Anxiety Causes Enormous and Insidious health issues

Anxiety Causes Enormous and Insidious health issues

Human psychology always assumes that whatever he asks for will turn out well. He became anxious if the anticipated outcome was either delayed or postponed, that Anxiety causes enormous and Insidious health issues.

Preparing oneself physically and mentally for a bad outcome. Anxiety can accompany worry about an upcoming stressful event, fear of unknowable results, and/or other mental health issues like despair or loneliness. It can be felt over extended periods as well as in brief bursts, such as right before a date, when resolving a problem at work, or when giving a performance in front of a large audience.

Exactly how does anxiety feel?

Some basic characteristics describe anxiety as a symptom, even though it can appear in a wide variety of forms and be felt to varied degrees of intensity.

  • Feelings of trepidation, excitement, or dread
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Perspiration
  • Tense muscles
  • A feeling of impending peril
  • Insomnia
  • The feeling of being restless
  • Stomach issues
  • Difficulty paying attention
  • Trembling
  • A desire to run away or avoid.

An Example of  Anxiety

A Woman has trouble sleeping. Despite the assurances of her doctors that she is in good health, she can't help but worry as she lies in bed that she might have a brain tumor. What about the random migraines and periodic vertigo she experiences? There must be a serious issue that the doctors are unaware of.

She gets out of bed to search the internet for more information since she is so worried. She sees that some of the symptoms of brain cancer are identical to what she is going through, which makes her worry worse and makes her want to call her doctor more and more.

She has health anxiety, also known as somatic symptom disorder and disease anxiety condition. Previously known as hypochondriasis. It entails being preoccupied with the idea that one is sick or at risk of getting sick.

Presumption About  Anxiety

  1. The concerns and preoccupations that plague many people who suffer from health anxiety frequently prevent them from functioning or enjoying life.
  2. They become concerned with physical sensations, tiny physical anomalies, or bodily processes like breathing and heartbeat (headaches, stomach aches). 
  3. They might be concerned about a particular body part (their heart) or a condition in the news or affecting their coworkers (Zika, HIV/AIDS, diabetes)
  4. People are also hesitant to seek mental health care because they are adamant that their problem is the result of physical sickness.

A baseless panic

Anxiety about one's health is the interpretation of harmless physical feelings as hazardous. Healthy bodies produce all kinds of bodily symptoms; they may be unpleasant, painful, unexpected, or otherwise unwelcome, but they are not harmful.

Changes in vision, blood pressure, heart rate, saliva production, breathing depth, balance, and muscle tone are just a few examples of common physical symptoms that frequently cause panic and worry. These are common and safe. But when someone misinterprets them as signs of a serious illness, it causes unneeded stress. This explains why bad results from tests on patients: The physical symptoms are actual, but they are not indications of a disease.

People with health anxiety

People with health anxiety may hold rigid notions of good health, possibly assuming that any discomfort indicates bad health, which might lead to misinterpretation.

They could begin checking their bodies for signs of a virus if they hear a news report about a few cases of dangerous sickness. When you are searching for symptoms, you become aware of tiny feelings that you might not have otherwise. Uncertainty gives opportunities for story-making in the imagination. When you viewed, your body's alarm goes out.

This Arises Scarcely

Unhappiness, heart palpitations, jitters, tingling in the hands and feet, tension in the muscles, dizziness, and a long list of additional symptoms are just a few of the very real physical effects of worry. The signs fuel the fire. There is currently indisputable proof that a severe problem exists. It might make you anxious. How would you know if these symptoms are serious? You visit the doctor. A therapist, at long last.

Health worry persists despite the doctor's promises. You might routinely request medical testing, ask doctors for assurance, and visit the ER or urgent care center if you have health anxiety. You may rely on this assurance to allay any worries you have about your health.

When someone notices a sensation or learns about an ailment in the outside world, they may interpret it as hazardous. This leads to anxiety, which leads to a visit to the doctor for confirmation. The doctor's reassurance eases anxiety and provides temporary respite. The cycle will soon begin anew.

Behavioral Cognitive Therapy

A comprehensive physical assessment is required to rule out any underlying medical conditions before starting treatment for health anxiety. The most effective treatment for all types of anxiety, including health anxiety, is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

CBT focuses on both our actions and cognition or how we act and think. The core idea of CBT is that our beliefs about a situation—like our fear of AIDS—affect how we feel (fearful and anxious) and act (scanning our body, going to the doctor). We often give certain circumstances meaning (lightheadedness means we have brain cancer). Your concern is not caused by the issue itself, but rather by the meaning—whether it is true or not. Additionally, when you are anxious, you give your thoughts a lot of significance, which gives them a lot of power.

CBT seeks to assist you in overcoming phobias by reversing erroneous beliefs and altering negative behaviors. By developing a particular mentality, you can learn to approach stressful situations differently and tolerate worry and uncertainty.

Major anxiety disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder (GAD)

In addition to past trauma like violence, abuse, or bullying, chronic pain conditions, and hereditary factors. It is an imbalance in the brain chemicals serotonin and noradrenaline. These symptoms of anxiety can also be brought on by hereditary factors, past trauma like violence, abuse, or bullying, and chronic pain conditions.

Obsessive-Compulsive disorder (OCD)

A person with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may experience uncomfortable, intrusive thoughts, an intense want to execute a ritual repeatedly, or both. His or her behaviors, such as excessive hand washing or cleaning, the way they or puts things in drawers, or the way they fold their clothes, may be a reflection of this.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

After a period of extreme stress, such as being in a war zone, surviving an assault or terrible accident, or experiencing an occurrence related to a natural disaster, for example, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) might develop.


Phobias are brought on by an excessive and illogical dread of a particular object, setting, or circumstance, such as bees, spiders, heights, the dark, confined places, fire, etc.

Insanely high levels of anxiety 

Insanely high levels of anxiety accompanied by physical symptoms like chest pain, sweating, numbness in the hands and feet, difficulty breathing, etc. are known as panic attacks.

Long-term anxiety can also cause physiological symptoms including dizziness, lightheadedness, and a sensation of approaching doom. However, persistent anxiety might cause serious health problems for your body.

There are seven such effects:

  • Respiratory conditions
  • Disorders of the digestive system
  • System of defense
  • Heart Condition
  • Stress in the Muscles and Chronic Pain

Manage Your Anxiety


The two states of energy, anxiety, and depression, which can be high or low, are linked by a cycle of fear, powerlessness, losing control of daily activities, and frustration or dejection. One can become worried once more if one lives in continual worry of disappointing themselves. Depression is a common outcome of untreated anxiety disorders. However, anxiety can be managed with counseling, love, and support from family and friends, meditation, and many more strategies. If you are worried, talk to your doctor as soon as you can.


Breathe 99 Improved Mask is designed for everyday use

 Breathe 99 Improved Mask is designed for everyday use


The B2 mask, a lightweight, reusable respirator that "filters 99% of common contaminants and also lowers filter waste and expense," is being developed by Breathe 99, according to Max, the company's creator.

What's in the filters we use

B2 Filters are capable of lightweight, reusable respirator as small as 0.1 microns, or 100 nanometers. That is far smaller than the typical sneeze or dust particle. It is made to cover all of the microscopic PM10 and PM2.5 particles. Smaller particles that pass through woven fabrics are captured by the Original B2 Filter's layer of ultra-fine melt-blown polypropylene.

The highest standards were followed in the design

The B2 Mask is intended for regular use at home and at work. It was created in accordance with the standards outlined by NIOSH and the FDA in 42 CFR 84, despite the fact that it is neither currently approved nor a medical device. According to tests, the filter material is >99% effective at filtering out bacteria and viruses (ASTM F2101). The standards established by NIOSH for particle filtration are more stringent than those of this test.

Simple Breathing

To enhance airflow, B2 filters have a high surface area. Compared to the tight standards established by NIOSH for non-powered respirators, they are 40% more breathable.

Attraction of Particles

All B2 Filters have an electrostatically charged non-woven polypropylene layer that draws and captures particles as they pass through.

Entrapment Fitting Particle

A properly sealed mask is an essential component of safety. All air entering and leaving the mouth and nose passes through high-efficiency filters thanks to the facepiece's flexible design, which is subject to patent. More sizes are anticipated to be available.

There are no valves

There are no valves in the B2 Mask, just incredibly effective, breathable filters that function in both directions.

Always cautious.

  • Filter Replacement
  • Simple filter replacement and maintenance will keep you secure and stress-free.
  • We advise the following for someone who only sometimes interacts with the public and is able to maintain their physical distance:
  • Replace Original filters no less than twice every month.
  • At least once every week, replace the Lite filters.
  • If you have more contact with the public, such as while working or caring for someone who has an immunocompromised condition, you should change your filters more frequently. if they get wet while in use, they can be polluted


Using a light soap or detergent, you can hand-wash the facepiece, filter caps, and fabric overlay. Alternatively, using the delicates cycle, you can put them all in a laundry delicates bag and wash your machine with cold water.


The B2 Mask may be folded in half and fastened shut with the overlay straps when not in use. The mask can also be hung in an out-of-the-way location or left on a spotless surface. Avoid keeping items in tightly closed containers since this prevents moisture from evaporating.

The Medical Mask Update

Two Filter On either side

The B2 mask's design is straightforward but attractive. On either side of the facepiece are two filter assemblies made of Protolabs from molded polypropylene (PP) plastic. For simple cleaning, PP offers strong chemical resistance and flexural strength. The B2's facepiece is made by inserting molding them with a flexible thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), which flexes on the user's face to form a better seal.

The disposable filters are held in place by the filter assemblies, which lock them firmly in place and stop air from leaking around the filter. The frame of the mask is bendable and even folding, making it incredibly portable. Similar to previous masks, the stretchy external fabric with straps wraps around the frame and around the wearer's head, pulling the mask back toward the face. However, the flexible inside LSR component assures a snug fit.

Review of B2 Filter Technology

  • Every B2 Mask has two filters that can remove particles as small as 0.1 mm, and their effectiveness is guaranteed to range between 99.6% and 98.3% for light breathing and 99.0% to 94.7% for heavy breathing.
  • The University of Minnesota Department of Mechanical Engineering, manufacturer, carried out industry-standard NaCl particle testing to investigate particle filtration's effectiveness, durability, and breathability.
  • Long-term simulation shows that the filtration effectiveness does not decrease.
  • According to measurements of pressure differentials, the FDA's mandated limits for breathability are not exceeded by B2 Filters.
  • We anticipate that those looking for a high-performance respirator will be able to assess if B2 Mask meets their requirements using the test data.

Contributing  Factors

  • B2 Filters have been demonstrated to offer excellent defense against environmental contaminants with good breathability. The fit and airtight seal of the soft molded facepiece is another element from which the B2 Mask's overall protection benefits.
  • B2 Mask fit testing will continue, and Breathe99 will probably publish another article about it. In order to meet user needs for comfort and protection, Breathe99 will keep obtaining feedback and investigating the various filter materials that are currently available. Nelson Laboratories' NIOSH pre-certification testing is being organized by Breathe99. However, we also continue to concentrate on non-medical use cases where superior security is required.

Breathe 99 designs affordable, reusable B2 mask
Inspired by his experiences dealing with acute air pollution in Southeast Asia, company owner Max sought to build a more efficient, lightweight, reusable respirator. The Breathe99 Mask is designed and produced in the USA. We work with ISO-certified manufacturers and suppliers based in the Midwest to ensure the quality of all of our products. Breathe99 Elastomeric Mask - Pre-Order $59.

The Final Word

These are guidelines only, Please note that no mask can eliminate the breathing in of all particles or the possibility of getting sick. We have previously stated that our Original filters can be used for unlimited wear time but felt that did not adequately account for the pandemic-time risk of contamination or degradation due to humidity.

Nutritional Value of Mushroom Protein Powder

 Nutritional Value of Mushroom  Protein Powder


The modest food called a mushroom grows in damp, gloomy woodlands. They do, however, contain a lot of antioxidants and have therapeutic benefits. The term "mushroom protein powder" describes dried mushrooms that have been finely powdered.

Nutritional Value of Mushroom Powder Protein, water, fibre, and calories are all abundant in mushroom powder. Additionally, they are a good source of calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.

100g of Oyster mushroom powder has:

Energy - 293kcal, Fibre - 9.94g, Protein - 27.2g, Carb - 52.49g, Calcium - 12.4mg,         Potassium - 140mg, Iron - 4.6g, Sodium - 78.6mg

Mushroom Variety

White button mushrooms, which have a mild flavour, crimini (also known as baby Bellas), which have a somewhat richer, earthier flavour, and giant portobellos, which are renowned for their meaty texture, are the most popular types.
Maitake (also known as hen-of-the-woods), shiitake, enoki, morel, porcini, and oyster are some examples of specialty mushrooms. Because they take longer to mature and require more upkeep, they might be more expensive.
Although they can be bought dry or fresh, Chaga, cordyceps, reishi, and turkey tail are some of the varieties that are frequently utilized in powders and other supplements.

Varieties Of Mushrooms Powder

The mushroom powder comes in many different forms and can even be made at home by dehydrating fresh mushrooms. These mushrooms are a handful of the varieties that are utilized to create a powder.

  • Shiitake mushrooms
  • Shiitake mushrooms are affordable, including linoleic acid, all eight essential amino acids, and other fatty acids. These dried mushrooms are popular.
  • Mushroom Chaga
  • Chaga mushrooms have an earthy flavour because of vanillin. Additionally, when ingested, they lessen inflammation and could boost physical endurance.
  • Mushroom called Lion's Mane
  • Lion's mane is a nootropic food because it enhances mental performance. Additionally, research suggests that it could help treat diseases like Alzheimer's and slow down the aging of brain cells.
  • Reishi Mushroom 
  • The Reishi mushroom also referred to as the "Lord of Mushrooms," helps the body handle stress. This fungus has long been valued in Chinese medicine as an adaptogenic herb.

Different Applications for Mushroom Powder:

  • To hot or cold coffee, add 1 tbsp of powder. (Tip: For a greater flavour, add your preferred creamer or sweetener.)
  • Favourite smoothie or beverage for added health benefits.
  • (Use this recipe!) Bake energy balls.
  • To your oatmeal, dips, spreads, soups, salad dressings, and sauces.

To use the sun-exposed dehydrated mushroom powder as a vitamin D source when cooking food items like waffles, breadsticks, and salad dressing. Find The National Library of Medicine's observations.

National Library of Medicine
National center for biotechnology information 

  • While dried after spending 60 minutes in the sun, mushrooms had a 158% higher vitamin D content than when they were still fresh (not exposed to sunlight).
  • All products now contain more protein, ash, fat, and vitamins D2 and D3 thanks to the addition of DMP. Both waffles and breadsticks had less moisture and carbohydrate content.
  • As the amounts of DMP increased, the hardness of both waffles and breadsticks reduced. All products benefited from increased bioactive substances and antioxidant activity as a result of the addition of DMP. Waffles, breadsticks, and salad cream containing DMP did not differ from the control sample in terms of sensory rating.

Fresh Mushroom Consists

  • A kilogram of fresh mushrooms contains roughly 250–350 calories, making mushrooms a low-calorie food.
  • It has low fat (2–6%) and high protein (between 19–35%) and low total carbohydrate (between 50–65%) contents.
  • Aspartic acid, glutamic acid, arginine, and all the essential amino acids, including lysine and tryptophan, are all found in mushrooms, making them a superior alternative to animal products.
  • Numerous vitamins, including vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, and B12, as well as minerals including potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), selenium (Se), and copper (Cu), are present in significant concentrations in it. 

Mushroom Advantages

However, overall, "mushrooms are fantastic suppliers of the minerals potassium and selenium," according to Joan Salge Blake, RDN, a nutrition professor at Boston University. Different types of mushrooms offer varying quantities of nutrients.
Vitamin D can be obtained from several mushrooms, particularly white, baby bella, and portobellos. Similar to how sunshine on skin leads the body to create vitamin D, some producers subject the fungi to UV light, which causes them to produce the vitamin. Look for products with 10 mcg or more per serving—roughly half your daily requirement.

Benefits Of Mushroom Powder For Health

  1. Enhances Cognitive Function: The benefits of mushroom powder for brain health. For example, lion's mane mushroom powder has been demonstrated to mitigate the symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases by slowing down the aging of brain cells.
  2. Strengthens the immune system: Mushroom powder typically contains polysaccharides, which have immunomodulatory properties and may enhance immune system functionality.
  3. Boosts Energy: Shiitake mushroom powder's strong vitamin B concentration promotes adrenal function and helps turn consumed nutrients into useful energy. To boost energy and prevent brain fog, people commonly consume coffee and supplements made from mushroom powder.
  4. Regulates Blood Glucose: It has been shown that medicinal mushrooms raise blood glucose and insulin sensitivity, making them effective in managing diabetes.
  5. Promotes Good Heart Health: Heart health and mushrooms are associated. For example, cordyceps mushroom powder may aid in lowering LDL cholesterol and protecting the heart.


Oral reishi mushroom extract may be used safely for up to a year. Up to 16 weeks can be safely spent using reishi mushroom powder. Reishi mushrooms have been associated with stomach distress, nausea, rash, dry mouth, itching, and other unpleasant symptoms.

The Final Say

Many different foods and beverages can benefit from nutrient-dense mushroom powder. The popularity of spice mushroom powder is also now growing.
But consider how a concentrated form of whole mushrooms can affect your health. Chaga, reishi, cordyceps, porcini, and lion's mane are a few mushroom varieties that can be bought as powder blends or as separate powders.

Coronavirus vs Cold Sensational Comparison

 Coronavirus vs Cold



Cold and Coronavirus infections can be avoided, If we follow those steps, Both of them benefit from the prevention methods, particularly hand washing. When you're in a crowded space, the room should be ventilated. Masks should be worn if windows cannot be opened. Physical distance is maintained


  • Sneezing.
  • A stuffy nose.
  • Cough.
  • Painful throat
  • Headache.
  • Nasal blockage
  • Fever (particularly prevalent in youngsters) (most common in children).
  • Nasal, throat, sinus, and tracheal upper respiratory infection (windpipe).
  • A cold can be brought on by more than 200 different viruses, but rhinoviruses are the main culprits.
  • It is most probably spread where people gather in offices, classrooms, etc.,
  • The common cold has no known treatment, but it usually passes within a week to 10 days.
  • People with colds may not experience fever.

The causes of cold.

Adults typically get two to three colds per year, compared to four or more colds per year for small children.
People can contract colds from one another. Winter months are more prone to bring on a (contagious) cold.
Cooler air decreased nose temperature, making it more difficult to stop the rhinovirus from spreading.
Children are more susceptible to colds than adults because they have not yet been exposed to viruses.


  • wash your hands before any activities
  • After using the restroom, rubbing your nose, or coming into contact with someone contagious, wash your hands.
  • Never touch your face.
  • Your eyes, nose, and mouth can catch cold viruses from your hands.
  • Clear surfaces that are constantly utilized.
  • Doorknobs and other surfaces that humans frequently contact can harbor viruses.
  • If you cannot wash your hands with soap and water, sanitizers can be used.
  • Boost your immune system to make your body more capable of warding off pathogens
  • Do physical activities, and get sufficient sleep and balanced food
  • To prevent spreading the flu to others, stay at home when you are ill.

What distinguishes the flu from a cold?

The influenza virus, which also causes colds, is the source of the flu.
Prone to the flu-related symptoms of fever and chills.
Produces symptoms that are worse than a cold, including bodily aches.
Flu-related complications can be fatal.

What distinguishes a chest cold from a regular cold?

  • A chest cold or acute (short-term) bronchitis irritates the lungs and generates an accumulation of mucus (snot). When a virus spreads from the nose and throat to the lungs, common colds develop into chest colds. Sometimes bacteria lead to Chest colds. 
  • A chest cold or a regular cold both lead to a cough. Chest colds will lead to a wet cough, which means coughing with phlegm. A cough that keeps you up all night may also be present.
  • respiration difficulty.
  • A Sore chest

How are colds identified?

An examination is usually sufficient to determine whether you are congested. Your doctor will examine your physical and look for symptoms like:

  • Swelling in the nasal passages.
  • Clogged nose
  • Angry, red throat.
  • Neck lymph nodes that have swollen.
  • Breathe easily.
  • You might need tests if your doctor thinks you have the flu or another ailment. Your doctor might do a nasal swab test on you, which involves rubbing a cotton swab into your nose to check for the flu virus. Chest X-rays rule out pneumonia or bronchitis.

What distinguishes COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus) from a cold?

  • COVID-19 and colds have some characteristics. Both are brought on by a respiratory virus that circulates from person to person by nasal and oral droplets. It's crucial to keep in mind that they are distinct from one another.
  • A specific sickness known as COVID-19 is brought on by a new (novel) form of coronavirus found in late 2019. Fever is one of the first signs that differentiate COVID-19 from a cold.
  • trembling and chills
  • respiration difficulty.
  • loss of flavor or odor (anosmia).
  • Diarrhea.

The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, a subtype that can cause COVID-19, can be acquired by an individual. The coronaviruses responsible for the majority of human colds come from four reliable sources. However, SARS-CoV-2 creates a distinct sickness.
People infected with COVID-19 will experience multiple symptoms, from minor discomfort to serious sickness. The symptoms may start to show 2 to 14 days after virus contact. Anyone can experience minor to major symptoms.

Potential signs include

  • Cold or fever
  • Cough Shortness of breath or breathing issues
  • Fatigue
  • Body or muscle aches
  • Headache
  • New changes in flavor or odor
  • Unwell throat
  • Runny or congested nose
  • Nausea or diarrhea
  • Diarrhea

All symptoms are not covered in this list. With novel COVID-19 variations, symptoms may alter and differ according to immunity. updating information will be published by the CDC. Older folks and those with existing medical disorders including diabetes, heart disease, or lung illness are more likely to become seriously ill from COVID-19.

Dr. Janet Diaz of the World Health Organization.

Accordingly, Dr. is worried that COVID-19 patients who become seriously ill, end up in the hospital, and receive intensive care could experience what is known as post-intensive care syndrome. This syndrome has been noted in critically ill patients long before COVID. When the doctor mentioned hospitalized patients, she meant those who were extremely ill or severely ill and spent time in intensive care. According to research done on non-COVID patients, post-intensive care syndrome in critically sick patients can last up to six months or even a year following hospitalization. Therefore, that could take a while. We don't have enough data to say how long symptoms may last after an acute sickness for patients who were mild and may have long-lasting symptoms.

Omicron variations,

The coronavirus is always evolving. As a result, new variations are always appearing. Over 500 subvariants of the Omicron are currently in circulation worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). XBB.15 and BF.7 are the newest on the block. To find novel Omicron variations, consider the sore throat and two other COVID symptoms.
During the Omicron wave, the most common symptom reported by most patients was a sore throat (HT PRINT).
Sore throat, runny nose, and blocked nose are the main three Omicron side effects.


Cold and Coronavirus both are contagious, and Coronavirus is more dangerous. Prevention is better than cure. If we follow the formula, Wash our hands, Wear masks and Maintain distance, we can avoid many diseases.

Rice Serum and Its Natural Benefit To Skin And Hair

 Rice Serum and Its Natural Benefit To Skin And Hair.

Rice Serum.

  • Possess the ability to brighten the skin. Even though some of the compounds lighten pigment (no evidence exists for how effective it is.) Your skin is supposed to calm tone, and may even help with various skin disorders. This serum is filled with potent antioxidants and vitamin B. Enhance skin elasticity and collagen synthesis. With continued use, skin becomes clearer, healthier, and brighter.

Describe Rice Serum

               Rice Serum

Rice Serum is something you can manufacture at home quickly and affordably.
Before using the rice, they all call for thorough rinsing.
The water that remains after cooking rice is to support healthier, more lustrous hair.
It was used for the first time around 1,000 years ago in Japan.

Making Rice water Serum

  1. It can be done in a few different ways:
  2. Soaking: 3 to 4 cups of water and 1/2 cup of uncooked rice soaked for 30 minutes.
  3. Rice should be boiled in twice as much water as is typically used for cooking.
  4. then, pour the water into a fresh dish or bottle so you can use it immediately. Refrigerate the remaining food in a clean container.
  5. Use the soaking procedure to create fermented rice water, and then let the rice water sit at room temperature for one to two days before putting it in the fridge.

Rice Serum Ingredients

Niacinamide is anti-acne.
Portulaca oleracea extract and madecassoside, both antioxidants.
Ingredients that help cells communicate: niacinamide and adenosine.
Niacinamide and Tranexamic Acid can brighten the skin.
Ingredients that are skin-like include glycerin, squalane, and sodium hyaluronate.

The outcome of Research on Rice Water from 2001 to 2012:-

  • Found that inositol may reduce wrinkles already present. The researchers calculated that inositol enhanced elasticity by 17% and decreased wrinkle size by 12.4%.
  • Rice water aided in the healing of dermatitis patients' injured skin.
  • Rice water may increase hair elasticity and reduce surface friction.
  • ( The study does, however, rely on past precedents to make unfounded claims.)
  • A Japanese research center has created a method of imaging that shows how inositol strengthens hair in other places. Rice water contains inositol.
  • A study found that foods that are fermented have more antioxidants.
  • Rice wine (fermented rice water) can lessen sun-induced skin damage

Research from 2013 to 2018

  • Laboratory investigation, the Bacillus cereus bacterium, which creates the antibiotics 
  • zwittermicin A and kanosamine are present in day-old rice water. These antibiotics can stop Malassezia furfur from growing, which can lead to dandruff.
  • When coupled with other plant extracts, it worked well as a sunscreen, 
  • Rice serum gel was tested on the skin for 28 days in a small study conducted in 2018 with 12 volunteers. The researchers discovered that rice had comparable antioxidant properties to vitamin C ascorbic acid.
  • Rice water decreased elastase activity, an enzyme linked to skin ageing. This shows that rice water might slow down the development of wrinkles and creases on the skin.

Due to its antioxidant qualities, several studies have found considerable support for the anti-aging advantages of fermented rice water.
Further research will be required to ascertain whether rice water can effectively treat dandruff in typical circumstances.

How to care for your skin using rice water

  1. Someone can Use rice water to cleanse their face.
  2. After cleansing, use rice water as a toner by spritzing it on the face after pouring it into a spray bottle.
  3. Bath with rice water
  4. A foot soak with rice water
  5. Additionally, some people use rice water as a conditioner or hair treatment.

Using Rice Water Serum

You can directly apply rice water to your skin or hair. To play with it, you can add scent or other organic components. If you boiled or fermented it, you should first dilute it with simple water.

The advantages of rice water serum

Collagen production in the skin is increased by rice wine, which helps delay wrinkles.
Additionally, it appears that rice wine has natural sunscreen qualities.
A substance with a reputation for reducing skin rashes brought on by sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), a common ingredient in personal care products.
Fermented rice water should be combined with a small amount of essential oil to create shampoo.
Inositol, a substance found in rice water, can help bleached hair.
It assists in repairing split ends and internally damaged hair.
If you have a stomach virus or food poisoning, drink rice water.

The advantages of Health Improvement

Although rice alleviates diarrhea, it frequently has residues of arsenic.
(A high intake of rice water containing arsenic can increase the risk of developing cancer, vascular disease, hypertension, heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes.)
Rice water can be applied topically to calm the skin, remove blemishes brought on by skin disorders like eczema, and promote healing.
Can aid in treating eye conditions like macular degeneration and help shield the skin from the sun's rays, as seen by Trusted Source's increased UVA/UVB protection.
Use it as a toner by gently rubbing it g over your face and neck.
For a relaxing bath soak, add it to the rice water along with some vitamin E.
Mix some citrus, sea salt, and a little essential oil to create a natural exfoliator.

(There is cause to believe that some of these statements are valid based on what we know about the characteristics of rice water. Hard data are still scarce, though.)

Which component of serum is best?

Look for serums containing humectants, which pull moisture from the air and infuse it into the skin. Examples of humectants include hyaluronic acid, glycerin, betaine, and panthenol. Serums formulated with ceramides, plant-derived lipids, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants like Vitamin E should also be on your radar.

Is it safe white rice serum?

The public is advised not to purchase or use ROREC RICE WHITE SKIN BEAUTY, a cosmetic item that is not permitted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Through postmarketing surveillance, the FDA confirmed that the product has no active Certificate of Product Notification (CPN) as of October 19, 2021. Food and Drug Administration Act of 2009, also known as Book II, Article I, Section 1 (a) of the Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 9711, prohibits the production, importation, exportation, sale, offering for sale, distribution, transfer, non-consumer use, promotion, advertising, and sponsorship of any health product without the required FDA approval.


Currently, rice water is quite well-liked. There is evidence that it helps with some skin issues, such as sun damage and aging naturally, even though not all claims regarding how it can benefit your skin and hair are supported by science. It restores damaged hair as well.
Although drinking a lot of rice water is not advised owing to its potential arsenic level, applying it to your skin and hair may have positive effects. Before starting any skin regimen, consult a doctor first.

Pillow Cubes Are Very Useful For Sleep Seekers.

 Pillow Cubes Are Very Useful For Sleep Seekers.

The pillow cube is particularly helpful for those who sleep on their sides. It is a solid, square block of foam made of ultra-premium, high-tech foam that is breathable, supportive, and marshmallow soft. It is easier for people to sleep on their left or right side. According to medical professionals, the torso and head should be in a straight line

The pillow to fit between the shoulder and the head. The head and shoulder should be flush with one another. No head drooping should occur while positioned on the cushion tube. Your spine is aligned, which increases blood flow.

Pillow Tube's advantage.

  • The head is supported and correctly placed.
  • Avoiding neck and shoulder strain
  • The head will be in a straight line with the body.
  • There is no more shoulder pain or headaches
  • It could lessen snoring ( particularly for people with sleep apnea)
  • Reflux of acid
  • Better for spooning and less likely to cause neck and back pain.
  • Customers sleep better and are more energized.

How can I determine the ideal height for a pillow?

You lay down with a few books and keep it between your head and shoulders. There should be no space between the head and the shoulder. Volumes should be increased or decreased until your head feels level. Order your pillow after counting the height of the books in the stacks.

Pillow tube size.

It is a solid-foam pillow that is 12 by 12 inches in size. It typically comes in two heights, 5 inches or 6 inches.

Children can use pillow cubes.

Pillow cubes are being produced by some businesses specifically for the benefit of kids. It is square or rectangular and enjoys having fun. It is made with kid-friendly features including animal faces and toy shapes. These pillow cubes are popular among kids. Children will feel safe, go to bed early, and refrain from malicious play. The supporting viscoelastic foam core of the pillow cubes promotes deep-side sleep.

Children's pillow cubes are excellent toys during the day and pillows at night. It measures 6 inches tall and 12 inches broad, 24 inches broad, and 3 inches tall when folded. Children can roll up and sleep on them without folding them in the center.

Traditional pillows are created by dumping inexpensive foam into a bag. However, side sleepers require extra support, so we would do whatever to provide it—folding and stacking doesn't work.

Can you use a pillow cube to enable back sleeping?

But because this pillow is only for side sleepers, it is not appropriate for back sleepers. There is no pillowcase available.  The only price increase is by $ 20 for the pillowcase.

Brief about Dosaze pillow.

Dosaze has a unique shape; this pillow has a fantastic contour. It works wonders to keep your neck in position during the night and to correct your neck and back.
Even sleep apnea and snoring are reduced (because your airways won't become obstructed).

Pillow Cube vs. Dosaze Pillow.

Dosaze Pillow design.

It genuinely works for everyone who sleeps, and this pillow's design is perfect for the following reasons:

  1. It maintains your head and neck in alignment and position.
  2. If you alternate between sleeping on your back and your side, you can sleep on the edge of the pillow (which is higher)
  3. If you are a side sleeper and can roll into the middle of the pillow (into the shape); 
  4. If you are a back sleeper. People who typically sleep on their stomachs can fit inside the curve.
  5. Dosaze has certified memory foam that is CertiPUR-US; this certification indicates that the foam and manufacturing underwent extensive testing to guarantee that the foam meets rigid requirements for content, performance, durability, and emissions.
  6. A further advantage of Dosaze is that it helps prevent tension headaches.

Dosaze Pillow Advantages

  • Effectiveness/Functionality in Reducing Neck Pain:
  • Ability to accommodate combination sleepers:
  • Customer support
  • Price: Very expensive.
  • Neck pain alleviation
  • Easing tension headaches and neck stiffness.
  • Keep your head and neck in proper alignment with a contour shape.
  • Both back and side sleepers who use the Dosaze Contoured Orthopedic Pillow have less neck pain; 
  • Suitable for combination sleepers.

Contrast this with the Dosaze pillow from Pillow Cube.

  • Simply said, the pillow cube is inadequate for combo sleepers.
  • If you try to sleep on it on your back, your neck and back will become out of alignment because the pillow has a constant height throughout.
  • This may result in neck aches and a restless night's sleep.
  • Some members of our team frequently get headaches in the morning. We also discovered that the Dosaze cover is much cooler than the Pillow Cube pillow.
  • The Pillow Cube Ice Cube pillow doesn't even specify the ingredients; we know this for sure because it wasn't very cool.
  • The Dosaze cover is comprised of a bamboo blend.
  • Users have yet to mention the Pillow Cube's added benefit.

Customer service 

Even Dosaze goes above and above to ensure that each person who buys a pillow is satisfied. Customers strongly value Dosaze's customer service, as you can see in the site's review:
The cover of the Dosaze Contoured Orthopedic pillow is made primarily of bamboo.

Pillow cube: While it's impossible to please every consumer, the foam might not be as good quality, have a higher VOC ratio and be manufactured with formaldehyde, phthalates, PBDEs, TDCPP, TCEPs, or ozone depleters, among other things. These chemicals may cause your health.

Comparing the two, the Dosaze pillow is not only significantly more ecologically friendly, naturally cooling, and antimicrobial, but it is also far more supportive and comfy (thanks to the properties of bamboo). We adored how cool, naturally antibacterial, and silky the bamboo cover felt against our skin.
After comparing the Dosaze and Pillow Cube pillows, it is evident that Dosaze is superior.


Sleep is crucial to maintaining human existence. The majority of people find it challenging to sleep using outdated conventional pillows. The ideal substitute for those looking to sleep is a pillow cube. These goods can be purchased online.
