protein, fibre, and healthy fats. A few examples of such foods include avocados, meats that have not been processed, eggs, seafood, beans, lentils, and nuts.

Eating a significant amount of food 

  • Choose foods that are filling while still being low in calories, such as popcorn, raw vegetables, and fruits that are high in water content, such as melons and grapes.
  • Enhancing the flavour without adding an excessive amount of calories. Use a lot of vinegar, garlic, fresh herbs, and spices while you are seasoning food. Because these meals are packed with flavour yet have a low-calorie count, they may help people feel fuller for longer after eating them.

After the fast, choose foods that are high in nutrients. Consuming foods that are high in fibre can aid in the prevention of vitamin deficiencies and can also assist maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
A diet that is more balanced will not only help one lose weight but will also improve their overall health.


According to metabolic specialist Dr. Deborah Wexler, who is also an associate professor at Harvard Medical School and director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Diabetes Centre, there is evidence that the circadian rhythm fasting approach, in which meals are restricted to an eight- to 10-hour period of the day, is effective. Regardless of this, she recommends that individuals "choose an eating approach that works for them and is sustainable to them."


The Complete Advice to prevent Alzheimer Disease

The Complete Advice to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) impairs memory, judgment, cognition, learning, and function. It causes most elderly dementia. Alzheimer's disease affects emotions, thinking, and conduct, which can change a person's personality and self-image. The complete advice to prevent Alzheimer's disease is followed.

Over four million Indians have dementia. Dementia is a global health concern affecting 44 million people.

As the U.S. population ages, Alzheimer's disease, the most frequent form of dementia among the elderly, will affect more than 5 million people. Frontotemporal dementia, vascular dementia, and Lewy body dementia are other brain conditions. In its later stages, Alzheimer's disease impairs memory, face recognition, and self-care.

Alzheimer's was little understood 30 years ago. NIH-funded research has enhanced brain function, risk factors, therapy, and prevention. Specialized brain imaging has revealed surprising illness origins. That effort has enabled pre-symptomatic treatment trials.

There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, although basic research has led to the development of several drugs that improve memory and may halt the illness. New treatment targets have been uncovered thanks to a pioneering National Institutes of Health-industry collaboration. NIH-industry partnership. 90 drugs are in clinical trials, with many more in development. The complete advice to prevent Alzheimer's disease is followed.

Psychological analysis.

  • The illness causes language changes, inability to mentally manipulate visual information, poor judgment, confusion, and agitation.
  • It usually affects those over 60, although anyone can get it.
  • Aging does not cause it.
  • According to the journal Alzheimer's & Dementia, 5% of 65–75-year-olds will have dementia in 2021.
  • Alzheimer's disease affects 14% of 75–84-year-olds and 35% of 85-year-olds.

Early symptoms include:

  • Forgetting recent events,
  • Losing things,
  • The trouble with household or job activities, 
  • Forgetting where you are, Not finding recognizable landmarks,
  • Communication issues, inability to plan or manage problems, 
  • showing mood changes.

(Since some of these symptoms may be natural outcomes of aging, they are commonly neglected or misdiagnosed for a long time. Symptoms and disease severity are related.)

Alzheimer's disease is characterized

  • Short-term memory loss, repeating stories, inquiries, and statements, and losing regularly used items.
  • Advanced sickness often causes memory loss, including difficulty to remember loved ones.
  • Mistakes include stepping outside in bad weather without sufficient clothes
  • Social misbehavior
  • Sadness, apathy, or solitude
  • Susceptibility to paranoia or suspicion
  • Delusions or hallucinations, especially in severe phases.

Classifies Alzheimer

Depending on cognitive impairment, the DSM-5 classifies Alzheimer's as a severe or mild neurocognitive condition. Symptoms, family history, and genetic tests for genetic mutations can help diagnose. The diagnosis is "probable" if there is a mutation or a family history of Alzheimer's disease. Otherwise, it is "possible." Genetic testing is sometimes done. Symptoms and family history can help doctors make a probable diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, which can only be confirmed postmortem.

Severe Neurocognitive Disorders Require:

  • Memory and intelligence decline.
  • Progressive cognitive deterioration Lack of self-care
  • No other neurological, psychological, or cerebrovascular diseases have been identified.
  • Regardless of genetic testing or family history, mild neurocognitive abnormalities are characterized by the following symptoms.
  • Deficits must considerably impair social or occupational functioning compared to prior competence.

Early Alzheimer's might produce mild depression and apathy. Psychosis in moderate-to-severe Alzheimer's disease is characterized by hallucinations, agitation, combativeness, and wandering. Gait, incontinence, seizures, swallowing, and sudden muscle contractions can occur in advanced Alzheimer's.

What distinguishes Alzheimer's from other dementias?

Alzheimer's disease can cause dementia, which includes memory loss, language difficulty, emotional issues, and general loss of function. Alzheimer's disease causes most dementia. AD affects 70% of dementia patients. HIV, Parkinson's, and blood vessel diseases can cause dementia.

Alzheimer's patients are self-aware?

Alzheimer's patients usually recognize a problem early on. They may get agitated or disappointed as they discover their memory issues and disorientation. Many Alzheimer's patients know they have it, which can help them and their families prepare for the disease's progression. As the condition progresses, people with Alzheimer's disease may become less conscious of their symptoms. Depression may result from their powerlessness and decline.


Though not a natural result of aging, Alzheimer's risk rises with age.

Genes affect Alzheimer's disease risk. Having a parent or sibling with Alzheimer's raises your risk. Several genetic variants—APOE, APP, PS-1, and PS-2—increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. These proteins impede brain communication due to structural and chemical abnormalities.

Age, family history, and long-term high blood pressure may increase AD risk. Heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and cholesterol damage the heart and arteries. Since women live longer, they're more likely to get Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's: transmissible?

Alzheimer's disease's genetic contribution is unknown. However, having a parent or sibling with the condition increases the risk, suggesting heredity is involved. APOE e4 may increase risk.

How does the APOE gene affect Alzheimer's?

Alzheimer's disease genes include APOE. This gene produces a protein that transports cholesterol and other lipids. Humans inherit two copies of APOE from their parents. Chromosome 19 has APOE. APOE variations include e2, e3, and e4. e3, the most common variant, doesn't affect Alzheimer's risk. The rare e2 variation may protect against illness. The e4 variant (carried by 25% of the population; two copies offer an even larger risk, but occur in just 2% to 3%) increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease in some individuals. 


  1. Alzheimer's worsens over time because there is no cure or means to regain lost abilities. Focusing on symptoms can improve quality of life and reduce the most distressing symptoms.
  2. Cholinesterase inhibitors improve memory, thinking, language, and judgment issues. Cholinesterase inhibitors include Aricept, Rivastigmine, and Razadyne.
  3. The other two treat mild to severe Alzheimer's disease, whereas donepezil treats all stages. Memantine (Namenda) is FDA-approved for moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease. Memantine improves memory, cognition, communication, and motor function. It works alone or with other Alzheimer's drugs.
  4. In mid-2021, the FDA approved aducanumab, another Alzheimer's treatment, despite strong opposition.
  5. The treatment approach may also include managing the patient's behavior, confusion, and agitation, home adaptations, and family assistance. Treating underlying disorders that cause confusion is also crucial. Behavior management may help people break bad habits.

Is Alzheimer's treatable?

  • Alzheimer's disease is incurable and untreatable. However, medications can improve a patient's quality of life and minimize disease symptoms.
  • Alzheimer's disease stages affect care.
  • Alzheimer's patients' autonomy loss varies. In the early stages of Alzheimer's, many patients can feed and bathe themselves and only need help with some tasks like paying bills or driving. As the condition progresses, more intensive treatment may be needed. 

When does Alzheimer's require full-time care?

If the person with Alzheimer's is engaging in dangerous behaviors (such as wandering without knowing how to get home, leaving the stove on frequently, or forgetting critical medications), severely neglecting their personal hygiene, or becoming unable to perform basic daily tasks like getting dressed or cooking a meal, full-time care may be needed. In the last stages of Alzheimer's disease, mobility, eating, and dangerous behaviors may necessitate 24-hour memory care.

What's the latest Alzheimer's treatment?

In 2021, the FDA approved injectable aducanumab (marketed as Aduhelm), which slows Alzheimer's disease by blocking brain beta-amyloid formation. The first novel Alzheimer's treatment in nearly two decades. Two large trials on its usefulness showed inconclusive results, raising doubt on its approval, and at $56,000 per year, it may be beyond reach for many AD families, especially since many may not have insurance to cover much of the expense. Experts say aducanumab is for mild cognitive impairment, not advanced Alzheimer's disease. Patients and their loved ones might ask their doctor if aducanumab could help their treatment.

Why India doesn't have Alzheimer's.

  • Curcumin, or haldi in India, reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, which causes memory loss, personality changes, and cognitive decline. According to scientists, losing brain cells and disrupting their connections cause these harmful impacts.
  • Curcumin prevents the production of Alzheimer's disease-causing beta amyloids, according to University of California researchers. In the genetically modified mice study (Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol 280, No 11), curcumin prevented amyloid formation better than other drugs.
  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory curcumin also fight illness symptoms. Due to tight low molecular weight and polarity, the spice was shown to traverse the blood-brain barrier more easily.
  • Indians aged 70–79 have 4.4 times fewer incidences of the disease than Americans, perhaps due to curcumin's extensive use.


The amount of curcumin that is produced in India makes it one of the top countries in the world in this regard. The spice known as curcumin is shipped all over the world. It is imperative that everyone in the known cosmos learns how significant this golden plant is.  As of right now, numerous nations in South Asia are importing curcumin for use in therapeutic applications. Even though Alzheimer's disease cannot be cured, there are steps that may be done to keep the symptoms under control, including the usage of curcumin.


Diabetes Can Also Cause Problems With The Skin.

Diabetes Can Also Cause Problems With The Skin.

Illness that lasts for a long time. Diabetes is a condition in which it is challenging for the body to use the sugar it obtains from its food. The elevated level of blood sugar in the bloodstream can cause damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves, among other organs and tissues, over the course of time. Diabetes can also cause problems with the skin.

Symptoms to your skin are, in point of fact, sometimes the very first sign that someone has diabetes. Having a metabolic imbalance can make pre-existing skin problems even more severe as well as lead to the development of new skin problems. Modifications to one's lifestyle and adherence to prescribed medication can help keep the condition under control and limit the risk of consequences.

A decrease in the circulation of blood

Diabetes can cause damage to your blood vessels as well as your nerves, which can lead to a reduction in circulation as well as blood flow to the skin. A reduction in blood circulation can cause changes in collagen, which in turn can impact the texture, look, and capacity for healing of the skin. Diabetes can cause a variety of skin issues, including itching, a thickening of the skin, patches of yellow or brown skin, blisters, and skin infections.

What kind of effects does diabetes have on skin health?

Damage to the nerves in your body prevents your skin from sending warning signals when it is in danger of an infection, injury, or extreme dryness. It also reduces the amount of sweat that your body produces, which can cause your skin to become too dry. Because damaged blood vessels result in poor circulation, the skin is deprived of oxygen, which can cause itching, ulcers, infections, and a delay in the healing process for wounds.

Side Effect

Your body will try to flush out part of the glucose through your urine when your blood glucose levels are high. This will cause your body to lose water as a side effect. Your skin will become unhealthy and less moisturised as a result, as it will lose the vital fluids it needs to survive. A person's vulnerability to bacterial and fungal infections, which can be serious and take a long time to heal, is increased when their skin gets extremely dry. Dry skin can crack and peel.

General Causes

The regular testing of blood glucose requires making very small pinpricks in the skin, which can cause the skin to become irritating and even painful. Keep in mind that you should frequently alternate which finger you are using.

Sometimes fatty deposits (lipohypertrophy) can grow beneath the skin in the areas where insulin is regularly injected, which can cause the skin to seem lumpy or indented. This might be a sign of diabetes. Altering the location of your injections from time to time, often known as rotating injection sites, is one way to prevent the buildup of these deposits.

About one-third of diabetics will, at some time in their lives, acquire a skin issue related to their condition due to their diabetes. There are only a few causes that are responsible for the majority of the skin problems that are associated with diabetes. These causes include high blood glucose levels that cause dry skin, nerve damage, poor circulation due to damaged blood vessels, and reactions to the pokes and jabs that are caused by insulin injections or home blood glucose testing.

Dr.Rinky Kapoor's Remark

According to Dr. Rinky Kapoor, a Consultant Dermatologist at The Aesthetic Clinics, who is quoted as saying, "Diabetes is a chronic disease and one of the ailments that are growing at one of the fastest rates in the world." In addition, given the existing state of affairs, it is anticipated that during the next several years, approximately one-third of the population will be afflicted with Type II diabetes. The majority of people have a tendency to ignore the warning signs of diabetes, despite the fact that academics and industry professionals are still working on a permanent solution for diabetes. If you are familiar with the signs and symptoms of the disease, you may be able to stop it from progressing to a more dangerous stage. 

In patients with diabetes, problems with the skin are frequently the earliest signs of the metabolic illness. The following list outlines 13 ways in which diabetes can impact your skin.

The following are some common manifestations of diabetes that can be seen on the skin, as described by Dr. Rinky:

1. Infections of the skin caused by bacteria

If your sugar levels are high, you have an increased risk of developing bacterial injections, most commonly on the eyelids in the form of sites and boils, nail infections, and deep skin infections. If your sugar levels are low, you have a decreased risk of developing these infections. In most cases, these infections cause discomfort and manifest as a reddened and swollen appearance.

2. Necrobiosis Lipoidica(discoloration on the skin)

These are areas of discoloration on the skin that can seem yellow, red, or brown. In most cases, they begin as relatively inconspicuous lumps and eventually develop into larger areas that feel firm and swollen to the touch. The sin takes on a gleaming aspect and morphs into something irritating and uncomfortable.

3. Dark silky skin

This is one of the most common and noticeable early warning signs of pre-diabetes. Dark, velvety patches of skin can be seen developing in places of the body where there is a natural crease or fold of skin, such as the groin, armpits, and neck. The emergence of these, which are also known as acanthosis nigricans (AN), is thought to be caused by carrying excess weight.

4. Blemishes caused by diabetes

Also referred to as bullous diabetricorum in the medical field, these blisters can suddenly manifest on the skin as either a cluster of smaller blisters or a single giant blister. They can show up anywhere on the body, including the hands, feet, toes, backs of fingers, legs, and forearms. Their presence is non-painful but gives the impression that you are suffering from a severe burn.

5. Digital sclerosis

This condition causes your skin to become waxy and tight. You will be able to see it on the palms of your hands, and in most cases, it will make it difficult to move your fingers and joints. This ailment can also manifest on the face, shoulders, and chest, and it can even spread to the forearms, shoulders, neck, and upper back. If it affects your legs, it could be difficult for you to bend your knees or wiggle your toes.

6. Mild blemishes on the shins

These can manifest on the skin as lines or patches that are depressed on the surface of the skin. This illness, which is also known as diabetic dermopathy, does not cause any pain but still requires attention for effective diabetic management.

7. Xanthomatosis eruptions (eruptive)-(knees rusty yellow and red coloration)

If you have diabetes, you may notice that your elbows and the back of your knees have developed a few little pimples with a rusty yellow and red coloration. They can be itchy, and young men with high cholesterol are typically the ones who get them. They make their appearance out of nowhere and vanish in the same way.

8. Skin that is uncomfortably dry and itching

Dry skin is one of the most common symptoms associated with dry skin. A high amount of blood sugar can strip the skin of its moisture, causing the skin to become extremely dry and itchy. This can further cause the skin to become lacerated, which can lead to dangerous infections if left untreated.

Dr. Anurag Aggarwal, a consultant in internal medicine at Fortis Escorts Hospital in Faridabad, lists several more symptoms of diabetes that can be seen on the skin, including the following:

9. Diabetes-related skin disease

On the pretibial, these are well-defined little atrophic depressions, macules, or papules that are less than one centimeter in size. They are regarded as an indicator of insulin resistance in the body. Within one to two years, they will resolve on their own, leaving the affected area with atrophic hypopigmentation.

10. Candidal infection and other fungal diseases

Over red plaques, a white adhering exudate and satellite pustules can be visible. The condition is primarily brought on by Candida albicans. Perianal candidiasis is the type that is diagnosed second most frequently, after vulvovaginal candidiasis. The most straightforward treatment option is to receive the appropriate medication and do a blood test.

11. A Case of Rubeosis Face (redness and heat on the face

The redness and heat on the face are caused by a microangiopathic problem. This is a typical cutaneous expression that is frequently overlooked. Glycemic control must be kept extremely tight.

12. Epidermal Necrolysis/Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, 

It is a rare necrotizing illness that affects the mucocutaneous region(systemic inflammatory disorder), and it has been related to a life-threatening emergency DPP-4(oral diabetes0 inhibitor that predominantly involves sitagliptin. As part of the treatment, you will need to cease taking any and all medications you have started during the past eight weeks.

13. Scleredema Diabeticorum

The thickened, indurated, and erythematous plaques that characterize scleredema diabeticorum are most commonly found on the upper back and the neck. It is believed that this condition is caused by an enhanced stimulation of insulin, and nonenzymatic glycosylation of collagen steroids, methotrexate, and UV light phototherapy is utilized in the treatment of this condition.

Measures to keep healthy skin 

Control your blood glucose level.

Maintaining a healthy blood glucose level can do wonders for the appearance of your skin, but it's not always easy to do so.

Rinse and pat dry.

Washing your skin with warm water and a gentle, unscented soap on a regular basis will help keep it clean and healthy. Dry your skin with a soft pat, paying particular attention to areas such as under your arms, under your breasts, between your legs, and between your toes where water may be hiding.

Examen de pelage

As you shower, you should perform brief "skin scans" in which you examine for signs of irritated skin, such as redness, cuts, and sores.

Hot water

Because hot water and prolonged exposure can strip the skin of its natural oils and make it even drier, you should avoid using it and instead opt for warm water in the shower or bath and keep your shower or bath time to a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes.


After you've finished showering, apply some lotion or moisturiser to your skin and massage it in. Don't skimp on dry-patch-prone regions like elbows, knees, and heels. However, you should steer clear of placing it between your toes or anywhere else on your skin where there are folds, as this might lead to a breakdown of the skin.

Everyone could benefit from following this skin care advice! 

  • Drink lots of drinks to keep your skin soft. Be sure to stay hydrated.
  • Get into character.
  • Wear materials that are breathable, particularly in places that are prone to moisture.
  • Make sure that your house has adequate humidity.
  • Use a humidifier throughout the winter months to add moisture to the air and counteract the drying effects of radiators and central heating.
  • Avoid becoming sunburned by wearing sunscreen.
  • Wearing sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 every day will protect your skin from the scorching and blistering that can lead to severe illnesses. This is true for everyone, but it is especially important for people with fair skin.
  • Talk things over with your attending physician.
  • Notify the members of your healthcare team if the problem with your skin does not improve. In addition, if you have a skin infection, cuts, or burns, you should visit the doctor as soon as possible.


The human skin is the largest and most extensive organ in our bodies. In addition, it highlights the attractiveness of our facial shape as well as our body. Diabetes is a condition that not only affects internal organs such as the kidneys, liver, and heart but also external organs such as the eyes and skin. Maintaining the integrity of the skin in a healthy manner should be given the utmost priority.


A New Variant Covid Infections Across The Nation.

Infections Across the Country 

Arcturus or XBB.1.16

An increase in infections across the country is being caused by the new Variant Covid infections called Arcturus or XBB.1.16. There is no need to worry, doctors say, since social isolation, masking, immunization, and other safeguards can stop the spread of the new variant covid Arcturus or XBB.1.16, that is causing the present spike in New Variant Covid infections across the nation.

Here are some recommendations for those who have chronic illnesses. 

  • While most Covid infected individuals are describing mild symptoms, experts caution that those with chronic illnesses should exercise caution because they run the risk of serious complications from the illness.
  • The risk of ICU admission and death may be higher for persons with chronic disorders like diabetes, high blood pressure chronic, or other conditions than for healthy people, according to experts.

They must effectively control their illness. 

Non-communicable illnesses including diabetes, hypertension, and other metabolic issues are recognized to serve as the foundation for numerous other potentially fatal medical ailments.

Internal medicine consultant Dr. Aniket Mule from Wockhardt Hospitals on Mira Road claims that such individuals have a higher chance of developing cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease and other micro- and macrovascular issues are brought on by diabetes mellitus. It has been demonstrated that those with Covid-19 are more likely to develop the condition if they are diabetic. Make sure to take your medications as directed because Covid-19 may make your blood pressure rise. Find out from your doctor whether you need to start keeping track of your blood pressure at home or change your medication. You should monitor your blood sugar more frequently if you're sick. See your doctor if it stays above 250 mg/dL.

Glycaemic Management IS Vital

During the second wave of the pandemic, it was well known that persons with diabetes and poor glycaemic control had a 5 times greater likelihood of ICU admissions and fatalities than those without the condition. This is according to Dr. Arbinder Singal, CEO and Co-Founder of Fitterfly. It is essential that they concentrate on glycaemic management as a result. Given that 60% of Indians with diabetes had poor glycaemic control, it must have been difficult for all stakeholders to keep ICU admissions and mortality as low as possible under these conditions, according to a new study by the ICMR. 

Extra Careful.

  • The three primary waves of COVID-19 that have so far been observed by Dr. Rajiv Kovil, India's chair at Zandra Healthcare and member of the United Diabetes Forum, were distinguished by various patterns of dissemination and severity. 
  • With more than 29 million cases that have been confirmed and more than 380,000 fatalities, the second wave was the worst and most devastating.
  •  All waves put tremendous strain on the healthcare system, but the third wave has shown some signs of improvement with fewer cases and a higher vaccination rate. The risk of serious sickness and death from COVID-19 is increased for those with health disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cardiovascular disease, therefore they need to be extra careful. 


According to Dr. Singal, people with hypertension experience similar effects to those of those with diabetes in terms of their chance of developing COVID problems.

It was discovered that 40% of those with diabetes also had hypertension. Additionally, it has been noted that patients with diabetes and hypertension co-existing in many cases had a higher incidence of blood clotting, Covid's effects in these cases were very severe. Steroids were given as treatment in the case of patients with severe Covid infections, and they can lead to a significant increase in blood sugar, which is another crucial point to be aware of.

Difficulties that diabetics may experience with Covids.

According to Dr. Kovil, Covid-19 can cause more serious illnesses and complications in diabetes patients, such as diabetic ketoacidosis, acute kidney injury, and myocardial injury. Similar to individuals with severe illnesses from Covid-19, those with hypertension may be more likely to need hospitalization and mechanical ventilation. Such patients must keep an eye on and control their blood pressure and sugar levels, and they must continue taking their medications as directed.

Additionally, Dr. said that The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted people's emotional and mental health, to finish. Due to social exclusion and isolation, all three waves caused widespread dread, uncertainty, and stress and disturbed many people's everyday lives.

Many people have experienced financial stress, job loss, and other hardships as a result of the pandemic, which can worsen mental health issues. Over 20% of respondents to a survey by the Indian Psychiatry Society in 2020 said they had experienced depression, anxiety, or stress-related disorder symptoms during the pandemic. Social prescribing has become popular in these times for the comprehensive management of health and well-being.

How chronic illness sufferers can control COVID?

  • Dr. Mule said to keep the patient separately who has Covid or wait for test results d. According to Dr. Anyone who currently resides with or has recently lived with the sick individual is now considered a close proximity 0f a patient.
  • According to Dr. Singal, the most crucial step is constantly monitoring blood pressure and glucose levels. Both can increase as a result of COVID. He also said relevant medicine should be administered in cooperation with the healthcare professional if blood glucose levels increase.

What safety measures should individuals adhere to?

Refrain from interacting with others unless both parties wear a mask that completely covers their mouth and nose. Cotton masks should be thickly layered and have a secure fit; surgical masks or N95 masks offer better protection. They may maintain airflow in their area by opening a window. If possible, install a fan facing the window or use an air purifier that you make or buy.

To prevent virus particles from entering the air, it is important for the sick person to cough into either their mask, a cloth, their elbow, or a tissue. Once used, tissues should be thrown away. Use soap or an alcohol rub to often and thoroughly wash your hands. Surfaces can be cleaned with soap or disinfectants, says Dr.Mule

People with diabetes need to be careful and vigilant about regularly checking their blood sugar levels. Maintaining regular exercise, good nutrition, rest, hydration, and other healthy behaviors is essential. It can be highly beneficial to reduce the risk of COVID infections to maintain good blood sugar management with an HbA1c of less than 7 and fasting levels of less than 126. Lifestyle therapies employing digital therapy programs can be beneficial for obtaining optimal glycaemic control. A balanced diet that contains fruits and vegetables and satisfies the body's requirement for micronutrients is another crucial factor to consider, says Dr. Singal.


Social isolation, masking, immunization, and other safeguards can stop the spread of the new variant covid Arcturus, or XBB.1.16. Non-communicable illnesses including diabetes, hypertension, and other metabolic issues are to be more cautious. Keep frequent and regular medical check-ups. social isolation, masking, immunization, and other safeguards can be followed strictly, Guide other people who do not wear masks,