Blood to Brain

 Blood to Brain.


The human brain is the central organ of the human nervous system and the spinal cord makes up the central nervous system. The internal carotid arteries supply oxygenated blood to the front of the brain and the vertebral arteries supply blood to the back of the brain.

The brain is made up of a large number of blood vessels. Sufficient blood stream is vital to Brain health. More bloodstream to the brain is connected for better cognitive function, improved memory and in general assurance against decline. 

Walking is an easily available object for most individuals.Walking for about 20 to 30 minutes a day can change your brain for the better. Whole body wakes up, especially the mind and is recognised as both an effective form of physical exercise as well as a tool to help gain mental clarity.


Most of us know that walking is good for the heart, works muscles, improves circulation and the list goes on. The more you walk, positive effects can have on brain health. 

Walking helps to Improve oxygen flow to the brain. A moderate pace in walking will increase heart rate and to breathe deeper. These deep inhales of more oxygen get into the bloodstream. As the heart pumps faster our circulation increases and more oxygen enters into the brain.

New Mexico Highlands university tested young adults and measured the impact of blood flowing upward as they walked. Enhanced blood flow to the brain since our feet hit the ground. During walking, hydraulic waves are sent upward through our body. Thus waves are actually strong enough to send blood back up through arteries. Higher impact is felt in Running and cycling also. The root of the phenomenon  is in the impact of feet hitting the ground.

Scientific study said that about 20% of our body's total oxygen is being used by the brain. If you don't supply sufficient oxygen to Brain you may feel foggy or unfocused. So getting more oxygen to Brain is a must.

Using a pedometer to achieve 10000 steps in a day is a great goal.if you think , at present that's too drastic, try to make a good effort to increase your steps gradually. Increase One thousand steps in  a day, and increase day by day till you reach 10000 steps in a day. 10000 steps which is bound to leave you feeling pretty good.

Keeping social distance , staying at least 6 feet away from others and wearing a mask are unwritten rules .Please follow.

Some of the scientific studies' reports.

  • King's college,London found that exercising/Walking for just 20minutes a day could cut your risk of developing depression by a third.

  • Hayward health. Reported that 20minutes daily walking improves your overall cognitive functioning

  • The independent report. Walking releases Endorphins. Walking encourages your brain to release Endorphins, a neurochemical that boosts your mental health, decreases sensitivity to stress and pain and feels euphoric. 

  • It is extremely important to  Brain health such as Alzheimer's Disease. A 30 minutes walk with a moderate intensity increases the production of BDNF in the brains of post stroke patients.

  • The University of Georgia found that Walking helps with mental and physical fatigue. 20 minutes walking With low intensity, three times a week,65% reduction in their fatigue level.

  • It strengthens our Hippocampus. Going for a walk even briefly can increase the sign of our Hippocampus, the region of our brain that plays a critical role in forming and storing memories.

  • Walking improves creativity. A Stanford study published ,confirm this finding that walking increased a person's creative output by an average of 60%