Where to walk


Be smart,stay safe and have fun.

DO NOT WALK - On street, Parking lots,Area totally unknown to you,Any area that makes you fee
                               unsecure, uneven,slippery or rock terrain,bad or weather threaten 
                               Before you decided to walk ,consider that the weather may dictate which venue
                               you select for walk or it may be your schedule for the day.


 One of favorite walking venue is Park..Every park with walking path. If you haven't been in the park, do some research on the internet about park facility at your community.


Some neighberhoods are more conducive to take a walk than others. Walk on the place looking newly planted flowers blossoming trees and checking out the decorative small boutique store fronts, sometime sipping brewed coffee.

If  you are going to go grocery shopping or to pickup some office supply etc., find a stripmall with an outdoor walkway from one end to the other preferably with side walk.You can check out some of the sale in the store front windows and then go shoping after you're had a nice long relaxing walk. Make the shopping itself part of your walk-take the longer path around the store as you shop.


When the weather is too cold ,rainy or snowy to walk outside plus there are always new things to check out and great little snack spots to try out when its time for refreshment.

If you are city dwellers then you already kno how many walking options you have in your neighborhood.You can walk  a different route almost everytime. You explore the day and its less known side streets parks and such. If you live in suburbs take public transportation into the city and make it a day or a hafday trip. Explore an art gallery you haven't been to in a while, A city park or museum. You can always rest relax after your invigorating city walk on the way home on the train.


During the warmer weather there are always local festivals carnivals, crafts shows ,art fairs and holiday celebration events to offer some excitement to your walking. Take in some live music. Join in with the holiday celebration with around mingle with the crowd and explore.

Where ever you walk, try to create a friendly atmosphere with others by waving 👋, or saying hi / hello or good day,  to people who you would meet during walking. Keep walking with a smile, which would give a positive vibe for oneself and others. My personal experience, I always prefer walking in a region where I know the local language there by, it is easy to socialize and connect with people rather than walking in areas, where I am not comfortable with the local language like Bangalore or Mumbai. 







When To Walk



 The best  time for walking may depend on each individuals availibility and prefernce


    45 minutes brisk walk in the morning can help you to reduce your appetite during the day and prevent you from adding those unwanted extra money. walking in the morning making sure you get the right y amount of rest each night, clear your mind negative thoughts and improve productivity through out day.There is a lower level of air pollution early in the morning.I prefer walking inthe morning.As we raise during Brahama mugurthem i.e.between 04:30 and 05:30 AM scientifically it is agreed that the mind and sole will be free.Temparature will be less and pollution free admosphere. Prefer a place with lot of vegetation like park are garden,you can enjoy morning dues with full of oxigen.

    Safety is a concern , when days are shorter , it may be too dark to walk.Body temprature is at its lowest making morning a time of naturally lower energy and blood flow . warm up well before doing workout as may be cold stiff muscles.

    LUNCH TIME: It is great time to socialize with walking likeminded partner and take time away from sitting at your desk.Body tempraure is higher during afernoon better calories burning. A brisk walk improves blood flow to the brain so you are sharper in the afternoon. Walk provides stress relief from work. During after noon walking help  regulate the amount of food you feel like eating for lunch and help you avoid break time snaking.

    Lungs function is worse in the afternoon in people with COPD, Changing into exercise cloth  if, lunch break unpredictable, may not full workout. Not every one can enjoy break at lunch time.

    LATE AFTER NOON. Researchers shows lung funtion is best from 04:00 to 05:00 PM may help to reach more intensity.Late afternoon exercise can regulate the amount of food you feel like eating during dinner.For most people body temprature peaks after 07:00pm will  make it difficult to get sleep.You can walk stress relief after a day at work.

    EVENING: Walk in the evening, burn more calories than in the morning, which can aid you with your weight loss goal. According to research ,exercise in the evening can be an effective way to control your blood sugar level. Evening walking can help to curb night snacking,muscles are warm and flexible. Perceived exertion is low. you may be able toworkout  harder or faster.

    Dark time of the year it may NOT be safe to walk outside.

    A full day worth of new crisis and distraction can keep you from getting a consistent workout. You need to allow one to three hours to wind down after intense walking to be able to fall asleep.

Consult physicians prior to decide to walk

Please refer to some of my other blogs about Walking

Walk Correctly

Walk Correctly



           Using the proper technique can avoid balance, and help you walk with more energy.

  • WATCH YOUR POSTURE:Avoid hunching over and keeping your back straight by standing tall your spine.
  • KEEP YOUR HEAD AND EYES UP : looking foward about 10 to 20 feet ahead of you with your chin parallel to the ground.
  • SHOULDER SHOULD BE RELAXED: move your shoulders up,back and down so that they' re relaxed.This will reduce strain.
  • SUCK IN YOUR STOMACH: Core muscles by slightlysucking in your stomach and tightening your ab muscles.This will help maintain your posture andbalance.
  • SWING YOUR ARMS: Swinging your arms can add a boost to your walk by helping your burn more calories. Make sure swing from shoulder and not your elbows. Dont swing across your body or higher than your chest.
  • STEP SMOOTHLY: Your stride should be from heel to toe,not flatfooted or striking with your toes first.Stepping lightly and quietly helps prevent impacting your joint
                                                               WALK CORRECTLY AND ENJOY


 Benefit Of Walking

    This is what happens when you walk 5.30 and 60 minutes. Do you know walking is one of the world's best medicine? It's one of the most overlooked activities extremely beneficial to your health. Today, there are so many means of transportation that have taken the place of walking-they allow us to take fewer steps each day, and that's not good.

    We must walk more overlooked steps that are essential for our overall health and well-being. Look, you should know that the body creates chemical changes the longer you walk once you realize these benefits,you will be inspired to walk more.The good thing is there are whole lot of opportunities for us to walk every single day -you can decide to walk to the grocery store instead of taking the wheels.Right now we're going to explore how walking for 5,30 or even 60 minutes can transform your health and make you feel great, sounds good?let's get to it.

    1 to 5 minutes: Your heart beats will increase 70 to 100 per minute,warms the muscles and boosts blood flow,stiffness reduce,lubricating fluid, body start burning calories,fuel to burn energy

    6 to 10 minutes : Heart beats goes 100 to 200 beats per minute,release of chemicals that expand blood vessels,supply more blood and oxygen to muscles, blood pressure lower in the long run.

    11 to 20 minutes: At this point, temperature increases two hormones epinephrine and glucagon rise of fuel to muscle.

    21 to 45 minutes: Releases more tension and relaxes further, releasing endorphins from the brain

     45 to 60 minutes:Losing unhealthy fat strengthening the immune system, increasing Vit-D

    Try as much as possible to walk more often, your body will feel great at the end of the day.

Improves heart health